The Non Existence: Boboiboy Oc Fanfic
On last part, X or Death X ran with his beloved brother Aurora, they went back to their home until.....
Since there's part that will make you confusing I will gave you this
'Aurora' (is for the phenomenon of Aurora Borealis)
'Aurora' (is for BBB Aurora my oc)
Third POV
Death X or X (for short) running alongside with his brother Aurora and he saw a unknown guy floating in the sky, he also saw the elemental brothers are fight each other, wait? Fight?. Aurora who saw they situation he look at the elemental brothers "X! Look! They fighting!? But how!?" Says Aurora in worry. X observe them one by one and he saw Thunderstorm block the attacks of Cyclone, X look at him carefully and he saw something odd on Thunderstorm clothes 'a gem? Could it be?' Then he observe the other elements and he saw something same as Thunderstorm in Ice's and Solar's clothes. "Aurora! See that weird gem? On their clothes? I think those gems control them!" Explain X.
Aurora look at him "are you sure?" Ask him, X think for awhile then he smile and he nodded "well awhile ago, they don't have that thing on them. If you observe them carefully" Says X, Aurora nodded his head and he look at the elemental brothers "we should help them! Maybe there's a chance that they will apologize to us!" Even before X answer he already left. X sighed and he follows Aurora 'I don't think this would changes their mind Aurora' thought him.
Meanwhile with the elemental brothers.
The fought each others, Thunderstorm fight against Cyclone, Ice against Blaze and Solar against Thorn. While Earthquake fought the unknown person "Tch....who ever you are! Stop this instant!" Says Quake, the unknown person just grin and he smile "heh, is this what the hero that they always talked about?, hmph....weaklings" Says him, he snaps his fingers as Quake widened his eyes, he look back at his three brothers who being controled by him, grow even stronger. "Ahh! T-Thunder! Open your eyes! Is me! Cyclone!" Cyclone keep blocking as he try to snap him out but, it useless.
"Tch! Hey Pola bear! Come on! How long for you to be asleep! Wake up!" Blaze, also do the same to Ice. But, still. It useless, "S-Solar! Please wake up! Open your eyes, look who you fighting against!?" Says Thorn try to snap his brother back to reality. The unknown person just chuckles, as he look at the elemental brothers "ahh....poor humans, your siblings won't listen to you now, they now belong to me" He rise his hand as he black ball appear its getting bigger and bigger "good.....bye" Say him. But before he even throw his attack, a piercing spear came to his way, he look at it and teleport behind as he saw the person who do it "oh? You got a reinforcement. I can't believe it" He eyes glance and look at Aurora who still have some spears floating around him.
Aurora look at him as he rise up his head and it shows his eyes that changing colors and he glare at him "you, how dare you hurt my brothers! " Says Aurora then he throw another spear and he avoid it again "tch, what a drag" Says him. And behind Aurora appear a guy looking at him with his death cold glare "that should be my line, and if you want to get them, you have get pass us first!" Says X and he use lightning speed to went behind him instantly and chains appear from his body as it tied the mysterious person. He widened his eyes and he quickly turn his head but his movement are stopped as he look at Aurora straight in his eyes.
Earthquake who saw his so called brothers fought that mysterious person, he somehow felt relief and guilt at the same time. 'I should just accept them, what have I done?' Thought Earthquake. Aurora summon more spear as he aim them at the unknown person. The guy try to get out from the illusions "" Says him, Aurora smirks as he still look at him in the eye "oh?~~~~~ then....come on hit me" Say Aurora.
X look at his younger brother then he turn to Earthquake and he sighed "hey....." Say X, Earthquake look at X then X look away as he say "go, help the others. Leave him to us, also try to knock them out" Earthquake tilted his head confusion "knock them out? Why?" Ask him. X shrugs as he glance at him "I don't know if this will help them, but just do it for now" Say X, Earthquake nodded he went to his brothers to help them.
Death X POV
I saw Earthquake went to help his siblings, 'wait, this is familiar' I thought, I keep thinking while watching over Aurora who still waiting for that person to attack him. Aurora, he really are bad boy sometimes. Then I can feel my chains loosen up 'crap!' I tried to tighten up, but is to late. The person smirks as he broken my chains "ahh!" I fall on the ground and I look at him 'tch,why I have to be useless' I thought. Then I saw Aurora look at me, I can see he's worried so I force myself "don't worry about me! Focus on him Aurora!" I say as he nodded and he look back at the person.
I forced myself to get up 'ugh! Come on you useless for nothing body' I curse myself and I slowly stood up and walked to my so called brother who try to knocking them out, I guess?
Death X POV ends
Third POV
Aurora look at the mysterious person about to swing his knife on him then he smirks, " really are good, you are the first person who can get away from my illusions" Then he lower his head and snaps his fingers. Suddenly a hole appear out of nowhere in the skies and Aurora smile creepily "still you won't get away from" Says him and look at him straight in his eyes.
The person look at Aurora's rainbow eyes and he froze again 'tch....not again' then he look up as form the hole on the skies it appear many of spears as it attacks. His sweats appear and he slowly and struggling look at Aurora who smiling. Then Aurora snaps his finger and the spear attacks him.
Meanwhile with the brothers
Earthquake help Cyclone on fighting Thunderstorm "Quake! Why are you here!? Did you defeat him!?" Says Cyclone. Earthquake shook his head as he blocks Thunderstorm's sword "no, but DX and Aurora help use with it" Says Earthquake. Cyclone widened his eyes as he saw Aurora just killed? (Maybe?) That person and he lower his head "there's no time for regretting! We have to focus now!" Says Earthquake.
They struggle to counter Thunderstorm's attacks but suddenly he collapses. "Eh? What's wrong?" Ask Cyclone as he look at Earthquake, Earthquake look at Cyclone as he giving a movement of 'I don't know' then he look at Ice and Solar who also collapse."what's happening?" Ask Blaze "did we did it?" Ask Thorn. All of them look at each other as they hear "don't worry, I took their power so that's why they collapse" Say X who stand behind those three collapse boy.
Aurora ran to them as he panting and try he look at X "X....I-I did it" Says him, X smiles weakly as he Pat his head than he walked to the collapse elemental brothers and he look at Earthquake,Cyclone,Blaze and Thorn. "You guys back off" Says X and he look back at Aurora "Aurora create that berier." Says X again. Aurora shook his head and he hold X's hand "no! I don't want to! Please there's must be another way!" Says Aurora.
X smile and he kneel down as he rise Aurora's hat, he close his eyes and smile "is gonna be fine little one" Aurora nodded his head as he walked a little bit backwards and he rise his hand "sword of revealing light" Say Aurora and he snaps his finger and bunch of swords appear around X, Ice Solar and Thunderstorm.
X who inside the berier he smile and he kneel down then he started to panting and getting tired, his eyes become blurry. But her force himself to stood up and he went to three of them and took the gems on their clothes, then he destroy them.
Death X POV
After I destroy the gems I gave them back their power, hah.....I getting really tired. My head is spinning, 'wait, So this is what my dream back there's about? The part of Aurora cuddled me and crying, also me lying on the ground. This is must be it.' I thought and I smile. 'Well then, good bye little brother' I thought and after I giving them their power I collapse on the ground.
Death X POV ends
Third POV
Aurora watches his brother collapse as he gaps and remove the sword by snapping his fingers he ran to him and look at him, tears fall from his eyes and he fall on his knees then he hug him "no!!! X!!!! No!!!! You say you don't want to leave me!!!!!" Say Aurora crying. The elemental brothers look at him in guilt as they lower their head.
For couple of minutes Aurora still crying, as the three boys woke up and they told them the accident. Now they waiting for Aurora to calm down. Once again he look at X's cold and lifeless body and he mumbles "X, sorry.....I'm sorry for being useless, I'm sorry" He burry his head. And cry. Again the brothers only look at him, suddenly Solar look at the skies and he widened his eyes "guys! Look! Aurora Borealis!" Says him pointing at the Aurora Borealis. They all look at it as they all amazed, suddenly the Aurora's gather on top of the two non existent elements.
Aurora's body started to glowing then he rise his head and he look at the skies "I see" He wipe his tears and look at X again. "This time, is my turn" Says him, he rise his head and he look straight in the Aurora and the Aurora's went through to X's body. After awhile the Aurora gone, and Aurora lower his head and look at X.
Slowly X opened his eyes he blink for awhile try to remember the event that just happened then as soon he realize, he look at his younger brother "A.....urora? " Say him weakly. Aurora smile and he hug him tightly, after the resurrection of X. The elemental brothers begging for forgiveness and they promise to not be rude again, also now, X and Aurora are exist again of the part of the elemental brothers
Whew! That's a work out! Anyway that's the end of the collab of me with my bestie kazscircus well, I hope you like it and for your request it have to wait okay?
That's all for now and if you have request of one shots you can leave it in this comment below okay! Cya!!
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