Okay so for school we had to write our own myth as to how something was created and I think mine is pretty good and also I wanted to show it to EV and stuff so ... yeah here it is:
Two ultimate beings, a beautiful goddess and her handsome husband. The goddess, Earth, stays curled in a ball so as not to hurt her husband, and she wears a beautiful, green, brown, gray, and blue dress. Earth's husband, Sky, wraps himself around Earth, protecting her and staying close to her and his tunic is sometimes a beautiful scene that's black with millions of small, golden speckles, and sometimes it's a bright blue landscape.
Earth and Sky were content with their lives, for many years, indeed. However, one day, Earth looked up to Sky, when his tunic was blue and, like a sea full of clear, fresh water, she saw her reflection. Earth noticed that she was growing visibly older and she looked up to Sky and asked, "Sky, do I look old to you?" Sky shuffled around a bit to get a good view of his wife before answering, "Of course not, darling, you still look as beautiful as ever." For the next week, Earth asked Sky the same question and Sky gave Earth the same response, until one day Earth grew tired of the routine and asked Sky something different, "Sky, do you want children?" Sky thought for a moment, "Why do you ask, my dear?"
"Because I'm getting lonely, I'm dying to hear a new voice for once." Sky thought this over and answered her question, "Yes, of course, my dear, we can have as many children as you like." And, sure enough, a month later, Earth and Sky had twins, Sun and Moon. When Earth saw Sun she said to him, "You shall be called Sun, and you shall be the light of this world." And Sun glowed a bright, yellow and sure enough, he lit up Sky and Earth could see her husband perfectly. Then Earth held up Moon and said, "You shall be called Moon and you shall be as beautiful as Sky's dark tunic. You shall provide the beauty in Sky's blue tunic." And Moon glowed a yellow that was about half as bright as Sun's, but twice as pretty.
Sun saw that there were already other small lights on the dark side of Sky's tunic and he got jealous, so he turned to his sister and said, "You come light up this side and I'll go light up that side." But Moon knew that her mother wanted her to stay where she was so she refused her brother's deal.
The next day, Sun turned to Moon again and asked the same thing, but he didn't give up this time, so when Moon refused, he promised they would switch back if she didn't like it. So Moon agreed, upon the promise that if she didn't like the darker side of her father's tunic, she could always go back where her mother assigned her.
But Moon was soon to realize Sun's promises are worth nothing. The day after Moon agreed to switch sides with her brother, she decided her side was too dark, and she wanted to switch back. Moon turned to Sun and said, "I wish to switch sides again, I simply can't provide enough light to let Mother see Father clearly and you provide too much light on that side, you're blinding Mother." But Sun refused, simply stating that she had lost her wits due to jealousy of the other lights on the darker side, that were clearly more beautiful than her.
Moon, unable to go back to the lighter side of her father's tunic, simply glared at her brother with a poisonous look in her eyes, while Sun gave her a smug smile. Moon was so furious with her brother that, at some points, she had to turn away from him and sometimes Earth couldn't see all of her daughter, and other times she couldn't see her daughter at all. Earth missed always seeing her daughter's beautiful face and she wept, salty, blue tears that washed around her body and settled into valleys that separated the higher elevated areas across Earth's back and body. Moon saw that her mother was sad and she turned so her mother could see her face, once a month.
Moon wasn't the only to notice Earth's tears, Sky did also and he wished to make his wife happy again, so he created wind and clouds that he could control, so he could wipe away her tears. But, Sky soon realized that his winds couldn't move the clouds up and down, only side to side, so he gave up this plan to create a more propitious one that wouldn't fail.
However, Sun also noticed his mother's tears and acted precipitously, trying to cheer her up and dispose of the sullen look on Earth's face. Sun tried to use the heat from his light to dry up the tears that had gathered like a sea of salty water, in various areas across Earth's body. But, Sun only managed to dry up some of the water and Sky soon grew impatient and started to cry back the tears Sun had soaked up and stored in some of the clouds.
Finally, one day, Earth noticed the tears falling onto her that weren't hers and looked up at her husband and called up to him, wishing for him to stop crying. Sky, ears ringing with frustration and sadness, didn't hear his wife call to him and continued to cry. Soon, Earth was shaking with sadness and Sky was creating random lines of light that also fell from the gray clouds that were full of tears. When Moon noticed this, she created a necklace and split it into two different necklaces. She took one half to Earth and one to Sky and told them to open their half of the necklace at the same time.
When Earth and Sky opened their necklaces, they saw a picture that contained Sun, Moon, Earth, and Sky, standing together, like a happy family. Earth's tears stopped entirely, but Sky's continued to flow at random times, for reasons none of the four knew.
When Sun noticed Moon had given both of their parents a gift and not him, he got angry and almost blinded his mother. Moon noticed the extra light coming from her brother and created him a necklace also. Sun took his necklace and wore it proudly, but it soon it debased for Sun noticed his mother using her dirt to create something. Earth made the first man and woman and Sun was fascinated by the way they worked, so similar to his sister and parents, yet so different at the same time.
I hope you liked it and if not then oh well. Also I have an idea for a book I could write based off this mythology so tell me if you'd be interested in that, though it won't be up for a while.
Send in requests and for those of you who have sent in requests, I'm working on them right now.
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