Because of Those Brothers
This is a BNHA Traitor Todoroki Au. It features some Kirikamideku. It's angst. I write a lot of angst. Have fun! - CiCi
1168 Words
"I'm sorry."
"I love you."
And then he ran off.
Straight into the flames.
Leaving us outside.
We'd never be able to hear that sweet voice again.
That building was about to collapse.
And we were held back.
By the stupid brothers.
They'd set it on fire. Planned to destroy it. Apparently, they didn't think the heroes would show up. After all, they'd said Todoroki was there, so why would we come?
Of course, we would come. Because Izuku was worried. So, we went there. And now we'd never get to see him again.
Because of those stupid brothers.
Electricity flowed all around. I looked at Eijirou. He'd activated his quirk. That was good. I'd take out the brothers before he'd fall.
And they did. First was Todoroki, who was holding me. It made sense, as he was the closest. And then was Dabi. I quickly shut off the electricity. Before Eijirou fell, and before I went dumb.
Todoroki had been the traitor. All along. Now that you think about it, it makes sense. It just hurt. He was one of Izuku's closest friends. To see him, of all people, betray everyone? And only we knew about it? It hurt.
I rushed towards the building. I was maybe two feet away from the entrance when a large creak could be heard.
Before I could register what was happening, I was tackled to the ground. A large pile of rubble was now laying where I had been standing a few seconds ago. I stared at Eijirou.
We both knew what had to happen.
I ran towards the nearest window. It had melted away, so there wasn't much problem going through. Eijirou stayed outside. Someone had to live and tell the tale, right? Otherwise, they'd never know the truth. They'd trust Todoroki. They'd trust the traitor.
Looking around the first room, it appeared to have been some kind of reception area.
This was a hero agency.
Not that anyone was there.
If someone was there, Izuku would've carried them out. But that hadn't happened. So, there couldn't be anyone here.
I trembled. Imagining what he could be doing. What might've happened. The people he might be trying to save. The rubble that might've fallen on him. The villains he could've fought. The...
I need to stop. Focus, Denki. He's just up these stairs, alright? He's fine. He's probably just pulling somebody out of some rubble. That's what he does. He's a hero, after all. And that's what us heroes do. Even if we're still in high school.
I rounded the corner right next to the top of the stairs. The ceiling had caved in, blocking the hallway. But I thought I'd try anyway.
I tried to move aside some of the smaller pieces of the roof. But they wouldn't budge. I tried putting more force behind it. The concrete moved maybe an inch. If only I had a strength quirk... like Izuku.
If I couldn't move it, maybe I could squeeze through one of the gaps?
No, definitely not. I can't even fit my head through any of them. I sighed. What if I just called out to him?
No response.
Go figure.
I crouched down. Maybe I could peek through one of the gaps? I looked around. I couldn't see much through the hole in the concrete, but I did catch a glimpse of something... pooling. Pooling crimson red. And... something pink?
Quickly switching to another peephole, I examined the area more. My hand flew up to my mouth. That's... no. No! When did she get here? Ashido?!
Ashido was laid out, covered in severe burns, and a few stab wounds, in a puddle of deep red blood. There was no way she was alive.
Why was she here? Whose agency was this? Had she been interning here? Or had she also showed up because it was on fire? Whatever it was, that didn't matter anymore. Because she was gone.
I noticed the tears streaming down my face. I wonder how long those had been there. I wanted so badly to just curl into a ball and cry. Or cuddle with Izuku and Eijirou. But I knew I had to stay strong. I needed to find Izuku. Before the building collapsed. I needed to at least get out.
I started to turn around. I hadn't realized there was another hallway behind me. That one wasn't blocked. I rushed over there. Could Izuku be in the room on this side?
I looked around the room.
Nothing at all.
Just rubble.
Was that... under the rubble... no. Please, say it isn't!
I rushed over to the pile. A small riped piece of green fabric poked out from underneath. I grabbed it. It didn't seem to catch on anything. So... could Izuku have just been standing nearby and part of his hood got ripped off? That must've happened. There was no way he was... underneath, right?
I turned around. Right on time to be met with dust flying in my face. The roof had just fallen, blocking off the rest of the room, and the hallway back to the stairs. I could hear the building moving around. The flames were starting to register again. I knew I needed to get out, and quick.
I whipped around, rushing to the window.
He turned towards me. He seemed to know what I was about to do. So, he got ready. And I leaped. I closed my eyes. This might hurt.
I blinked. Eijirou had caught me. Thank goodness for him. The building finally caved in, all the way.
"Did... did you find him?"
"It's going to be okay, Denki. We'll be okay."
"O-okay, Eijirou."
It had been two days. Two days. They still hadn't told us anything. It was the weekend. We had been at an apartment, for protection, they told us. They hadn't said how long we'd be here. We assumed it was until school started again. It was Sunday evening. We expected them to come to ask us questions about what had happened again. But they didn't show up.
Not until Monday morning.
"I'm sorry..."
"...what? Did you find him?"
"Yes. And I'm afraid that... Midoriya Izuku is dead."
"No... no no no... "
"Why him? Why did it have to be him? Why did he have to be such a good person and run in there?"
Eijirou and I hugged each other, bawling. Neither of us knew what to do. We had only gotten through the past two days by holding onto the hope he was still alive. But...
We'd never get to see him again. Never get to hear his sweet voice. See his freckles. Mess with his hair. See him blush. Cuddle with him. Hear his sweet laugh. Listen to his rambles. Look at him blush. Flirt with him. Protect him.
We'd failed.
I failed.
I couldn't stop him.
Because of those brothers.
I'm sorry, Izuku.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
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