Mall mayhem
Sarah and Jacob have been mall shopping forever and Jacob's never been more bored. "Can we go home now" Jacob asks tugging on the sleeve of her sweater.
"No" Sarah shoots back at him. "I told you to buy Christmas presents a week ago but you forgot and now it's almost Christmas eve and we still have nothing. I have to do everything myself." she says while walking through the makeup section of Macy's.
"I had a lot going on okay" Jacob states.
"Yeah like what" Sarah shoots back and Jacob blushes.
"Like stuff" he mumbles Sarah rolls her eyes then takes the cart and pushes it out of the makeup section and towards the book department.
"Why are there only like five people here"? Sarah asks.
"I have no idea, but the mall is almost about to close so maybe that's why" Jacob says.
"Yeah but still it's very weird" Sarah says pushing the cart into the book compartment and walking up to the Percy Jackson display.
"Should I get Heroes of olympus or Magnus chase for sunny"? Sarah asks holding up the books for jacob to see.
"Magnus chase she hasn't read that yet" Jacob says pointing at the Magnus Chase book . Sarah takes them and throws them into the cart.
Then a loud voice on the Speakers that sounds suspiciously like Laura trying to do a British accent says "Attention Macy's shoppers we are now closed if you're still here then to bad". Followed by a loud sound of the Door's being closed and locked.
"What the-" Jacob says.
"Was that Laura"? Sarah asks very confused.
"No it can't be that girl was clearly British" Jacob says.
"Maybe I'm just losing it" Sarah says. "We're not really locked in here are we" she asks in a more nervous voice.
"I don't know but if this is someone's idea of a prank it's not funny, let's go up to the front door to check" Jacob says and wheels the cart back into the hallway. Sarah follows behind him.
"Are you sure that girl was British she literally sounded like Laura" Sarah says as she and Jacob walk into the hallway towards the front doors.
"I think you're just losing it babe, remember Laura, Sam, Sunny and Annabel have they're monthly book club today they can't possibly be here" Jacob explains still steering the cart towards the doors.
"yeah you're right" Sarah says they continue walking until they reach the front doors. Jacob pulls on it and nothing happens. He tries again and again and again and again until Sarah finally says. "Okay clearly this isn't working".
"Yeah..." Jacob says "Omg we're gonna die in here" he says and falls on his knees dramatically.
"Let's just use our phones and call someone to get us out of here" Sarah says and Jacob blushes.
"Ummmmm about that I kind of left them at home" he whispers.
"Are you kidding me" Sarah whisper screams trying to hold back her anger.
"I'm sorry" Jacob says.
"I cant- This is entirely your fault you didn't buy the presents last week and you forgot to bring our phones, Are you an actual idiot" Sarah whisper yells again finally breaking. Jacob looks at her hurt and she realizes she's gone to far.
"hey I'm sorry" Sarah says and grabs his hand to gently kiss his knuckles. "It's okay we're only gonna be stuck here for like five hours until they open up for the morning shift anyway" Sarah says and Jacob nods.
"Are you hungry"? he asks her and Sarah nods.
"Extremely" she says. Jacob reaches into his pocket and pulls out a chocolate bar. He hands it to her. Sarah gasps and accepts the bar eagerly.
"This is why I love you" Sarah says with a big smile causing Jacob to blush. She rips open the packaging and breaks off a square of the chocolate. Sarah offers him a piece and he takes it.
"What do we do now" Jacob asks as he shoves the square of chocolate in his mouth.
"I don't know this kind of reminds me of Home alone tho" Sarah says. Forty five minutes later Sarah and Jacob are wearing pajamas that they definitely didn't steal and jumping on the Macy's mattress while shoving popcorn in their mouths.
"Thisisactuallyreallyfun" Jacob says with a mouth full of popcorn.
"What" Sarah says also with popcorn in her mouth.
"I said this is actually really fun" he says again. Sarah nods smiling the biggest smile he's ever seen.
"I really needed a time to just be a little childish and just forget that i'm almost twenty one" Sarah says putting more popcorn in her mouth.
"Yup" Jacob says doing a flip off of the bed.
"WOAH" Sarah screams very impressed. "I didn't know you could do that" She says smiling.
"Well there's a lot you don't know about me" Jacob says blue eyes twinkling. Sarah jumps off of the bed to and walks towards the cart.
"I wanna be driven around in a shopping cart" she says pointing at the shopping cart.
"Alright come on then" Jacob says laughing a little and grabbing her hand. He leads her to the cart and watches her jump in. Sarah instantly regrets her decision because Jacob takes the cart and runs as fast as possible. Sarah let's out the loudest scream.
"SLOW DOWN" She yells and Jacob goes a little slower but still fast enough for her heart to pound in her chest. He stops when they get to the main entrance.
"Let's try opening this again" he says and helps Sarah get out of the cart. They walk towards the doors and Sarah pulls on it and it surprisingly opens. Her and Jacob let out a loud gasp.
"What the-" She says walking out and noticing that the parking lot was completely decorated in lights. There was a huge sign in front of her that says Will you marry me. Sarah turns to look at Jacob shocked and he gets down on one knee.
"Oh my God" Sarah says covering her face. Jacob reaches into his pocket and pulls out a candy wrapper.
"Crap sorry wrong pocket" he says turning red in embarrassment. He shoves the candy wrapper back in his pocket and pulls out a velvet box from his other pocket. He opens it and inside is the most gorgeous diamond ring Sarah's ever seen.
"Okay i'm not good at this whole speech thing but, you really are the best thing to ever happen to me and it was really hard to convince the Macy's manager to close early and let us do all those crazy things so will you please marry me"? he asks.
Sarah can't stop crying she nods her head and manages a weak "y-yes always". Jacob jumps up and hugs her. Just then she hears a bunch of girls yelling. Sarah turns around and sees her friends screaming and running towards them from the Parking lot.
"I KNEW THAT WAS LAURA'S VOICE" Sarah screams pulling away from Jacob and running towards her friends.
AN: I don't know why but it feels like I write about proposals a lot. Weird. Anyway new chapter :)
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