Jolt of Love
A Kirishima x Reader
I am (Y/n) Kaminari, Denki's cousin. Thankfully I didn't inherit his whole "numb, dumb brain" thing after he over uses his quirk. My mom has a wind quirk and my dad electric, the longer I hold my breath the stronger the electricity I can breath out. (The quirk is called Electric Dragon, bet you can guess why.) My quirk also reacts to my... well 'emotional' state. I've been going to school with Denki since well, forever so naturally I wanted to go to U.A. too, for my own reasons as well of course. Now don't get me wrong, the girls in 1-A are great but honestly I tend to prefer hanging out with guys sometimes so I hang around with Denki's friends quite a bit. As a result of this, I've come across a slight problem. As I mentioned before my quirk reacts to my emotions and I um... may or may not have a teensy little crush on Kirishima. Whenever I see him or text him for that matter, I get these kind of, waves of electricity all over, kind of like when you suddenly get shivers for no reason. I suppose it looks like to others like I'm cold, but not the case. No matter how I train I can't make it stop, and to say the least it's becoming an issue. Because if someone tries to touch me when this happens, I'm going to literally electrocute them like static shock or something. Someone is bound to figure out what's going on with me and as dense as Denki can be, he knows me better than anyone else so I'm rather worried.
I head to school as usual with Denki as usual and to my horror and surprise he asks me "So~ That shiver come back again?~ As I recall the last time that happened was when you had a crush on some guy in middle school.~" Well sh*t.
I was hoping he would forget, apparently not. "No use lying to you now is there?" *sighs* "Hehe nope~ You could have just told me you know." He tells me as we continue walking to school. I snort "When has that ever been a good idea?" He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly "Heh, good point." "I appreciate when you do 'try' to help me but it never ends well." I say dejectedly. "Well my dear cousin, this time it will work! Why? Because of two reasons; number one, he's my friend" Wait how'd he know who? "so I can be your wingman, and two I know something you don't." He looks at me with a smug face and look back at him questioningly and worried for my health, "And what would that be?" He smirks, never a good sign. "That's for me to know and for you, to find out later~." Uh oh. After that long, and....rather suspicious conversation, we arrive at school and rush to class. I hurry over and sit down behind Kirishima so Aizawa won't notice I'm late. (Koda sits behind Midoriya cause fuk Mineta) "Woah, cutting it close today, Iida almost had a fit." Kirishima says turning to me laughing. "Heh, only cause Denki can't stop talking, but what else is new." Kirishima chuckles at this, and I blush. God, his voice, I can't. "Very true. One of these days he's gonna get hurt cause of his mouth." "Pfft," As if he hasn't already "especially when he's around boom boom man over there." Kirishima covers his mouth trying not to laugh. "I mean you're not wrong but don't let Bakubro hear you say that." He says leaning towards me as my face gets hot and I feel a wave of electricity coming on. "Haaaa fair enough." I say while leaning back into my seat so I don't shock him.
Yeash that was close. I then look over to Denki who's smirking at my blushing face. I shoo him away with my hand glaring at him, telling him to pay attention to Aizawa Sensei who was now starting the lesson.
~Time skip because I'm lazy~
We're all sitting at lunch, I'm sitting in between Mina and Sero across from Denki, Kirishima, and Bakugou. Me and Mina are talking about nonsense when all of a sudden, Sero asks about crushes. Mina being Mina, can't decide and lists off who her's are. She had already been knew about my crush on Kirishima, so she turns to me and says, "What about you (Y/N)?" Knowing damn full well who it is. And then my 'lovely' cousin perks up at this and him and Kirishima who were previously in a conversation, turn to look at us hearing the question. "O-oh um no one right now." I respond lying through my damn teeth. Denki smirks "Really, that's not what you said this morning.~" and I give this little shit the death stare. "Denki shut the f*ck up!" I whisper shout at him kicking him under the table. At this Bakugou turns tuning into the conversation and snorts hearing what I said. "Better leave her alone dunce face, before she shocks you and makes your brain go dumb." Kirishima then looks at me sympathetically and says "Come on Kami leave her be she doesn't have to say if she doesn't want to." Accidentally bumping my hand with his. With this small action I shock him. It goes from his hand all the way up to his head, it then disables whatever hair gel he had in and his hair flops down completely. Both Kirishima's red eyes and my (E/C) eyes widen in shock. And at this, everyone but me and him bursts out laughing. And normally it would be funny, hilarious even, but I was so embarrassed. I ran off, up to the classroom leaving my food. I went to the back of the room and shut the door. I curled up in a ball on the floor behind the desks. Not even two minutes later I hear two sets of running feet coming to the classroom door. Denki peeks his head in smiling sympathetically at me. I suspect the other person was Mina but she hasn't come in yet. He walks over to me and sits hugging me from the side. "It's not funny ya know. Making fun of me." He lets go to look at me in the face. "I mean it was kind of funny." I glare at him pitifully. "That's not what I mean! I know you don't like it when the class makes fun of the side affect of your quirk, that's not fair Denki! Especially when we both know we can't control it." He looks down at his shoes. "Yah sorry." I sigh. "You know I like him and yet you went and got me all flustered and sh*t. You knew it would happen." I say throwing my hands in the air, exasperated. "Yeah well, it's not like he touched you on purpose, I definitely didn't tell him to." *sigh*
I know it's not really his fault nor is it Kirishima's. Then Denki said "Alright you can come in now." with a now growing mischievous smile. Then to my surprise Kirishima walks in. And my face bursts into a flaming red shade. "I-I- y-you- DENKI I SWEAR!" I say ready to grab him by the neck and shake him, waves of electricity radiating off me. "I'm just gonna go so you guys can talk this out. BYE!" He says as he zooms out of the classroom like he's Iida. As soon as he's gone I freeze. Realizing that the whole time we were talking, Kirishima heard every word I said. I look in horror.
He knows. I crumble back my position on the floor, even more embarrassed than when I came here, still radiating electricity. He steps closer, concerned at my new position. "I- um take it that's why you shocked me." He says sheepishly holding the back of his neck. I look up at him remembering. "God. Yeah I sorry about that by the way." I shocked my crush. Smooth (Y/N). "W-well it didn't hurt or anything it just surprised me." I snort. "Yeah I bet." He chuckles lightly. "Now that I know why though, I'm kind of happy." I look up at him mildly confused, getting up as he lends me his hand."Wha-" He smiles at me warmly, his face red as mine. Us now face to face, holding hands. "I like you too. A whole lot honestly. I'm sorry for not coming in right away, that wasn't very manly of me. But Kaminari told me to wait outside until he said to." That explains a lot. "I'm not sure how to ask this but- would you um-" I look at him warmly, seeing how hard he's trying and kiss his nose, shocking him and shutting him up. "Yes." He then smiles at me absolutely love struck and hugs me tightly. When I hug back he snaps out of it and picks me up, spinning me around. I giggle at his utter cuteness. As he puts me down he lays his forehead on mine. "Thank you." I smile back at him. "No, thank you."
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