The dates
The second date Jacob and Sarah went on was in the library. Hiding in the corner of the forbidden section eating chocolate and doing history of magic homework.
"Oh my God why does this class exist" Sarah says slapping herself with her text book. "Like who makes kids write five scrolls of parchment about the Goblin rebellion of the eighteenth century" Sarah whisper yells while popping some chocolate into her mouth. Then going back to her paper which only had two sentences on it. There's absaloutly no way she can focus on this.
"At least you've written some words down I just wrote the title and my name" Jacob announces and Sarah looks over at his paper and laughs.
"You didn't even spell Goblin right" She exclaims throwing her head back laughing like a little kid and Jacob's cheeks turn red as he quickly erases the word 'Bobgin'.
"I wasn't paying attention" he mutters still rubbing the word off and Sarah's now clutching her stomach saying bobgin under her breath and then laughing again. "It's not that funny" Jacob snaps at her his cheeks now as red as a tomato.
"Yes it really is" Sarah says giggling a little. "I'm gonna put this away and ask Sunny for help on it later" Sarah states while she folds the paper and puts it in her backpack. She takes out her half finished arithmacy homework and works on that.
Jacob looks over at her and groans "Ugh I just finished that last night I swear I hate arithmancy so much" Jacob complains. Sarah knows this because he's heard him complain about it in class at least ten times a day. Despite his clear hatred of the subject Jacob somehow manages to get an outstanding on all of his work. She watches Jacob set aside his history of magic homework and pull out his defense against the dark arts essay for why defensive magic is important and which spells are the most useful. Sarah watches the way he starts writing and the way his eyelashes flicker when he's looking down. During that moment Sarah realizes why so many girls were after him. He was honestly so gorgeous it was insane.
Jacob notices her staring and turns to look at her "Is something wrong" he asks her a confused expression on his face.
Sarah shakes her head immediately panicking "No I was just looking at your paper, You write really fast" Sarah lies and then grabs another piece of chocolate and pops it on her mouth to avoid further questions. Hoping that Jacob doesn't notice how red her cheeks are.
"Oh thank you" Jacob says smiling at her.
That's when Sarah notices the time "Crap it's almost 4pm, I got to go to Quiditch practice" she yells shoving her homework in her backpack and muttering " I'm so sorry, I lost track of time and-"
"Hey it's okay" Jacob says "Trust me I get it" he says with a smile.
"I know but like I still feel bad" Sarah says whining a little.
"It's okay trust me, anyway do you wanna meet up tomorrow for dinner" Sarah was just about to ask how they'll eat in the great hall without anyone finding out when Jacob says "Don't eat that much during dinner time I'm gonna sneak you somewhere else after".
"Well then i'd love to" she tells him with a smile and Jacob leans down to hug her. She wraps her arms around him allowing him to hold her. Then Sarah says goodbye to him and runs off towards the field. Where she meets up with her fellow teammates.
"Sorry i'm a little late got caught up with some homework" she says to them and they nod in understanding. "Now people let's start of with a lap around the field" she and hears a bunch of groans from her teammates. "Hey do you wanna beat slytherin or not" she asks and a chorus of 'yes' and 'yeah of course" comes back. "Then we have to practice people let's go" she shouts and they all run off.
When Sarah finally comes back home she's exhausted and after taking a shower she crashes on her bed and immediately falls asleep completely forgetting about her homework. When she woke up the next day Sarah felt the pain in her body from the practice but all this would be worth it when she won. After Sarah suffers through all her classes it's finally time for dinner. She's sitting down at the table with her friends while also trying to sneak looks at Jacob. He's laughing at something with his friends.
"Guys have you heard that Jacob has a secret girlfriend" Laura says in an exited manner. Sarah starts pancaking immediately again.
"D-does anyone know who it is" Sarah asks trying and failing to keep the panic out of her voice. Sunny notices and gives her a questioning look. Sarah ignores this and takes a sip of water to distract herself.
"Nope we've got no idea" Laura says to them.
"Poor girl from what Sarah's said about him she must be miserable" Annabel says.
"Yeah" Sam says agreeing with her.
"I talked to him a couple of times and thought he was nice but the way he's so mean to Sarah is awful" Laura says and Sunny agrees with her saying "Yeah I thought he was okay when I had to work with him on our potions project but he's so rude to Sarah". They all turn to her expecting her to tell another story about how awful he is but Sarah stays silent.
"Guys did your see the amount of history homework we got" Sarah says changing the subject. She sees her friends exchange looks but don't comment on it.
"I know right like who gives out that much" Sam says and sunny agrees while peeling string cheese and eating it.
"Yuuuup I won't be able to hang out after dinner today cause I got to complete it" Sarah tells them and they seem sad but understand. A part of Sarah feels extremely guilty for lying to her friends but she tries not to think about that and focuses on the new conversation about how old Professor McGonagall might be. Finally after what seems like ages the great hall finally clears put until there's just Jacob and Sarah left.
She immediately ran up to him "Hey" she said at the same time he said "hi" they both giggled.
"You're going to love what I have planned" Jacob tells her with a little blush on his face. "Follow me" he says to her and leads her down the hallway until they reached the room of requirements. "Have you ever been here before" Jacob asks her. Sarah immediately thinks back to her 3rd year where Laura decided to throw a slumber party in there so they would have more space to scream and be stupid.
"Yeah i've been here before" she says smiling. He looks down at her his blue eyes sparkling as he opens the door. Sarah's eyes widen the room has shifted into a fancy restaurant.
"After you" Jacob announces and he dramatically bows causing Sarah to laugh. Sarah admired how much the room looked like an actual restaurant as she walks towards the table. Jacob pulls the chair for her and Sarah smile
"Thank you" she says sitting down on the chair. Jacob sits on the other side of the table.
"Okay so you just say what you wanna eat and it pops up watch this, ahem cheeseburger" he says and suddenly a cheeseburger shows up on his plate. Jacob smiles the biggest one she's seen from him yet he's obviously impressed by this and Sarah is to.
'WOAH" She screams in genuine astonishment and quickly looks at her plate to say "Chocolate" and sure enough a chocolate bar pops up on her plate.
"It's still so weird get using to this" Sarah tells Jacob.
"Getting used to us" Jacob asks tilting his head in confusion.
"No getting used to magic I'm muggle born by the way" Sarah says to him. Jacob's eyebrows shoot up.
"Really" he exclaims "Huh I would've never guessed" he says. Sarah's eyes narrow what was that supposed to mean. Jacob seems to notice her anger because he quickly says "It was only because of how much you knew about Quiditch I would never discriminate against being muggle born" he says. Then takes a bite of his burger and Sarah notices the way his hands shake.
"I know you wouldn't" she tells him and watches him smile. The rest of the night was a blur of laughing and summoning a bunch of food to see how much they could eat. Jacob asked her to go to Hogsmade with him on Sunday and she said yes butterflies flying in her stomach.
"Do you want me to walk you to your dorms" Jacob asks Sarah and she blushes due to how cute that is.
"I would honestly love that but someone might see" she says and Jacob nods understanding and pulls her into a hug. She returns it her head pressed against his chest and listening to how fast his heart beat is.
"Thank you for this it was so much fun" Sarah says to Jacob and he flushes. Sarah went to her dorms that night blushing and when Sunny asks her why she's so red she lies and said she went on a run for quiditch practice.
Friday and Saturday went by rather fast by doing homework, training, and hanging out with her friends. She was in the common room with her friends on Sunday. She was finishing up her stupid history homework that just won't end. She looks up at the clock and notices that it's almost time to leave. A smile creeps across her face.
"Guy's I'm gonna have to go now" Sarah tells her friends. Sarah's friends all exchange weird looks and she starts to panic a little.
"Ummmm Sarah you've been leaving a lot lately" Annabel says to her.
"Yeah I've been practicing for the big game" Sarah says trying not to show how scared she is.
"Yeah we know but there is such a thing as over-training" Sam tells her sounding very concerned.
"Yeah you keep running off during very odd hours for training that aren't normal practice times" Laura says to her.
"It's genuinely okay guys trust me guys, I know my limits" Sarah explains to them.
"We just don't want you to hurt yourself" Sunny says to her. "Just please be really careful".
"I will trust me thank you guys for this but I know what I'm doing" Sarah tries telling them feeling extremely guilty for all the lies. She puts her jacket on and waves goodbye to her friends and they wave back still seeming concerned. She runs out of the common room and slams straight into a wall.
"Oh I'm sorry" the wall says to her holding her in place by wrapping his arms around her. Sarah looks up to see that the wall was infract one of her class mates and Jacob's friend Alex.
"Oh it's good that was my fault for for running to fast" she says with a laugh.
Alex just laughs with her "It's okay I'll see you on the field" he says and pats her shoulder before he walks towards the hufflepuff common room and if Sarah hadn't been so wonder struck about meeting Jacob she would've taken a moment to think about why he was walking there.
"Hey" Jacob says from the hallway and Sarah looks at him and smiles.
"Hi" she says back blushing a little. He walks towards her and tells her to follow him towards the exist. Sarah notices how stiff he is and is just about to say something when Jacob says "I didn't know you and Alex were friends"
Sarah's eyes widen "Oh we're not, I was just talking to him" Sarah quickly tells him looking up at his expression.
"Right that's why you were in his arms-"
"That was an accident I ran into him" Sarah says cutting Jacob off.
"Oh, okay" he says smiling for the first time "I just I really like you and I like I wanna know if there's someone else" Jacob asks her his voice anxious.
"There isn't... there never was" Sarah says to him and sees his cheeks redden a little.
"We're here" Jacob says to her and Sarah notices that they've walked towards the back entrance of The three broomsticks. Jacob intertwines her hand with Sarah's and her stomach fills with butterflies. She immediately starts freaking out about it. Jacob knocks on the door and a boy with black hair and circular glasses opens the door.
"Hey Simon" Jacob says to the boy.
"Remember the table I asked you to save in the back" he asks Simon and he nods. "Yeah I've got you covered" Simon tells him and opens the door to let them in. Sarah sees a little table at the back and her and Jacob walk up to it. He let's go of her hand to sit down at the table and Sarah frowns missing the feeling of his fingers.
"So what are you going to order" Jacob asks her.
"A butter beer and a grilled cheese sandwich" Sarah tells him.
"Oh my God no way that's my usual order" Jacob says grinning widely.
"It's just so goooood like the cheese melting in your mouth" she says.
Jacob and Sarah continue talking about basically everything that night. She's never felt more connected to him before then she does now. The food was gobbled up in five minutes and the rest of the night was just spent talking. Until it was finally time to leave. Jacob walks Sarah to the dining room.
"I can't wait to beat you on Tuesday" Jacob says with a smile and he bends down to kiss her forehead. That's when Sarah starts freaking out about both of these things how the heck is she gonna make it to tuesday.
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