17. without you
One Shot from: Life With You ( Spin off Charlie 2)
Micco stands on the street and watched the many people move around him. The crowd was large and impersonal like all big cities. It was not that he minded the crowd, Altanta was plenty crowded. He had enjoyed his life in Altanta. It was the fact that he was trying to fit in this new place alone.
He closed his eyes against the pain that flared in his chest again. It was the deep never-ending pain of grief. This was the one pain he could not bare. The grief he could not remember at his parents death. The same grief he vividly felt at his grandfather passing to the great hunting ground.
Now it was much worse.
He agreed with mistress Charlie. He needed a new start in fresh new surroundings. Today he was to go to the new club she had told him about. He knew he could trust her advice. This club was be just like the playroom. She had even let him listen in on a phone call between her and the owner of the other club.
This had helped him to decide on his choice to move so far from his home. There was something in the man's voice Micco recognized. The same powerful controlling presence he felt so safe in.
Opening his eyes again he took in the crowded streets. He let his eyes drift over to the opposite side of the street to the front entrance of the new club. He just had gather the strength to make his way over.
Things were much different now than when he first meet his friends at The Playroom. He was not the same desperate man scrounging for every dollar he could just to feed and shelter himself. That was before he meet his Liege and master.
Now thanks to the team of layers his liege left to take care of him. He would never have to worry about money again. The penthouse a few blocks from here was a testimony to this fact. The richness of it all was more than he could handle sometimes.
Micco shook his head at this thought. He would much rather have the man than his money. He would rather be at home with his friends getting ready for a night at the club. Throwing the football around with Josiah his best friend, or listening to Cassie rambling on about her latest shopping trip. Running with Brent early in the morning or teasing Sonny by kissing her cheek or trying to hold her hand. That is what he would love to do now rather than meeting this new crowd.
Micco's eyes followed another sleek sports car as it disappeared in the alley to the private entrance. The master dominant had given him instructions to come to the same private entrance, but he didn't want the special treatment.
He wanted to come in this club on his own terms. Like it was in The Playroom, everyone was equal. Mistress Charlie had taught him the importance to treat everyone as equals. He was never treated differently because he was native American.
His Liege reminded him how important it was to remember where you came from. It was one of the many reasons he fell for him.
You never forget or hide who you are. Take pride in you past. Everyone should see the pride you have in your self. Never hide that from me.
These words ran along the same lines he had heard his grandfather say.
A strong warrior frouges a wide path for his people to follow. You little Cheif must stay strong and lead your people with that same strength. Never fear showing that strength.
Maybe that is why Micco was so drawn to the man he loved more than his own life. He was so similar to Micco's grandfather. It made him sick to think that he would have to go on alone from here.
With a deep sigh Micco bent to pick up his club bag that lay on the sidewalk at his feet. He kicked off the wall of the building he was leaning against. He walked into the flow of people on their way to wherever they were off to. Micco made his way the short distance to the crosswalk.
As he watched the pedestrian sign count down the time for him along with the other people who were waiting to cross the street. A startled gasp caught his attention. From the corner of his eye he saw a older woman. She was gaping at him openly.
He could only imagine what was going through her head at his appearance. The bleach white doe skin jacket that was heavily beaded. The eagle feather braided in his waist leanth hair. As well as his fringed long buck skin pant and tunic. Not to mention the scottish tratan slung over his right shoulder.
Mostly her wide eyes were trained on his face. It was all a bit overboard by most peoples standards but he just couldn't bring himself to stop wearing the mourning face paint. Black paint covered his eyes and forhead. Three white stripes ran from under his right eye to his jaw.
He almost smiled as the woman shifted and took several steps back away from him. In her haste to move away she bumped into a man who was on his phone. Micco clinch his jaw not to bark out in laughter as the man looked up confused as if he just realized he was on the streets.
The lights change and the people that were waiting began to hustle across the walkway. Micco went with the flow of foot traffic. He made his way to the entrance of the club. He pushed open the door and stepped inside.
The reception area was a dark warm place. The wall were a deep red with dark wood trim. There was a mahogany desk to one side. On top of the desk there was a sign that stated to sign the guest book and ring the bell.
As he did so a young man with startling blue eyes and golden blonde hair. The young man stopped short at he took in Micco's dress and face.
"M-May I help you sir?" The blonde beauty asked. With his eyes down cast he waited for Micco to speak.
"I have a meeting with the master dominant. My name is Micco Cheif. Could you tell him I here?" The young man was moving to do Micco's bidding before he had even finish his sentence.
"Excuse me sir there is a Micco Cheif here at the front entrance to see you." There was a brief pause as he listened to the instructions that was being issued. He continues to peek up at Micco as he agrees with whatever being said.
With red cheeks the young man looks up at Micco after the phone is safely on the cradle again. "Master will be with you shortly. If you could just have a seat." He motioned to cream colored victorian chair.
Micco nodded and sat, as the young man took his seat behind the desk. He sat straight in the desk chair. His hands were clasped over the ledger that rested on the desk.
A moment later the door opened again. A tall man with dark eyes and even darker hair stepped into the space. "Micco? I told you that you could use the vip entrance." The man extended his hand to Micco. He stood and looked the man in the eye.
"Im not a vip. I don't expect to be treated as one." It felt good to stand up to the dom. For the first time in mouths he did not feel like screaming in pain.
Maybe this would be a good thing after all.
Micco could only hope so as he followed the master dominant into the club. And his new life as a free submissive.
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