Black was working on her latest experiment in her kitchen when there was a knock at the door. She put her spoon down and cracked it open. "Who's there?" She hissed and the door was ripped out of her hands. "Inter-Kingdom Police. We were alerted of your crimes against the Kingdoms of...all of them...and your whereabouts. You're under arrest Black Rose for...oh I am not naming all of these off," the guard flicked his fingers and Black's hands flew behind her back in invisible magic handcuffs. "What in the name of Hades?!" Black shouted. "I've done nothing wrong!" 'Not in the last week,' she thought. "Don't play games with me witch," the guard hissed. "IM NOT A WITCH!" Black howled. The shouting woke up Flame. He fell out of the charred bed and scrambled downstairs. When he saw Black struggling against the guards, her eyes more red then they were their usual hazel. "Leave me alone!" She wailed. "I haven't hurt anyone!" It was true. She'd never hurt anyone on purpose. She only did what she was asked to do. Black kicked against the guards and flailed as her hands sparked purple and black. The sparks were harmless, simply a marking of her power a sorceress. "Cut the crap witch," a guard hissed as she was thrown tho a cage in the back of a carriage. "I'm not a witch! I didn't hurt anyone!" She wailed and Flame felt a pang in his chest. He was still just wearing sweatpants. "Hey! It's the hell kid!" One of them shouted and they rushed into the hut, grabbing and restraining him. "What no-" he didn't realize his wings and horns had popped out and the ground around him was burnt to ashes. "Shit," he muttered and was thrown in the cage as well. He started punching and trying to burn the bars. "It won't work," Black said miserably from a corner. "If I can't break those bars you can't." "I'm a demon!" Flame protested. "I'm the son of Mary, daughter of God and Lucifer!" "And I'm the most powerful Sorceress since creation and look at where we are!" She howled back. She muttered in Greek and the bars glowed blue before a shock of electricity zapped her. "See? It won't work!" She sobbed, pulling herself up from falling. "I'm so sorry," Flame grumbled. "Sorry for-" it dawned on her and the weight of the truth was like a house had fallen on her like her great aunt. " tipped them off that I lived here! You sold me out!" She screamed at Flame, her eyes swirling red and blue. "I'm sorry! I didn't-" "You didn't what?!" She wailed. "You didn't think you'd still be at my house when they showed up?! That you'd leave me to do some shit and come back and they'd already taken me?!" "I'm sorry!" Flame said. "Please! I didn't mean to!" "You didn't mean to sign my death warrant?!" Flame's face drained of the slight red color in his skin and his stomach dropped. "What?" He murmured. She curled up in the corner and looked at the ground. "You'll be given back to Hades. You'll go back to Tartarus. I'll either be executed or rot in a cell," she said quietly, her voice shaking. "No..." Flame muttered. "Yes...and its your fault!" A tear hit the ground and she looked up. Her eyes were mostly blue, black, and pink. He knew blue meant sadness and black was usually a death omen but he didn't know what pink meant. "What's pink?" He asked quietly. "I-I don't know," she said. "I think...compassion? But that's purple..." she shook her head. "There's no way..." "What?" Flame asked. Black shook her head. "Nothing," she spat. He didn't need to see her eye color to know she hated him. "Please?" He whispered. "Love," Black murmured. "Pink is love." Flame's eyes widened. "Y-you..." he trailed off. "Did perhaps...I can't now...especially if I'm to die in a few hours..." "Get out," the carriage had stopped and a guard was pulling Black out of the cage. She threw Flame a sad look and slight wave with her magic bound hands. Flame watched her being hauled away sadly as the carriage was engulfed in flames, making it clear they were going downstairs.
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