Lights,camera, kiss
AN: I plan on uploading at least once a month now hehehehe :)
Sarah was in her dressing room at the studio of her new movie. She was getting her hair done by Laura who was humming paper rings by Taylor Swift. They needed a hair change to shoot the final scene of the day. Annabel, Sam and Sunny were sitting on the white couch at the end of the room.
"I love how big your dressing room is" Sunny said, while peeling of a string cheese wrapper.
"Yeah it looks really good" Annabel added while flipping a page of her Percy Jackson book.
"I can't we're almost done filming, it felt like we just started yesterday and now this is all about to end and Sam's getting married in like a month we're growing up so fast" Laura says as she curls a strand of Sarah's brown hair. It's been an year since Sarah and Jacob started fake dating and they were friends now. Pretending to date for like twelve months could really make you see someone differently. And as much as she hated to admit it Sarah had completely fallen for him.
"This is probably gonna be my most successful movie yet" Sarah announced to everyone.
"Yeah definitely you and Jacob are like a power couple now most people would watch the movie just to witness your chemistry" Sam says and Sarah rolls her eyes.
"She's got a point" Sunny said biting a huge chunk of her string cheese.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" Laura yells.
"You monster WHO EATS CHEESE LIKE THAT are you stupid!" Sarah yelled.
"Guys calm down" Annabel says putting her book on the coffee table next to her.
"I EAT CHEESE LIKE THIS" Sunny says completely ignoring Annabel.
"I also eat cheese like that, it's a normal way to eat cheese" Sam says.
"NO IT'S NOT"!! Laura and Sarah yell.
"YES IT IS"!! Sam and sunny yelled back.
"Guys its literally just cheese" Annabel says.
"JUST CHEESE"!! Sunny yells.
"oh no" Annabel says.
"Cheese is the best thing ever invented closely followed by chocolate and cake" Sunny says.
"Why do you eat cheese like that, it makes me wanna die" Laura says.
"This is how normal people eat cheese" Sam says.
"NO"! Sarah and Laura scream.
"You know what let's ask people on set what they think and you two idiots will know that me and Laura are right" Sarah says as she stands up from her and walks out of the dressing room. The group stood up and followed her outside and into the hallway where they immediately ran into Alex.
"I can't believe you guys are fighting over this its so stupid" Annabel says.
"What's stupid" Alex asks as he puts an arm around Sam.
"Honey how do you eat string cheese do you take a bite out of it like me and sunny or-" Sam was instantly cut of by Alex saying
"You just bite the whole thing!! How could my own fiance do something this horrible" Sam gave him a piercing glare that instantly made him shut up. The group made their way on set where Jacob was talking to a cameramen.
"YES Alex is on our side" Sarah and Laura high-five in triumph.
Sam and sunny just rolled their eyes.
"Sorry I couldn't help but overhear" Jacob said walking up to them Sarah's breath caught in her throat he looked so good. "Biting string cheese is the best way to eat it" Jacob says.
choruses of "Are you dumb" and "YES" were all said at the same time causing everyone on set to stare at them in confusion.
"What's everyone arguing about" Simon asks walking towards them.
"The best way to eat cheese" all of them said at the same time in cheerful tones except for Annabel who seemed very disappointed.
"Wait that's it" Simon asks.
"yup" They all say at the same time again.
"That's so dumb" Simon says
"Finally someone who agrees with me" Annabel says.
"Both of you are just classless swines" Laura says.
"Guys the best way to eat string cheese is by peeling it into strings that's literally why it's called string cheese" Sarah says.
"Yup exactly" Alex and Laura say.
"But when you bite a chunk of string cheese it melts in your mouth and you get to taste all the cheesy goodness" Jacob says.
"But that's to much cheese" Alex says.
"THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS TO MUCH CHEESE" Sunny yells so loudly that a nearby cameraman let's out a little shriek.
"You guys are literally so aggressive about this you scared Ted" Simon says.
"His name is Brady Annabel says"
"I thought it was Joel" Laura says.
"Actually my name is Noah" he says.
"I thought it was Josh" Jacob says.
"Nope it's always been Noah" Noah says awkwardly scratching his neck.
"Well anyway let's flip a coin to see who's right" Jacob says.
"Yeah that works" Sarah says.
"Alright" Jacob said digging into his pockets to find a coin. He finds a nice shiny quarter.
"Okay tails, you win heads you loose" Jacob says looking directly into Sarah's eyes. Jacob had the most gorgeous eyes ever she thought. He took a coin and flipped it really high up in the air. Everyone watched at it flipped about ten times and then it rushed down. Jacob caught it in his palms.
"It's tails" Jacob said in disappointment and quickly put the quarter back in his pocket. Alex. Laura and Sarah scream "YES" and immediately start dancing.Sam and Sunny scream "NOOOO" and Sunny even drops onto her knees.
"I'm quitting you guys are really weird" The cameraman Noah says.
"No one liked you anyway Joel" Laura says.
"My name's Noah" he says as he walks out of the studio's exit.
"I just realizes none of us have worked and we only have like twenty minutes of the work day left" Jacob said.
"Well then Jacob and Sarah get back on set and run through some of your lines, also Alex your sleeping on the couch tonight" Sam says walking to her director seat.
"But I always sleep on the couch, is this her way of saying shes mad at me" Alex says.
"Yes" all of the girls say at the same time.
"I don't understand girls, I can never know what there thinking. Like sometimes I think girls are into me but I just don't know" Jacob says.
"Well just ask her then you'll know for sure" Sarah says looking directly into Jacob's eyes. He quickly looked away.
"yeah" he mumbled and walked towards set. Sarah ran after him he was always so fast. After ten takes of a slightly emotional scene with Jacob. It was finally time to go home.
"Well since we're done i'm gonna head out I have a date today" Laura says grabbing her coat.
"Wait who's gonna drive me now" Sarah asks.
"I'll do it we have to take pictures and go on a fake date anyway" Jacob says.
"okay" Sarah says and she and Jacob walked outside. Jacob was walking so fast.
"Wait for me" Sarah said trying to keep up with his long strides. He walked her to his car.
"Ladies first" he says and opens up the passenger door to his Tesla. Sarah sits down in the passenger seat. Jacob walks into he drivers seat and sits down.
"You know I've been thinking about what you said." Jacob says in a small voice.
"Good you should listen to me more often" Sarah said and Jacob let out a little laugh.
"Yeah so how about we turn this fake date into a real one" Jacob says looking directly at her.
"Well that was smooth not gonna lie" Sarah said.
"is that a yes" Jacob asks.
Sarah smiles "That's a maybe" she says.
"I can work with that" Jacob said with a wide smile and Sarah couldn't help but smile back.
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