Yeah, She's Mine
I'd just like to thank Abby-Dixon101 for helping me create this little adorable bean via Kik secret notes!
A door opened. A male with dark brown, styled hair, a goatee and dark hazel eyes stood up from his desk. In walked a professionally dressed woman with strawberry blonde hair pulled Into a pony tail. Beside her stood a more chubby male with blackish brown hair and dark eyes and In a suit. The woman held a child around the age of five In her arms. The child had dark brown, wavy, hair that faded Into lighter colored curls at the tips. She also had lighter hazel eyes and tanned skin. She wore a black t-shirt that was definitely long on her skinny body that adorned an Iron Man design on the front, grey shorts and black and red high tops. A black watch rested on her left wrist. The male smiled and walked forwards, lifting the child out of the woman's arms and Into his arms. "Daddy!" Squealed the five year old, little arms wrapping around the male's neck. Her eyes didn't focus on her surroundings, not anything for that matter. The man chuckled. "Hey Riley." His voice was soft as he spoke to the little girl, poking her nose which caused her to giggle. "Did you have fun with Pepper and Happy?" The little girl's eyes lit up. "Yes! Daddy, you finally put Braille around the Tower!" She cheered excitedly, practically bouncing In his arms. "Yes, I did. Anything for my baby girl." He hummed, a smile crawling onto his face. He locked eyes with Pepper and Happy. Pepper rose her phone, showing a text that said 'We're upstairs.'. The male bit his lip, but nodded. Riley was grinning, hugging her dad's neck, oblivious to what was going on. "Hey Ri, you wanna meet some people?" The male asked, raising an eyebrow. "What kind of people, daddy?" Riley questioned, curiosity creeping Into her sentence. "Some friends of mine, Ri." He smiled, running a hand through her brown locks. "Okay!" Her grin seemed to grow even wider If possible. A nervous smile was placed on the male's face before being taken over by a confident aura. He placed the five year old down, holding on to her hand to make sure she didn't run off or Into something. The four walked out of the office, the building busy with workers employees. Some people glanced their way, but quickly went back to work. The man and woman both held powerful auras and held their heads high. "It feels weird to not have my cane." Riley mumbled, but didn't wipe the smile off her face. The male rose an eyebrow. "Where'd you leave It now?" He questioned, amused. "..Upstairs." Giggled Riley as she held tightly onto her father's hand. He shook his head In amusement. The four approached an elevator and It opened after a hand scan. Once the four were In, the doors closed. "What floor, sir?" Asked a male, British voice. "Common floor, J." Responded the male. The elevator started to move upwards.
Soon enough, the elevator stopped and opened without a noise. The four stepped out. Riley by the man's side, Pepper on the other side of Riley and Happy behind the man. Five adults sat on couches In a lounge type area not far off from the elevator. Four males and one female. They all looked up when footsteps were heard. Riley shuffled closer to her father, her grip tightening on his hand. "Tony, nice to see you out of your lab for once." Joked a muscular man with blond hair and blue eyes. Tony, the male, smirked. "Pepper would've killed me If I spent another day In there." He looked towards Pepper, who nodded. A redheaded female noticed Riley, now she knew this kid already, but didn't speak up. A dirty blond haired male was the one to speak up. "Who's the kid, Stark?" He asked with an eyebrow raise. Tony was about to respond when he was cut off by his daughter. "I'm standing right here." She huffed, releasing her father's hand and crossing her arms. Her dad was turned In his direction, but her eyes weren't focused on him. "This child shares your snark, Man of Iron!" A long haired blond male said loudly. Riley flinched from the loud level this man spoke at. "Ow, sensitive ears." She whined. Tony smirked, watching his teammates. "And your physical appearance." Another male pointed out, but quietly. He had curly brown hair with brown eyes. Riley was getting bored. She turned her head In her father's direction. "Daddy, can I go get my cane and hit the loud man with It?" She questioned. The room went quiet, the team stunned at what the five year old had just said. Tony chuckled, looking down to Riley. "I don't think It'd hurt him, sweetheart." He answered, patting her head. The redhead female decided to speak up. "Hey, Ri." She said softly as she stood up. Riley's head turned quickly In the female's direction. "I recognize that voice! Auntie Nat!" She giggled. Nat stood up as the child ran towards her. "Riley, left!" Tony called, the child listened and turned left, ending up In Nat's arms. Nat smiled, placing a kiss on the five year old's cheek. "Hey, sweetie." She greeted. Riley's tiny arms wrapped around Nat's neck, burying her face In her shoulder. "I missed you! You haven't been over to visit Pepper!" She chirped. "I know, got busy. I'm sorry." Nat said softly, setting the child down. The male with curly hair looked towards Tony. "So, you have a kid, huh?" He asked with a smile. Tony grinned at his friend. "Sure do."
Happy appeared, walking over to Riley with a small bundle of sticks In hand. But It wasn't sticks, It was a cane. Riley smirked, taking the elastic ring off the bundle and holding the rubber grip as It unfolded. The cane had a black grip, black elastic and had white reflective tape alongside a bright red one at the bottom with a white ball tip. Natasha pointed Riley In the direction of Thor, or the 'loud man' as she called him. Riley walked forwards before whacking Thor In the nuts with the cane. "Riley Natalia Stark!" Pepper yelled. Tony and Natasha burst out laughing, Happy snickering as well. Riley was In a fit of giggles, a smirk on her face as she hugged the cane.
"Yeah, she's mine."
A/N Woo! Little Riley Is adorable, and yes, she Is blind but does have light perception.
This Is a cane. ^
Once again, thank you Abby-Dixon101 for helping me make Riley and for drawing her!
Have a good day/night! <3
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