The agent p.3
AN: Yay another chapter
The room went completely silent as people started to look at each other. Alex, Aria, Laura, Jacob and Simon were criminals, while Sarah, Sam, Sunny and Annabelle where FBI agents. Annabelle was their boss. No one knew what to do. Who was going to talk first?
"How do we get rid of them?" Annabelle says. Simon looks at her and smiles widely.
"Well, we kind of have to make a plan. A good, solid plan." Simon says, and twists his finger around a strand of Annabelle's hair.
"It might take a while, but I could probably hack their location and get the blueprints to their house," Sunny says.
"I'll go make some coffee for everyone. Are you guys hungry? I could warm up some food too," Laura says.
"Yes, please," Sam says.
--------------------------------------Time skip------------------------------
Everyone in the room was drinking their coffee and munching on their mozzarella sticks while being huddled up on the ground together. Bryce was sleeping in Jacob's lap and Sunny was typing away on her computer.
"I got it," She says and places the computer in front of her. Everyone huddles around the computer blueprints.
"We need a physical copy," Aria says.
"Me, Jacob, and Simon could go to the library and get the printouts," Alex says.
"There's no need, I have a printer in the house," Laura says, tilting her head to examine the blueprints.
"It doesn't look like much has changed since the last time we were there," Jacob says, cracking his knuckles.
"I'll print it out," Sunny says and clicks the print button.
"I'll go get it," Sam says getting up from her room and running into Laura's office.
The blueprint was placed on the coffee table almost covering up the entire table.
"Okay so me and Sarah will go into the house from here," Jacob says, pointing at the entrance.
"There is a secret guard door here that Annabelle, Simon and Aria will go through. Then, they will dress up as guards so none of the actual guards wouldn't suspect us, when we, you know, kill them," Jacob says.
Sarah sighs a deep breath when Jacob actually says the word kill.
"Alex and Sam will be in the getaway car, waiting for us to get out. You guys will have to park the car about a block before we get to their house so nobody gets suspicious.
"Laura and Sunny are gonna stay here," Jacob says.
"Oh hell no!" Laura screams.
"NO freaking way! I'm not staying here!" Sunny added.
"We need someone to stay here and look after Bryce. You guys will also be talking to us with these earpieces." Jacob says grabbing them out of his pocket and placing it on the table.
"Yeah, but you only need one person to do that," Laura argues.
"Besides, I was there two years before you. I know that place like the back of my hand. Take me with you!" Laura says.
"Laura, I think you already know why you can't go," Simon says.
"Yeah, I agree with Simon and Jacob. You have to sit this one out." Aria says. Laura looks at Alex but he's avoiding her gaze.
"Fine," Laura says with an I'm so over this look on her face she grabs her phone and decides to get lost in her texts.
"Wait, why can't she come there?" Annabelle asks, confused.
"The leader of the gang is the one person she hates more than anyone," Alex says.
Annabelle, Sarah, Sam and Sunny all snap their necks in her direction so fast it's surprising that their necks didn't break. Laura's on her phone, clearly not caring.
"So, does everyone get the plan?" Jacob asks.
Everyone says yes and they look like they're going to faint if they stay up any longer.
"I think it's about time we all go to bed," Simon says.
"Yep, and we'll start plan not letting Laura do anything in the morning," Laura says, still clearly annoyed.
----------------------------------Time Skip-----------------------------
Everyone was wide awake at 6:00 am sharp. Well, everyone but Bryce, who was still sleeping on the bed, rolled up in a blanket. Adorable little snores were coming out of his mouth.
"Alright, everyone, you have your ear pieces in?" Jacob asks.
"Yep!" Everyone else says.
"Okay, let's do this," Sam says.
Alex was driving the minivan and Sam was sitting in the passenger seat. Sarah and Jacob got the two best seats while Aria, Annabelle and Simon where squished together. Alex stopped about a block from their destination. Sarah and Jacob are facetiming Bryce while trying to get their earpieces in.
"Alright, we are all set," Simon says adjusting his Harry Potter-like glasses. Maybe that's why Annabelle likes him.
"Okay, we will all meet back here in about 2 hours," Aria says. Sarah and Jacob say goodbye to Bryce and turn off their phones.
Aria felt like a third wheel, walking to the secret guard door with Simon and Annabelle, who were obviously holding hands.
"Hey, you can't be here," A very familiar voice says.
"Sorry, we were just passing by," Says Annabelle as innocently as possible. Then she surprises everyone by kicking him as hard as possible.
Simon grabs his gun and punches him in the face. Aria finishes up the job by grabbing a random brick that had been conveniently there, and bashes his head with it. It was probably enough to knock him out for at least 12 hours.
"There's more of them," Simon says, pointing towards two guards.
"We'll take care of them," Aria and Annabelle say, walking towards the guards.
Sarah and Jacob arrived at the front of the house and rang the doorbell.
"Well, hello there," A voice says. It's a tall girl with brown curls.
"Hi Eleanor," Jacob says. Sarah could hear Laura curse at her in her ear pierce.
"I didn't think I'd ever see you again. Not after you, Laura, Alex and Aria ran away. That really hurt my feelings" Eleanor said, obviously exaggerating. Sarah could tell she really didn't care.
"Is that Jacob?" A boy who looked like Eleanor asked.
"Yes, it looks like it is," A girl who looks identical to Eleanor except for a scar down her cheek says.
"Those are my siblings, Eleanor and Eleanor," She says.
"You and your siblings have the same name?!" I say, surprised.
"Yes," Eleanor says, giving me an icy look. "Oh, where are my manners? Come inside," Main Eleanor says, moving a little to give them some space.
Jacob and Sarah were about to step inside, when the boy Eleanor stopped them. "Before you go inside, get rid of your ear pieces," He says with a smile.
"Son of a b-" Sarah hears Laura start saying but doesnt get to hear the rest because the earpiece is yanked out of her ear and stepped on.
"Hello? Hello?" Laura says back at the house, but the earpiece doesn't work. Their connection with Jacob and Sarah was cut off.
"Now, let's get down to business," Eleanor with the scar says. Jacob and Sarah are tied up in chairs facing the Eleanors. Three guards were staring at them. Usually, in situations like this, Sarah would be scared. They were tied up in the enemy's lair and there were three guards staring at them.
"Why are you here?" Boy Eleanor asks.
"We want you to stay away from us," Jacob says, his blue eyes piercing the Eleanors.
"Never gonna happen," the Eleanors said at the same time. Sarah remembered a time back when Bryce singing let it go had been the most annoying thing she ever heard. This was way worse, the Elanours sounded awful.
"I'm starting to get bored," Main Eleanor said. "I think it's time to get rid of them," She said casually filing her nails and before Sarah new it Eleanor pointed a gun straight at her and shot it. The pain hit her straight in the chest.
Sarah woke up screaming, waking up Jacob who was right next to her. "Are you okay?" he asked concerned. Sarah looked at him and pulled him in for a kiss, his eyes widened a little but he kissed back.
"EW, MOMMY NO!! GWOSS DADDY NO!!" Sarah looked over to see Bryce, who had somehow managed to wobble his way over to the door. She walked over to him and picked him up, kissing him all over his cheeks. Bryce let out little giggles and Jacob looked at her, smiling, because their lives were perfect.
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