Camp Goals - J x L
JJ and Levi arnt there real names but everything in this story is true excluding the underlined parts. But please enjoy and tell me if you like this to be a continuous series where I share stories from my friends.
Also this isn't the best story but it was so cringy I had to post it.
JJ and Levi sat on a Picnic blanket under a golden collie flower tree. Away from everyone else, they were talking nonsense. JJ and Levi didn't like Each other but they hated everyone else even more, they started playing twenty questions but stopping because they couldn't think of any other questions.
JJ's hair swished back and forth as the wind blew softly.
Levi started at her, admiring her features, her Green eyes shimmered in the sunlight, he admired her freckles almost trying to count every single one as if this would be the last time he saw her.
'Her lips so kissable' he thought to him self immediately hating himself.
His stares might have been too long, JJ looked over at Levi about to say something but instead noticed his lingering stare.
"What are you looking at jackass?" JJ asked sass evident in her voice.
Levis checks turned crimson red, he immediately looked away, too flustered to say anything. All he could spit out was a small 'Nothing'.
JJ didn't say anything after that just looked away looking at the tree. Levi looked back over being careful in case she did decide to say something again.
'What are you doing, you dislike her, No! Despise her' the little voice spoke but even when Levi heard it he still didn't move, he still stared at her.
JJ started picking up leafs and started to annalise them then drop them back were she had found them.
"Can I ask you a question" Levi said, his own voice surprising himself, JJ turned her head and looked at him. She nodded her head as a sign to continue.
"Well I like this" *Cough* "Girl" 'Aka you' he thought to himself.
"but I don't know how to approach the situation of telling her or if she even likes me." Levi said almost as if questioning his choice of words.
"Well for starters who is it" JJ asked. Levi shook his head "I need to know so I can tell you how to approach it" JJ said.
Levi didn't say anything just stared at her.
" well it seems as though you are a spiral Colom drilled into a solid surface " she said brightly
A look of confusion spread a cross his face
"Your screwed'" JJ stated bluntly, she got up ready to leave.
Levi had to make his move now or never.
"What if I just kissed her?" Words were flying out of his mouth before he could comprehend what he was actually saying.
"Well shell either kiss you or slap you, Take your chances with that" she said starting to walk off.
Levi stood up and started walking towards "Wait!" He called even though she was only a few metres away.
He stood right in front of her he looked from her eyes to her lips. 'Now or never!' He though to himself.
He leaned in towards he softly placing his right hand on her left cheek. His lips meet hers. JJ was surprised at his actions, after a few seconds she just closed her eyes.
They parted ways, Levi heard leaves crushing.
They heard leafs crushing. Levi looked at her then darted in the opposite direction up the hill. JJ was stunned about what just happened that she didn't move.
The crunching got closer and she saw Zach.
-Few hours later-
Zach walked up to JJ.
"Soooo.." Zach started Jorden looked confused. " did you kiss him" Zach spoke quickly.
JJ Immediately said something. "NO!" She exclaimed.... "kinda..... maybe..... Yeah" she whispered.
She walked away quickly 'maybe this isn't so bad' she thought smiling
OR IS IT ...
(Everything from here on JJ wrote)
Two weeks later .
JJ walked in to the library happily. She did not see the boy waiting for her at the library office .
"Hi JJ " Levi said cheerfully hoping to see her smile again he missed it . At the camp they had more awkward moments like when he complimented her saying that her eyes looked like the stars . She replied with" how can they ? my eyes are green the sky is blue " she Carmly walked away to Zach and her friends Jackie and Jessica. Zach was his spy because he had been good friends with JJ since they were little. Plus he had a crush on Jackie so he agreed.
At the sound of his voice she scrolled " hello Levi " she rolled her eyes and didn't even stop to see his reaction she kept on walking In The direction of the office, the point of safety where she could lock him out of her life for at least the feast of lunch.
He stoped her by grabbing her arm turning her around in the process their eyes connected and a flicker of passion and lust went through them like electricity.
"What do you want jack ass" JJ said coldly .
" what did I do to you?" Levi said desperately "what did I do to deserve you hating me"
" Levi " JJ put her free hand on his shoulder he looked at his feet so JJ had to bend down to look into his eyes " You know how I said if you kiss a girl she'll either kiss back or slap you"
"Yeah" Levi simpered, looking at her.
"Well there's a third option" JJ spoke he looked hopeful.
" she could do both " JJ said quickly
"I chose the third option"
"But you haven't slapped me yet" Levi said desperately.
With one clean swoop she slapped him right across the face.
(Side note Levi and JJ were on a truck and Levi had nothing to hold onto do he put his arm around JJ and held the thing she was holding 😂😍)
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