8 southern style
One Shot from: Southern Style
Because of resent events I wanted to put one fun, light, and happy southern story in this book. Please remember the people who you see on your TV do not represent my views.
I could have chosen from any number of country music songs for this story. I am not a big into Country music(stereo type busted). This song never fails to make me smile.
This story is completed and on my daughter's profile. Go check it out 'Southern Style' by Amandakate1414.
"What the hell." This is the third time I have said these words out loud, to no one. Being that I am alone in my car. I have just pulled away from a mom and pop gas station. That I spent a hour trying to find it now I am lost trying to get back to the freeway.
I am a long way from the crowded streets of Hollywood.
Now I am lost on the east cost, on some back woods Georgia drit road. All I need do is get back to the interstate, and start my new life in Florida. I just have to get out of this one hourse town.
"Right turn here" I shoot a hateful look at my phone as it goes off again. Its telling me to turn down, yet another dirt road. I take the right giving my phone the benefit of the doubt.
"What the hell!" Does no one in this place know what ashfalt is used for. I sit at yet another cross road. My hands tighten on the wheel of the car.
"Turn right here" That is the moment I break. My hand whips out and slams into the phone. Making it fly across the car hitting the door. It lands in the floor board. I now realize the damn thing can no longer be trusted.
I take a moment to close my eyes, and take a long deep breath. When I open my eyes I have to make a choice. Right or left. At that moment I see a large unfamiliar piece of farm equipment lumbers up to the opposite stop sign. It barely slows before moving forward.
"Ok Shea, get a grip. You can do this. Right or left." I chew on my thumb nail while I decide. I take a look in the rear view mirror, and hope to see if anyone is waiting for me to make my choice. Nope.
"Damn!" If I ever find another human in this place I am going tackle them down, and ask them for directions. If I did not fear getting shot I would have asked at one of the few farm houses I have passed.
I make my choice and turn. I have decided to go against my phone and take a left. This is the first road that I have been on that is smooth. I have to admit the view here is nice. Lots of green feilds, cow pastures, and ponds. I could enjoy living in such a pretty place.
Suddenly up ahead, I see a roadside stand. "Oh my god" I could not believe I had been driving for more than a hour, and I had finally found a real person. A batter truck sits under the shade of a old tree. A man leans against the tree looking at his phone
As I get out of my car I notice that there is a large sign leanings against the multiple crates of green vegetables. It is hand painted, and proclaims : COUNTY STYLE COLLAR GREENS-FRESH AND READY FOR THE POT.
Just as I am about to break into historical giggling when a beautiful man steps up to me. "Is there some way, I can help ya?" He questioned.
I can not help but smile up at his incredibly handsome face. He looks like the poster boy for 'farmersonly.com". He is tall with a golden tan, and a strong lean body. Dark blonde hair curls peek out from under his NASCAR cap. I can see the mischievous humor shining in his warn brown eyes.
"Yes... can you please tell me how to get back to the interstate." I can't help but let the anger I felt earlier color my voice.
He seems to understand. "Why l sure can." His smile goes from 0 to 120 in a blink of a eye. "Ya just get back on this road here. Go straight down till you get to the Warnsville crossing. Ya'll see Rallie's grocery story at the crossing." He gives me a long specific look. "Tell ya what, why don't you stop in and get you some of Ms. Bell's sweet tea. You look like you could use it. Then you can take a right to get to the interstate, or a left will get you right back here to me." His bright smile has me smiling back at him like a lunatic. There is something about his beautifully handsome face that has me speachless for a minute.
"T-Thank you." I continue to smile at him, lost in his deep brown eyes. I finally am able to break away from his beautiful eyes, and make my way back to my car. I take one more long look at him before I get back on the road.
It takes me no time at all before I am pulling up to the store he told me about. There is a flashing sign next to the road advertising home cooked meal. At that time my stomach makes its self known.
As I walk in the store I am shocked to find it cool inside. There is a wonderful breeze flowing through the screen door. The shelfs are stocked with all kinds of unusual items. I take a closer look at a bottle of horses liniment.
"Is there some way I can help you?" A older woman asked me from behind a long dinner style counter. She reminds me of the young man I just meet.
"Well I was just told that you sold sweet tea here?" her smile gets bigger.
"Why of course. Set yourself down and I will get you some." She begans to rush around. I take a seat at the bar. "So what finds yourself in this neck of our woods?" She questions me as she hands me my tea.
"I am on my way to Florida. I have friends there. I am going to live with them, until I find a job and a place to live." I explain.
She looks at me with horror. "You can't mean that you are driving to Florida today." She takes a look at the clock over the cash register. "Why it's already 2. By the time you get back on the road and get to your friends it will be past 10." She shakes her head. "You already look give out. Why don't you rest for the night. We have a wonderful boarding house just across the street. You can get a fresh start in the morning. I am sure my son would be glad to keep you company if you like."
I have to admit it dose sound like a good idea. "Who is your son?" I wonder
"Oh Opie, he is very nice, I raised him to be a prefect gentleman. You need not worry. I will just give him a call." She makes her way to find her phone.
"Where is he?" I ask
"He is trying to sale the last of our greens. It want take me a minute to get him. As soon as I find my phone." She huff looking behind the counter.
"You know what, don't worry with calling him I know right where to fine him." I smile.
"Well good you go tell him I said to bring you back here, and get something to eat." She gives me a knowing smile.
A full version of this story can be found on Amandakate1414 profile. She took this one Shot and turned it into a very good story.
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