" We only have less than three hours before that son of a bitch kills them." "Sir I don-" Don't even think about finishing that sentence agent Redfox." The said man quickly quiet down once the man rose his voice at him. This was his second time seeing the commander so stressed about a mission. Ever since that day, that was his first time seeing his leader in his worse condition.
He sighed, choosing his next words carefully. "Sorry chief, as I was saying, we don't have a specific location just at the moment... but the good news is, are leads, on the victims; The first victim to be discovered was 23 year old, Ashley Sparks, who was sexually assaulted in the back of her shed. Before the assualter can do any further damage to Miss Sparks, the assualter stopped abduntly whatever what they were doing and walked away, leaving the same note that was left with the other three victims that got attempted assault on them saying, 'don't you just love it, when there showing their desperation towards you, clearly written all over there faces.'
Now what we believe to be the case is that the three other victims are known to be all females. Which concludes the assualter to be a male in his mid 30's. Not only does he leave the note, but he leaves ropes, hooded mask, and a gun. These three are the most useful items for any criminal to use.. why would he do this?"
When Agent Redfox looked up, he knew instantly what face the chief had. He had his concentration face on. When people in the police station saw this facial expression, they knew that the head of the police department will not stop, until he got the business done. After all, he was the first man in the Ohio police department to crack down the three, most unsolved crimes in a row. " Taylor, get me Miss Sparks on the line, I need a word with her face to face." "Right away sir." Taylor quickly scurried away, he didn't want to upset the chief again.
part two coming soon bc i'm tired :/
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