From the corner of her eye, Monica could see a familiar face enter the dance studio. It was Cai, what was she doing here?
"Alright, water break, then we'll hit it from the top." The Dance Captain, Celeste, called out as she too took to the side to grab a drink.
Monica took a quick sip of her water before walking over to Cai. "Hey, what're you doing here?"
"Mon! Hey, what are you?" Cai smiled, returning the question back to Monica.
"Dance practice for the Phythons?" Monica answered, confused. "Wasn't that obvious?"
"Yes, right, sorry, I just came out of practice myself. I'm a little bit out of it." Cai chuckled.
"You need to look out for yourself, Cai. You'll tire yourself out too much." Monica approached as she put her hand up against Cai's forhead.
"I'm alright, really." Cai pulled Monica's hand down and held it until Celeste voice came ringing.
"Hey, Probie, hurry up!" Celeste yelled before giving a glare to Monica.
"You should go. It seems like the Captain is in a mood." Cai pushed Monica to go.
"How do you know Celeste's the Captain?" Monica asked but was pushed into the dance space before she was given an answer.
The dance crew ran the whole thing almost 27 times because apparently Monica kept screwing up. Their feet aching from all the stomps the routine had. The flips and stunts, the Captain kept adding, and their bones wanting to rest from dancing. By the end of it, they had run it 30 times with just 3 runs being satisfactory for the Captain.
Celeste dismissed everyone and told them they did great, but the glare directed at Monica seemed to say otherwise. Everyone else cleared the dance space rather quickly, but Monica wasn't gonna let the Captain push her like that.
"Hey, Captain, a quick word?" Monica approached as Celeste was grabbing her things.
"What now, probie?" Celeste's voice was hoarse but still filled with venom.
Monica took a deep breath before speaking. "Do you have a problem with me? Cause you kept pinning the mistake on me even when I was doing the move, correct?"
"You don't get to say you're right until I say you're right." Celeste pushed. "And yes, I do have a problem with you. I don't appreciate nor like the fact that you were making googly eyes at my girlfriend."
Monica stepped back in confusion. "What? When did I? I didn't even know you had a partner."
Just then, Cai stepped in and saw the commotion between the two. She pulled Celeste away, checking her for injuries and calming her down before turning to Monica doing the same.
"Okay, what have you two been doing in here for the past 30 mins? I have been waiting outside and I want to go home." Cai pointed out, her smile far from her face as she looked annoyed.
"Love, I'll deal with this, please, then we can go home, alright?" Celeste's voice lowered, knowing that Cai hated when people yelled.
"Love?" Monica asked before turning to Celeste. "You're girlfriend is Cai?" Then back to Cai. "You told me you weren't looking for a relationship."
"I wasn't looking because I'm already in one." Cai explained as she stood against Celeste. The girl then wrapped her arm around her lover.
"So Celeste has been pushing me around because I had a crush on you?" Monica asked, but her question wasn't answered.
"You've been pushing my friend around?" Cai turned to her girlfriend.
Celeste knew any explanation from her would just further anger Cai, and she didn't want her love angry. So she just nodded in confirmation before turning to Monica.
"I'm sorry about today, Monica." Celeste started. "I get jealous a lot when it comes to the girls the surround my Cai. She's all I want, and I still wonder why she chose me, I just don't want to lose her."
"I kinda understand what you mean, Cai is a catch." Monica answered.
"Thank you for that, Mon," Cai smiled before turning back to Celeste. "But just because you're jealous, my love, doesn't mean you get to push around your crew, that abuse of power, and I know how hard you have worked for that position."
"I know, I'm sorry." Celeste's apology was directed at both girls, then she turned to Monica. "How can I make it up to you?"
"How about you tell me how you were able to pull Cai at lunch tomorrow? I can tell Cai just wants to go home tonight." Monica suggested holding her hand out.
"That I can agree too." Celeste agreed, shaking Monica's hand.
"Alright, let's go home already." Cai faintly smiled, her tiredness finally getting to her.
"Alright, alright, but I'm driving." Celeste stole the keys from Cai's hand.
"Good enough for me, Captain." Cai kissed Celeste cheek before leaning in to rest on her shoulder.
Monica was able to get a quick picture of the couple excited to tell their friends about the secret relationship Cai had hidden from them. It was a rough day, but at least she'll get a full story tomorrow.
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