Actor AU: Aphmau
Genre: Actor AU.
Characters: Derek (Aaron's dad), Irene, Zane, and Rachel (Aaron's mom).
In this MyStreet AU: They're all about fourteen and fifteen. Whenever it says "years later," they're about seventeen and eighteen. You also have to be twenty-one before you're classified as an adult and can live on your own.
As Zane and Irene filmed the upcoming episode of MCD, Zane fell to the ground.
Irene ran towards him and crouched done, repeating the same question.
"Zane!? Are you okay!?"
Shortly after medics and security were called, a bright, white, flash appeared. It lasted about three seconds before vanishing... With Zane.
Irene searched through every set, and every office, failing to find him...
With Zane. . .
Zane looked around, only to see a bedroom, decorated in black.
He got up, and walked around, eventually making his way to the kitchen where he saw his two brothers.
He attempted to summon his sword, with no luck. That's when he realized... He was human...
He ran back to the room and jumped out the window. Eventually, he made his way to an neighborhood far away.
He sat down on the sidewalk, and thought of any sort of solution to get back.
He took a breathe, and began to look around, taking in more details. After he did, he realized where he was...
He was in the MyStreet world, and by the looks of it, not the studio.
"How'd I get here..?" He asked himself.
He slowly got drowned in tiredness, especially after all of the recordings he made that day. He slowly began to black out. However, before he could, he heard a voice ask him a question.
"Is that you, Zane? Why are you here?"
Then darkness...
Years later. . .
It's been a few years since Derek found Zane. Years since he last seen his "friends." Years since Derek believed him. Years since he became human.....
Zane sat on Derek's sofa, visiting him, thinking.
'He's done this much for me... How about I return the favor!? It's been years since he's last spoke to Rachel. Maybe I can get them back together.' He looked down. 'Problem is... I know nothing when it comes to love... Kawaii~Chan does! I'll ask her. That is if she doesn't break my eardrums first.'
Week of planning later. . .
The plan they created worked, and they were back together! (Laziness-)
Three months later. . .
The smell of smoke filled the house as the alarms went off.
Everyone started to run, making it out. Lots of people were outside, panicking and calling the fire department.
Once Garroth started to do role-call, he realized that they were missing someone.
"WHERE'S MOM!?" He asked, worried.
"I think she's still inside!" Vlyde screamed with a few tears in his eyes.
Vlyde, despite never really showing it, was a scardy-cat, and was currently hugging Zane.
Without another blink, their dad ran in to save her. (Idiot-)
Two days later. . .
Zane spoke with Derek and Rachel, while his brothers were asleep in the other room.
"Zane... Despite the fact that you aren't originally from here... You haven't really shown any emotions... What's up..?"
"I'm an actor, do you really think I don't know how to act..?" Tears formed in his eyes.
The couple comforted him before nodding at each other.
A week later. . .
They waited in the office, all of the boys, confused.
Eventually a social worker came out with papers and explained what was going on.
They were getting adopted...
They were filled with joy, especially Zane, considering that he killed them in his show. (What am I doing??)
Then a bright flash appeared, once it vanished, everyone noticed that Zane was gone.
"WHAT!?" Rachel screamed.
"Oh, so that's how he got teleported to our universe."
"What!? Derek, explain! PLEASE." Rachel panicked.
With Zane. . .
"That gave me a headache." Zane muttered while standing up.
He looked around, and noticed that he was in the MCD Recording Studio once more.
Irene noticed him, giving him a pat on the back.
"Welcome back! We were worried!"
Zane just stood there, speechless. Eventually, he managed to speak, and what he said, was caught on camera, due to Aphmau's inability to hit pause on her camera.
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