Will it Last
Kitty here. Just wanted to say sorry for all the POV changes when ya start readin it. Kay. See ya kitties later.
Bruce's POV
I was listening to my current victim scream and beg for mercy. "NO, NO, PLEASE SPARE MY LIFE PLEASE" my lovely victim cried. I laughed as i slit his throat and watched him die. My whole life I killed people, that was the first thing my dad taught me when I went into high school. When I did my first kill, which I was ashamed of, he had told me was the one that had killed my mother. All my life, he told me it was a druggie that stabbed me mother to death. I was sixteen at that time. When i turned twenty I tortured him to death as he did my mother. After killing my father my lust for blood became stronger, but at the same time I hated killing innocent people, I stuck with killing bad people, like gang people.
I burned the body of the victim. Caught him trying to rape some woman in a alley. Cleaning the blood from my tools and where he sat, I thought about a guy I met earlier today. I was drinking my tea and milk when he came by askin' for a seat. We talked and laughed for hours. We exchanged numbers and decides that this would be our weekly meetup.
After cleaning the blood, I left the building. Walking out into the crisp cool weather of autumn i walk a few blocks away from the warehouse before hauling a cab. Not being able to forget the little cutie I texted him.
Bruce's text
Allan's text
Bruce- Hey Cutie ;)
Allan- O/////O Hi Bruce
Bruce- Whatcha doin'
Allan- Makin' cupcakes and cookies. You?
Bruce- Goin home, but now I wanna go to your place.
Allan- *blush intensifies* W-why??
Bruce- *Whines* Dont chu want company? I COULD BE YOUR TASTE TESTER!!
Allan- *Giggles* For a twenty seven year old you act like a fifteen year old girl.
Bruce- *Pouts* I can still come over for treats right?
Allan- *giggles more* Sure. Here's my address. (inserts random address)
Bruce- Thanks boo! See you in a little while ;)
Allan- O//////////O B-bye bye.
I tell the taxi driver the new address, and was at his house in twenty minutes or so.
Allan's POV
"What were you thinking giving your number to a random stranger you met today?!?!" My best friend Kassie yelled. I cringed and winced at all the yelling she was doing. "I know, I know. He was just so hot and funny and caring and..." I dreamly sighed. "I get it!" Kassie yelled making me wince again. Before I could say something else my phone dinged and a message from Bruce popped up on my screen. I shushed Kassie picking up my phone reading the message.
Bruce- Hey cutie ;)
I blush and squeal sending back back a message. After ten minutes of messaging, I invited him over for some treats. "YOU WHAT?!?!" Kassie yelled making jump."Did I say that out loud" I wonder. "YES!" she screams some more. "Oops." I say rubbing the back of my neck and smiles shyly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After taking out the third batch of cookies from the oven I hear a knock on the door. "Just a second!" I yell. I put the cookies on the counter and wipe my hands on my apron while walking to the door. By the time I get to the door I see a very uncomfortable Bruce and a not so happy Kassie.
"H-Hye Bruce" I stutter out. "Hiya cupcake"
Bruce POV
The taxi has dropped me off at Allan's pretty decent house. I walk upto the door and knock three times before hearing a faint "just a minute!" A few seconds later the door opens and i see a woman in her early twenties open glare me. I rub the back of my neck and smile sheepishly. "Hello ma'am. Im Bruce." I say to elesen the awkwardness of the situation. She just glares at me like I took the last cookie. A minute later Allan comes walking in wiping his hands on his apron and looks up seeing me and his friend.
"H-hye Bruce" he stutters cutely.
"Hiya cupcake" I reply
He turned fifty shades of red before turning to his friend and started fussing at her about not letting me in. She huffs before stomping away. "Sorry about that. She's really protective about me after my last relationship." he said pulling me into the house and closing the door behind me. "What happened in your last relationship? If you don't mind me asking?" I asked. "Nah its fine. He was abusive and cheated on me several times." A growl resonates from my throat but I make it seem like I'm clearing my throat, "'m sorry" I say. "Like I said, its fine. It's in the pass."
We stand there with so tension in the air I could choke. "Soooo, I just finished some cookies.... Wanna try some?" He asked shuffling and squirming in place. I smiled softly and chuckle. "I came here to be your taste tester right?" I say giving him my signature smirk. He blushes and speeds off to the kitchen. I chuckle some more and follow him to the kitchen.
I walk to the kitchen seeing Allan placing the cookies onto a tray.
Allan's POV
I turn around hearing a deep chuckle from the entrance of the kitchen. After doing my three sixty spin I see Bruce leaning on the door frame. "Hiya Cupcake" he says in a deep sultry voice. "Hye" I squeak out. He walks over to me and picks me up placing me on the counter. He spreads my legs and steps in between them. "Can I have a cookie now, cupcake?" he whispers huskily in my ear. I whimper grabbing a cookie from the tray. He pulls head back just enough for me to bring the cookies to his lips. He parts his lip and placed put the cookie in his mouth.
He ate that one and opened his mouth again signaling that he wanted another one. I began to reach for another cookie before he grabbed my hand and pressed the tip of my index finger against his lips. I whimper again when I feel his tongue lick the pad of my fingers.
Bruce POV
I was licking his fingers listening to his desparte whimpers and whines. He was squirming so I used my free hand to hold him still.
I want to ravish him. Make him scream my name. Claim Allan Berry to be MINE! I actually could with the state he's in but his friend is still- "Allan! I'm going out! Won't be home till late! Bye!" his friend yells. "B-bye Kassie!" He yells back. Right when I hear the door close I smash my lip against his. He stays still in shock before coming back into reality and kisses me back. His lip are soft and warm with a sweet taste, I couldn't help but to nibble on them. He opened his mouth allowing me to slide my tongue in his wet warm cavern. He whimpers as i explore every crook and nanny in his mouth. Finding his tongue, I tangle mine with his before sucking earning me a soft moan.
Pulling back I see a very flustered, red face Allan. "Bedroom cupcake. Where's your bedroom?" I ask nibbling and kissing his neck. "D-down the h-hall t-to your r-right!" he gasps out. Picking him I walk half way down the hall I feel him grind against me for friction. I let a deep growl smashing Allan into wall and rut my hips against his. "Ah~ B-Bruce need y-you~ p-please~" he moaned sweetly into my ear. With a growl I push us off the wall and quickly walk to the bedroom door kicking it open and throwing Allan on the bed.
Allan POV
Falling on the bed with an oof, I look up to a lust filled eyes staring at me. I start to squirm under his heated gaze. "Strip for me baby~" he strains out. I sit up pulling my shirt over my head then slip out of my pants. I was now sitting in my tight dark red boxers. "You look delicious cupcake~" Bruce say walking towards me placing his hand on my cheek. I whine nuzzling his hand. He rubs my cheek with his thumb and brushes his lips against mine. I licked his lips wanting to be kissed. He growls once more before pressing his lips against mine. They were slightly chapped but that'll be fixed soon.
I moan into the kiss as Bruce palms me through my boxers. He takes that chance to slip his tongue in my mouth again. Our heated make out session ended short because Bruce had grabbed my dick and started jerking me off. "B-Bruce~ hah~ c-can't~ mngh~ d-dont~" seeming to get my message he let go of my cock to insted wrap his lips around the head!
Bruce's POV
I had wrapped my lips around the head of cock to see if I could pull more beautiful sounds from his sweet lips of his. I start to bob head earning me a whimpered out moan. "B-Bruce!~ please!~" I hollow my cheeks and bob my head faster causing him to buck his hips and cry out in pleasure. I hold his hips down and suckle on the tip, licking the slit time to time. "CLOSE!~" Allan hissed out before cumming down my throat. I hum swallowing the surprisingly sweet thick sticky substance. I pull off his cock with a wet pop.
Before I could say anything I was pushed down and had a lap full of Allan. "Bruce~ Bruce~ Bruce~" He chanted while grinding against my erect member. "C-Cupcake?~" I groaned gripping his hips. "Wanna return a favor~" he moaned as I bucked my hips. "Clothes?~" I croaked as he began to bounce. I was still clothed and was about to cream my pants like a hormonal teenage boy. He grunted sliding off my lap and pulls off my pants in one try.
Allan's Pov
After Bruce blew me I wanted to return a favor. The only problem was I turned into a horny piece of shit. You can't really blame me though. I haven't had sex in a while.
I just yanked his pants off leaving him in black fitting boxers with a pretty big sized tent in the middle of them. I slipped my hand down his boxer to stroke his member. Using my other hand I pulled his boxers down and wrapped my lips around the angry red tip of his cock. Sucking gently on the tip, I feel it throb in my hand. I take more into my mouth slightly gagging but not stopping. Once I got in what i could manage i started bobbing my head rubbing the rest that didn't fit. Bruce gripped my hair and started thrusting into my mouth, down my throat. I places my hands on his hips and let him fuck my face. Five minutes later Bruce's hips stutters and he cums down my throat. I hum greedily swallowing it all. I pull off his cock leaving a string of saliva and cum. I lick my lips clean before leaning up to kiss him. He prys my mouth open with his tongue and groans at the taste of his seed.
After our heated makeout session we were cuddling. Bruce was on his back with one arm wrapped around my waist. I had my head and hands resting in his chest. "I think I like you" he gruffed out. "I think I like you too" I yawned out slightly puring when Bruce started rubbing my back. He hummed in content before we drifted off to sleep in each others arms.
----------------------------------------Three weeks later------------------------------------
Still Allan's POV
It's been three weeks. Three weeks since I meet him. Three weeks since i've seen him. Three weeks since our date. Three weeks since that incident. Three weeks of me running way. Three weeks is how long i've been in my room crying cause i just left the love of my life without an explanation from him. Three fuckin weeks and not a single explanation. NOT EVEN A TEXT!
I was sulking, watching Pretty Little Liars when I heard a knock at the door. It was ten o'clock so who would be knocking at this time. And Kassie was with her friends. I open the door only to bursts out in tears.
"Hiya cupcake"
Hiya my little demonkitties. Mama kitty wants to say thank you for reading this shitty chapter and please, please, please tell me if something is wrong but for now kitty out!
P. S. I'm so fuckin proud of myself!! Over two thousand words without these author notes. Praise me peasants. Love you my demonkitties. Mama kitty out
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