Some good ole' f l u f f for the soul :)
Includes: l a m s and a n i m a l h u m a n s
Hamicstan and John were sittin on the couch, cuddling while watchin some TV.
Hamilham was in his lion form, and he had a lil p u r r going on.
John was in his human form, and was pettin lil lion hamilton.
"Mmmm~" He snuggled up against John, and smiled.
John morphed into his bird form.
He tweeted and flew away.
"Nuuuu come back!" Alecc whined and tried catching birb john.
"B l e p."
And just like that, birb boy was on his lil peg on the wall, sittin there while lion hamilpam was scratching the wall.
"Come down!"
Hamikfam smirked, and grabbed the bird seeds. Birb boy's weekness.
He s h o o k the bag, and birb laur flew down tweeting.
"sEEds!" He picked them up with his beak, and ate them. Lion boi gently pounced onto birb jhonny, and hugged him.
"SnuGGle tiMe." He said and nuzzled his face into John's smol form.
And they spent the rest of the day snuggliNg and doinG stuFF.
ThE enD.
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