"Stupid rain." I mutter, scooting under a tree. My wings were dripping wet, and i couldn't go anywhere. Im stuck under a tree in the fucking pouring rain.
I adjust my shirt, which was all tattered and dirty. Only because i crashed landed when it started to rain harder so here i am now. Under some tree muttering cuss words.
Atleast no one is around here, this place seems deserted. I've been to earth before, i practically live here. I hate heaven with a passion. Rules and goody two shoes everywhere, not making your own descions ever. I was so fed up with it i left.
Ain't like god will care at all. He's got a bunch other angles to deal with. I was just the "trouble maker" of the pack. Always riding the Pegasus off the clouds into the sunset. Or that one time i snuck into the angels headquarters and drew a big ole penis on the white board.
Good times.
They only had that white board because of me and i got no credit for finding it.
Fuck them-
I sigh, and prop myself against the tree. Rain continued to fall, forming puddles everywhere. All was quiet, except for the sound of rain falling. I never really had this much silence before, it was nice.
Until a freaking child came along.
"Holy marshmallows!" I hear a child like voice say.
A little boy, that looked about 4 years old ran in front of me with his eyes wide.
"Your so pretty! Are you a Angel?? I love angels! Do you live in heaven?! How is my lizard doing up there-"
"Calm down! One at A time kid." I chuckle, and he stops talking.
His small hand touched my feathered wings, as his curious green eyes and freakled face was full of awe.
"What's your name angel?"
"My name is John. How about you?"
"Why you here all alone Phillip?" I ask as he draws his hand away from me.
"I was gettin daddy some medicine! He's sick."
"I see. So why don't you run along and help him?"
"But i never seen a Angel before. Don't cha have magical powers or somethin?" His questions were all over the place, but i was willing to give answers to all that i can. I was gonna sho him away, but that sparkle of child-like wonder in his eyes made me wanna make him stay.
"I can tell when people lie." I finally answer. He tilts his head like a puppy.
"Whenever someone tells a lie, they avoid eye contact. I can see the nervousness and unsure vibes they give off."
"Cool.." He says, probably not understanding most of what i said, as his small hands still wonder over my wings. He puts his small freckled hand onto mine.
"My name is phillip." He says looking into my eyes.
"Im John."
Phillip then gives me a big smile, showing a gap between his front two teeth.
"Bye bye John. I gotta go get medicine. I'll be back and then maybe my dad can meet you when he's better!"
I smile back,
"Sure. That'd be cool."
He squeals and runs away to what i suppose is the direction of a drug store.
Maybe coming down to earth wasn't a bad thing after all.
This took me longer than it should've to finally finish. I started this in March and now finally done in July w0w-
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