The night i met him at the bar, bright lights and the sweet smell of beer and wine.
I was sitting on a stool, sipping on my 2nd Sam Adams. Hard hot alcohol streaming down my throat, burning my stomach. I don't care that it burns, don't care that i want to throw up, don't care that im slowly going tipsy.
I set the drink down, and my vision is all blurred slightly, i rub my eyes drunkenly. The loud music blaring through the speakers are nothing more than a white noise to me. My head was buzzing, and i was resisting the urge to fall to the floor and pass out.
"Can i have a beer please?." Someone says from beside me, and i sluggishly turn my head toward them.
A guy with red hair pulled back meets my drunk eyes.
"Heyyyyy." I slur out, doing finger guns.
"Hi." He mutters out, and takes his beer, chugging it. I watch as he downs the substance without a lick of hesitation. He slams the cup down, and i just stare.
"You good man?."
I snap out of my trance, and see the man looking at me with concern. I wave my hand, and nod my head.
"Fine." I say back, and sip my drink.
"What brings you here if you mind me askin?" Mystery dude asks me.
"Just because." I respond, and his eyebrows raise.
"Because why?"
"Like i said, just because."
I sip my beer again. I don't care that im not completely answering him, i can't seem to even know myself why im here. The urge to sip a beer and drown myself in some bar full of drunk people was the only thing i thought of. But for some reason, my mouth and mind don't want me saying that.
"Why you here?" I slur yet again, trying not to sound so drunk, but the alcohol says so otherwise.
His face softens, and drops to a frown.
"Relationship issues.." He says quietly.
"Oh. Y'all fightin?"
"Not particularly, but i might of fucked up saying stuff i didn't meant."
"Sorry your goin through that man."
"It's fine i guess.." He trails off, and i scoot closer. I move the stool closer to him, and i plop back down again.
I give him a small hug, and lay my head down on his shoulder. He was startled by my sudden actions, but my drunken self side was taking over. Because for some reason im very sympathetic and loving when im drunk, it's weird.
"What are you doing-"1
"Don't question it."
"Dude this is weird i don't even know you-"
"huSh!" I whisper yell, and hug him anyways.
He sits there stiff, and tries to push my arms off. I grip tighter.
"Dude please let go of me." He demands, and i sigh.
I let go of him.
"Hugs are the best medicine bro, just tryin to help." I say to him shrugging, and move my chair away from him. He isn't worthy of my hugs, so I'll give him space.
"I don't even know you though, why would you hug me?" He questions.
"Cause I've been there bro. I know how ya feel." I admit, and i don't even know why.
"So your finally opening up." He smiles, and scoots close to me this time.
"This is a bar full of drunk people, were all not gonna remember anything come tommrow, so lets just talk. Vent even" He suggests, and i stare down at my half empty drink.
In the moment of me feeling like total shit, i decided to go with his idea.
"I'll start. Im here because of my wife, Eliza. We were arguing because i told her she was being to protective, wouldn't let me hang with friend's and such. So i snapped."
I saw his blue eyes well up with tears for a sec, before he quickly wiped them away.
I wanted to tell him he didn't have to tell me anything, since im just some stranger in a bar. But he went along with his story anyways.
"Told her i was tired of being help captive in the house, that i wanted to get fresh air and meet up with friends. But she told me no."
A single tear streamed down his pale cheek. I refrained from wiping it away.
"I called her a bitch. She threatened to kick me out, and keep our son Phillip with her. And i was not about to let her keep him and make him think the world is hell and no one likes him."
A fiery blaze lit in his blue eyes.
"I told her off, and i didn't even acknowledge the fact she was crying..."
The fire died down. Replaced with a ocean of tears.
"It was all in my head."
His face was wet with tears now, and i was confused.
"What do you mean it was all in your head?"
He turned to me, smiling sadly.
"She never was real."
I have no idea what this is, but i hope you like it??
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