the candy cane incident
A.N: hey turn's out not all of you are invisible you guys wanted a "sequel" if you could call it that but I delivered any way so without further a do let's get to the story. Remember to vote and comment bye ilygsm-Laura
I waited outside of Sarah's locker with the letter in my hand. What if she doesn't see it? What if she doesn't like me back? What if this isn't her locker?
I stand there with my letter until I hear the bell ring. Wait did I really just skip class. I see Sarah come out of her Classroom and I quickly shove the letter inside the locker and run away as fast as I can. Bad idea because before you know it is slam straight into Laura.
"Dude what the heck" She says looking at me. "Sorry I wasn't watching were I was going" I apologize. "It's fine" She says and starts to walk away but then she turns around "Hey Jacob don't forget to meet at the computer lab today after school we've got some grades to hack and some cash to earn" She says and I start laughing classic Laura. She then turns around and starts walking over to Sarah and I make my way over to 5th period. I sit in math class and it's so boring all I can think about is Sarah and the letter. Suddenly I get a text from Laura.
Laura and Jacob texting thread
Laura (Laura is saved in his phone as queen
Queen 😈: OH MY GOSH
ME:What ?
QUEEN 😈: I read the letter
Me: you don't know I wrote that
Queen 😈: I see the way you look at her. Dude you all ways blush when she looks at you and you know frankly I think she likes you to
Me: really?
Queen 😈: yeah. Wait you know what I'll bring her to the computer lab and hack the footage. Then I'll pretend to be shocked. And after that you can be a couple like louis tomlinson and harry styles
Me: you really had to bring up louis tomlinson and harry styles
Queen 😈: UM YES
Me: Okay but do you think that this will actually work ?
Queen 😈: yep
"I'll take that mr.Marley" Ms.Calder my math teacher says as she snatches my phone. "You can get this back at the end of class she says" and puts my phone inside her desk she's such a "Brrrrrring " Ms.calders phone goes of. OH SO SHE CAN HAVE HER PHONE AND I CAN'T ! That's not fair, Ms.Calder starts talking about math and really I don't care like when are we ever going to need to find the area of a freaking trapezoid. My eyelids start drooping and I let out a yawn. I really should have gown to sleep earlier I think before my eyes completely shut and I drift off to a peaceful sleep.
"WAKE UP" Ms.Calder yells and I instantly sit up. "What wha what happened" I say tiredly as a yawn escapes my mouth. "WHAT HAPPENED IS THAT YOU FELL ASLEEP IN MY CLASROOM " She Screams I'm my face. I Really hate her so I instantly do something that I will probably regret "Your breath stinks" I say and everyone starts laughing Ms:Calder look's offended and mad.
"DETENTION" She screams just as the bell rings. She gives me my phone and say's "Hope you've learned your lesson" "I have Elanor" I say using her first name and then running out of the room and bumping into Laura once again.
"Bro you need to stop bumping into me like this" She says while laughing "Hey you wanna come hang out at my house Sarah's gonna be there" She says. "Oh I wish I could but I've got detention" I say and she starts laughing. "What for" She asks "sleeping in class and texting you" I say and she laughs. "Hey look at the bright side you can just go straight to the coding room after detention" She says. "You do have a point" I say
Flash forward to detention
I made my way to room 317 better known as the detention room it's my third time there and it's only Wednestday it's not like I'm a 'bad boy' I'm super nice I just don't like feeling like 'prey'. All the teachers probably hate me because I talk back to them and then get good grades.
I walk in to the detention room and NO WAY "kyle" I say "Hey Jacob" Kyle responds. "What are you doing here?" I ask "Well apparently hitting someone annoying with a paper airplane 50 times land's you in detention" Kyle says and I start laughing like crazy "Oi ya kids be quiet" Mr.Leggins the teacher says before going back to sleep on his arm chair.
5 minutes later
Me and kyle start getting really bored when Mr.Leggins wakes up "Allright you kids I'm going to head out I'll be back in thirty minutes don't leave and don't talk" He says and walks out. Me and Kyle look at each other and burst out laughing. "So what are we going to do" Kyle asks "I don't know" I say but then an idea pops in my head "Hey kyle help me bring all these desks together" He looks at me with a questioning look but helps anyway.
After about three minutes we have lined up the desk so it looks like a mini stage or in our case a mini dance floor."Wait what is this for?" He asks you'll find out I say "Come on let's go to the coding room. Mr.Leggins is probably sleeping somewhere" I say as I drag him out of room 317 and into the coding room. "Hey Sam,Sunny, Annabeth" I say "What do you want" says sam "hey" Sunny replies "sup" Annabeth says. Then she looks down at her phone and walks out. "I'm getting to work" Kyle says and starts working on his computer.
A few moments later Laura comes in with Sarah "WOAH" She says. Then kyle starts saying stuff and but all I can focus on is Sarah.
Flash forward
Everyone leaves and it's just me and Sarah. "Okay I don't know hot to say this but I um ah I have all ways had a crush on tour and I gosh this is so stupid you probably don't like me." But I didn't get to finish because before I knew it her lips were on mine and we were kissing.
A.N: Oh yeah I'm so proud of myself for finishing this chapter. There are a few points I would like to make clear
1.The main character are 16 except for the twins there a year older 17.
2. For every school story room 317 is going to be a detention room because why not. (There's going to be a lot of crazy things that are going to happen in there so prepare yourself mentally).
3.The one shots will not be related to each other unless there's sequal.the One shots are only going to have the same characters and one special thing that the one shots with the same 'place' they have. For instance every highschool one shot will have room 317. And every Harry Potter one shot will have Bob's butterbear (spoiler)
4.What they do in the computer lab is hacking people's grades to make them better so they can get money.
5.Skye and Jacob set up those desks as a prank because they wanted to do something rebellious.
A.N:Thanks for reading remember to vote and comment bye ilygsm-Laura
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