Sarah was sitting on her bed watching YouTube videos. Her favorite You tuber Jacob reacts just posted a q and a. One of the questions asked which you tuber inspired him the most. Sarah leaned in not wanting to miss this when suddenly he said her name. Sarah's jaw dropped he watched her videos. She had to comment something but what could she say. She thought about this for a while and then she clicks on the comments and writes
I love being an inspiration x.
She clicks comment and smiles as the likes start to come in. Her phone buzzes its a text from her friend Sunny are you coming to Vid-con ? Sarah starred at the text. Was she going to Vid-con this year? She honestly didn't think about this. She contemplated what to say but she chooses to say Yes. Sarah had to admit Sunny had the most interesting content on YouTube she made cheese centered videos. Cheese hauls, cheese drawings, eating only cheese for a week and top 10 cheeses ranked. Out of all of Sarah's friends Sunny had the most followers apparently thirty two million people loved cheese. Sarah's phone buzzed again it was another text from sunny okay cool the whole gang is gonna be their this year. The whole gang being Laura also known as Laura-spills-tea nine million people tune in to hear her comment on drama. Annabel and Sam also also referred to as Annabel and Sam review books. They had about ten million subscribers. Simon and Alex also had a joint gaming channel called epic gamer bros . Even with that cringy name they still managed to get five million subscribers. Then there was Sarah she was also a a gaming channel with about eleven million subscribers. Honestly the fame was kind of overwhelming. She looked up at her computer again and her heart sped up Jacob had replied to her comment with a heart emoji. She felt like she was gonna explode.
This went on for a while Sarah and Jacob would comment on each others videos and the fans started noticing apparently everyone shipped them now including her friends. Jacob and Sarah had quickly became online friends and he was in town and he wanted to meet her today. Sarah was freaking out she had to leave in an hour and she had nothing to wear. She looked at her closet again and pulled out a simple black t-shirt to basic she thought as she threw the shirt on her bed. She looked back at her closet maybe she should wear a dress. Nah that wasn't her, then she saw it just a simple tie-dye sweatshirt. "This could work " Sarah said out loud while she pulled the sweatshirt out of her closet. After changing and watching You tube for about fifteen minutes Sarah decided it was time to drive to the coffee shop Jacob wanted to meet her in. She walked outside and instantly regretted wearing a sweatshirt the hot L.A air made her feel like moving to Antarctica and living in an igloo. She basically ran up to her car and turned on the air conditioner.
Sarah didn't know what to expect when she walked into the coffee shop. She felt so freaking nervous. She looked around trying to spot him and there he was. He was even more gorgeous in person. He was really tall, tan and he had the most gorgeous blue eyes which on other people she never liked but on him they were gorgeous. They looked amazing with his brown hair. Sarah then realized she was just standing there starring at him. He was starring back at her but that was still awkward. Sarah walked over to him and eventually reached his table.
"Hey" he said and offered her a big smile.
"Hi" Sarah instantly said and smiled back at him.
"You look really nice" he said looking at her with his round blue eyes. His eyes were even better up close.
"Thank you" Sarah said.
"So are you going to vid-con this year I heard your friends are gonna be their" Jacob said.
"Yeah i'm definitely going" Sarah said and Jacob smiled at her.
"We can meet up then" he said and he looked so hopeful.
"For sure, maybe we can collab" Sarah said. Jacobs face instantly lit up.
"I would love that i'm a huge fan of your videos" he said and Sarah thought that at that moment Jacob sounded just like one of the fans in her comments. She smiled at him. Jacob started talking about something but, Sarah couldn't focus on it because all she could think about were his eyes. They were the most gorgeous pair of eyes ever.
"You have really pretty eyes" Sarah suddenly said cutting of Jacob. She instantly realized what she said and her eyes widened in shock. What had she done. Oh my god he is going to think i'm some sort of weird girl who's in love with him.
"Thank you" he said and he seemed kinda shy about it. "I've never liked my eyes I always thought they looked weird with my skin tone and my hair color" he said really quietly.
"But they work really well with your skin tone and your hair color really tho it's true" Sarah said and Jacob beamed at her.
"I heard you were friends with Sunny, I'm a HUGE fan of her content " Jacob says. At that moment he looked just like Laura when she fan girls over Harry styles.
"Like I watched her 'eating cheese' for a week video like a hundred times it was so good I don't know how she does it" Jacob says.
"Wow your like a full on fan boy" Sarah says while tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"Yup I really am I've been a huge fan of you and your friends" He said and then looked down at his shoes in a whisper he added "I have always wanted to be part of your little group". Sarah looked up at him so fast her neck almost broke.
"You can hang out with us at vid con this year were all gonna be there and they all and, my friends already love you." Jacob interrupted Sarah.
"Wait really"
"yeah" Sarah said and Jacob smiled at her. It was one of those big smiles that lit up his entire face. Sarah could get used to that smile.
Jacob and Sarah would comment on each others videos and meet up in tiny coffee shops.This has been going on for 6 months and the fans started noticing and now they were being shipped excessively. Today was vid con and Sarah was exited. Not only would she get to hang out with her friends but, Jacob had also planned a surprise for her. Someone knocked on Sarah's door she opened it and saw Laura on the other side.
"Hey" she said and hugged Sarah.
"Are you ready to go?" Laura asked while running her hands through her long hair.
"yeah" Sarah said as she rushed over to put on her shoes. After sliding on her vans she walked out with Laura. The hot L.A sun hit her like a ton of bricks. It was a big difference from her hometown in Alaska. Laura led her to a van.
"Hop in we have candy" Laura joked as she sat in the passenger seat.
Sarah opened the door to the van and walked in the cold air conditioned air made her feel instantly better.
"Hey" Sam, Sunny, and Annabel said at the same time. Annabel was in the drivers seat while Laura was right next to her in the passenger seat seat probably listening to one direction music. Sam was asleep in the very back seat her legs were stretched out so no one else could sit there. Sunny was sitting in one of the seats in the middle of the jeep. Sarah sat on the seat right next hers.
"Where are the boys?" Sarah asked.
"There driving in there own car" Annabel responded. Sunny pulled out some cheese from her bag and started eating. Sarah and the girls spent the entire time to vid con talking about random stuff while Sam slept peacefully in the back seat. They finally arrived at the Hilton lobby.
After meeting up with the boys they all decided to go out for dinner. Where Sam and Alex made a very surprising announcement. They were getting engaged. Laura let out the loudest scream in human history that got them kicked out and now they were all walking back to there rooms.
"Hey Alex can I talk to you for a second" Sunny said.
"yeah of course" Alex says and lets go of Sam's hand to follow sunny.
"If you hurt my sister I will drown you in a pool of cheese" Sunny said very seriously. Alex nodded.
"I'm not kidding" Sunny warned "It would also make a great YouTube video 'Drowning my sisters ex in cheese (not click bait)' "
"Yes ma'am" Alex said knowing that Sunny was definitely crazy enough to do this.
Sarah was walking to her hotel room alone her friends were already at theirs and her room was further away. Then she saw him. Jacob was walking ahead of her. Sarah sped up towards him and screamed "BOO". Jacob screamed at the top of his lungs. Security glared at them but there all access featured creators passes protected them from being dropped kicked by security. Jacob smiled at her.
"Hey" he said.
"Hi" she replied.
"You look really nice" Jacob said and Sarah blushed so hard she felt like her cheeks were on fire.
"Thank you" She said shyly.
"Hey ummm do you wanna maybe go out with me" Jacob asked very shyly while looking at his feet . Sarah was about to emotionally combust. Her feelings were overwhelming. 'OMG SARAH SAY SOMETHING' she thought to her self. His cheeks were so red.
"y-yeah of course" Sarah stuttered.
"You don't have to" Jacob said shyly.
"No" She quickly said.
"I want to, I really want to" she said and he smiled one of his rare wide smiles.
"great" he said.
AN: I haven't been on watt pad in a while but i'm a lot more passionate about writing now so keep your eye out for more stories. Tho it may take some time cause schools starting again.
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