Zepher x Kurayami [🍋]
A/N: they're both oc's of mine, from the shared book with _Toast_Lover_ called Gods Worship, just and just a little FYI, this ship is cannon❤
Date Started: September 15th, 2022
Date finished: October 13,2022
yes, i know this took a long time to write i just don't feel like writing a lot
Tap. Tap.
Tap. Tap.
Tap. Tap.
The ball pointed black pen would hit down against the wood of the hardwood table, the current ruler of the underworld sighed lightly, one thing he hated about being king is all the paperwork for the helicity damages due to well, terrible people who were down there, well not actual bad people those people were sent down somewhere to be used as little work pets for the actual demons in the underworld. The white-haired male sighed as he lays his head down in his folded arms, tired from all the paperwork and complains from the demons in the civilization. The young lord tiredly looked at the velvet red tarps on the walls with the Underworlds victory flag logo on it, a fireplace off to the side with flames, such pretty vibrant colors, the warmth, the heat, it always calmed the young lord whenever he was overly stressed.
The large hazel doors with creak open as a tall male came into view of the young lord, the male had darker toned skin the pale being in charge, his hair was short but long at the same time, was also a pretty blonde color. The male was muscular and covered in battle scars, some on his face as a golden patch covered his eye. The taller would get on one knee and respectfully bow to the younger male. "Lord Kurayami" The male started the kings name as the whitehaired beauty sat upright in his chair, humming quietly in amusement. Kurayami stood up as his tailcoated vest gently fell behind his legs, walking around his deck and too the male Infront of him.
"Stand up Zepher." The king ordered the older male, the other obeyed within a quick amount of time, standing up straight, the Hight difference was rather someone amusing to some demons in the down when they saw the 2 together, the young lord was about the height of Zepher's chest, his rather Muscular chest. Kurayami would always happen to find himself staring at his well, man Boobs as some may call them. Kurayami would perk up as Zepher cleared his throat, getting the young rulers attention. "My lord, there are something the headmasters of the Hellgate rules need to talk to you about in your throne room, i was informed this so you could be on your way there" The blonde male stated as his Icey blue eyes pierced into Kurayami's bright red ones.
Kurayami felt his face heat up ever so slightly, he coughed as he nodded, holding a hand up to his face to cover his mouth. "Yes, yes thank you Zepher. but please escort me to the throne room, you never know when an attack might be held." the vampire like male explained to the taller. The blonde male nodded as he followed his king after he held the large wooden doors open for him. Kurayami and Zepher made their way down the long, dark hallway that always had an eerie feeling to it. Zepher always stood behind the young lord incased someone wanted to come from the back, though if someone comes from the front he'll see it right away, along with side views, it's basically like he has multiple sets of eyes, like a spider.
Zepher occasionally would ignore those tasks as a guard to take a sneak peek at Kurayami's 'Bakery' that he had in the back, though he showed no expression, his face would have been on fire if he wasn't hiding the expression behind a stone-cold face. Kurayami looked over his shoulder at Zepher as hummed quietly. "Would you like to accompany me in the meeting?" the young lord asked the older male with a calm expression, the sudden question make Zepher snap out of the so called trans he was in, Giving the ruler a light nod. "Yes m'lord" the blonde stated, following Kurayami into the throne room.
Kurayami's heels clicked against the flooring, the click was muffled by the thin carpet onto the cold, stone flooring of the throne room. The Hellgate headmasters were there,6 of them as they stood in 3's on the sides of the carpet In Front of the throne, giving bows and Curtsies of respect to their lord. Zepher stood to the side of the throne whilst Kurayami made his way up the small, slabbed stairs into the large throne, sitting down in it, looking across the throne room at the 6 Headmasters. One of the 6 opened a satchel on their hip, pulling out a scroll and clearing his throat. "My lord as you are aware of the downfall of the demons, correct?" the headmaster would ask the young ruler as he turned his attention up to him.
"Indeed, i am aware of this situation, i believe I've already handled it"
"You have my lord, but the people are simply saying you just didn't do enough for it and are demanding us to make you do something"
the meeting went on for hours, or what felt like hours to the young king. He felt uncomfortable as the minutes went by, the feeling of discomfort growing more on him, along with a strange warmth, he has never felt this warmth before. Zepher looked at his lord with a confused expression, the young king had begun to squirm, the headmasters saw but paied no attention to it, the honestly believe he was just being a kid.
Kurayami huffed as he crossed his legs and held onto the arm rests of his throne, the meeting was close be being over, that bear relief wave was so close yet so far away. "My lord, we will be concluding this meeting, so you have time to think about it" one of the feminine headmasters sated as the 6 got into a file line and left the room. Kurayami perked up a bit, was it really over? he doesn't remember a damn thing due to the discomfort sidetracking him. The young lord would sigh as he looked over at Zepher, huffing quietly, making the army leader confused. "Z-Zepher.." Kurayami stuttered as he climbed out of his throne and In Front of the taller man, holding onto his shirt. Zepher would perk up as his face dusted with a soft red hue across his face. "My lord..?" he raised an eyebrow with confusion.
The young lord would press up against Zepher with a small whimper, looking at the older male with pleading eyes. "Z-Zepher... i feel all warm... down there... a-and it hurts..." Kurayami stuttered a little bit, he didn't know what he was experiencing, but whatever it was he didn't like it. Zepher blinked in confusion, overthinking the situation, was his king sick? in pain? then it hit him like a train ramming into a car. "ah.. i see.." Zepher's face was dusted a red color as he glanced down at the young king.
Kurayami perked up a bit, surprised that Zepher knew what he was experiencing, him on the other hand had no idea. The white-blonde haired male perked up a bit as he was picked up and slung over his army general's shoulder like a potato sack or a corpse being carried. His face was bright red as he scowled and started squirming hitting his hands down on Zepher's back. "What are you doing you buffoon?! unhand me this instant!" Kurayami's blood red eyes glared at the back of Zepher's head. The blonde male chuckled in amusement, his heavy boots making loud thumps against the hard, cold, stone floor. Kurayami growled " didn't you hear me you idiot?! unhand me!" he huffed in annoyance as Zepher sighed. "Forgive me my lord but you yell too much" Zepher whacked Kurayami's ass earning a small gasp from the other. "wh-what the hell was that for?!" Kurayami shouted at Zepher, a small laugh in return from the other male. "You want me to help you or not my lord?" the blonde asked with a smug expression.
Kurayami was dumbfounded, he stayed quiet but exhaled in defeat. The taller male chuckled quietly, and he opened the large wooden doors into his lord's room and set him down on the velvet bed sheets. Zepher would hum as and slowly climbed on top of Kurayami, gently pinning the smaller male to the bed. The blonde would hover over the ruler of the underworld as he slowly looked him up and down with lust in his eyes, chuckling quietly to himself, making the demon ruler under him blush a light rose color. "Do i have your permission my lord?" Zepher asked in a low tone, leaning his face closer to the others, Kurayami would hesitate a little before glancing into Zepher's eyes and giving the commander a light nod. With a slow and calm movement Zepher leaned down more and pressed his chapped lips against his lords' soft ones, purring quietly in content as the blonde-white haired male's hands grip onto the Taller's muscular shoulders, 2 large hands being placed on Kurayami's lower back.
*Miniature Time skip cause I'm losing ideas |||*
"Just keep Your legs up on my shoulders my lord..." Zepher mumbled softly, pressing his throbbing tip up against Kurayami's hole, groaning quietly as he pushed it in, earning a small high-pitched gasp from the smaller male. Kurayami's pale hands grip tightly onto the velvet bedding under him, whimpering in a small sense of pain in mean, he is kind of well, unexperienced. Zepher panted, his rather 'large' companion twitching inside of the other, he gently kissed his lord's soft skin, up his torso and to his neck, hushing him softly. "My lord it's okay... you'll get used to the feeling..." he mumbled in a comforting tone, planting gentle kisses on Kurayami's pale skin. Kurayami's breath was warm, but very uneven, his eyes where at a half-closed state as he gazed at Zepher with pleading eyes. "Please.. start to move Zepher." he mumbled quietly, making the army general perk up.
"As you wish my lord" Zepher stated as he rested his hands Apon Kurayami's hips, slowly moving his hips to meet with the other's lower section, groaning softly at the tightness, getting quiet whimpers and mewls from the male below him. The white-blonde haired male would start to tremble cause of the size, whimpering as small tears pricked and threated to roll down his face. Zepher's blue eyes gaze down at his lord having him in such an embrace was the best prize Zepher would ever have, well besides winning a battle against the enemy and having their head on a stick. He would lean forward and bite Kurayami's shoulder, sinking his teeth into the flesh, drawing blood as pleasured moans released from the other's mouth, satisfied with the noise he got and sucked at the fresh wound, licking up the blood as he left a bruise, well a Hicky in this case on the young king's shoulder.
Kurayami unlike most humans, enjoyed this pain, he loved the agony being sent through his body with that bite, maybe he was a masochist? new kink unlocked i assume. He lifted his hands up and clawed at the general's back with his long fingernails, they were sharp too, moaning needily as the force & speed of the thrusts increased. Zepher would grunt, moving his large arms upwards to the sides of the young king, looking down at the other as he was clung onto, screams of pleasure filling his ears. The slapping of skin hitting against each other would be heard out across the room or muffled by the door for by passers in the place, the young king looked up at Zepher with lust in his eyes and pulling the scar covered man into a sloppy kiss, mainly on teeth clashing together and sometimes biting the other's tongue. Zepher happened to enjoy this, he enjoyed doing this to his king, he enjoyed making a mess out of him.
"My my..~" Zepher started on as he pulled away from the kiss with a string of drool connecting the 2 tongues, smirking as the king below him gasped for breath whilst heavily panting. The other would continue on as he sat up straight and pulled Kurayami onto his lap whilst holding his waist, resting his chin on his shoulder with a low purr into the king's ear "You're such a dirty whore aren't you, my lord?" he said in a low, seductive tone, sending shivers down Kurayami's spine, quietly laughing at him as the younger clung onto him, that is when he started moving his hips upwards. He lowly groaned, loving this new position, the king's moans and gasps being clearly heard in his ear, he loved it. Zepher moaned, feeling himself to the brink of letting a certain 'white fulid' out into the other, mumbling sweet nothings to the other, perking up at a squeal and screaming on pleasure and warning. "Z-Zepher- ah~ ah!~ i'm g-going to-" Kurayami needily whimpered as his legs trembled, making Zepher grin and kiss his cheek. "So am i my lord.." he mumbled quietly as the moeans from the smaller increased in volume, white sticky strings relasing from the young lord's 'shaft' as Zepher groaned, relasuing inside of the smaller, biting his lip as lots exziled from his body and into the other.
Kurayami trembled as he relaxed, his eyes fluttering shut as his arms and legs fell limp against the other male. Zepher looked at his king and perked up, pulling out and cleaning himself & the smaller up, resting Kurayami in bed and laying down next to him, kissing his forehead, getting a small smile from the sleeping king.
"Sweet dreams my lord, and i prey to the keepers of hell i live to see another day after you wake up tomorrow"
He laughed at his own little joke.
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