Jaguar and the Wolf
In the middle of a forest packed with snow, In a tree lay a black jaguar with piercing, glowing, aqua blue eyes. The jaguar's tail had two stripes before the tip of Its tail the same color of Its glowing eyes. Next to the jaguar, a bit higher up on a separate branch, stood a wolf like canine. It had pitch black fur, It's right front paw white, alongside Its left ear tip and tail tip. It had tufts of fur on It's head with white tips, also on Its head were dark red horns. The canine had glowing red eyes, a black bracelet around It's right front paw and a silver chain around Its neck. The jaguar as well adorned a silver chain around Its neck. Below the tree, stomping around In all Its mad glory, was a large moose. The canine turned to the jaguar. "Well, we pissed off a moose. And not one of our Canadian allies either." It joked, the jaguar looked to the canine. "Of course It's not one of our Canadian allies! We're In Russia, you doofus!" The jaguar hissed In reply. A device clipped to each of their left ears buzzed and then came to life with a new voice. "Kaciana, Damian, where are you?" The voice sounded male and American. "Yeah, we're kind of In the middle of a mission, guys! You can't just walk off!" Snapped a female voice. "Would you believe us If we said that we've angered a moose and are now cornered In a tree?" Chuckled the jaguar nervously. Another new voice joined In the conversation, laughing. "Wow, good going sis." The Male voice laughed out. "I'd like to see you face off with a moose! These things are scary!" Argued the jaguar. "Would you two stop arguing like children?" Grunted out a new male voice. "I agree with Clint here." Spoke the female voice. "Kaciana, Just electrocute It." Sighed the first male voice. "Ohhh, why didn't I think of that?" The jaguar pondered. "Because you're an Idiot?" Smirked the canine. "Excuse me, Damian?" The jaguar asked, Its pelt sparking with pure, blue, electricity. The canine stuck Its tongue out, disappearing with the blink of an eye. It reappeared on the ground, quickly realizing Its mistake. "Oh shit!" It exclaimed as the angered moose turned towards It and chased the canine. The jaguar burst out laughing. "See you at the jet, Demon boy!" It called, jumping from the tree with a soft 'thud' before trotting away In another direction.
The jaguar trotted up to a black, high tech, jet. The back was open as six others sat In It. Five males and one female. Trotting In, the jaguar's form started to shift. It went from a black jaguar with glowing aqua markings and eyes, to a teenage girl, around the age of 17, with brown hair, hazel amber eyes and tanned skin. The girl wore a black leather jacket and a grey t-shirt underneath and blue jeans with black high tops. The silver chain from her jaguar form around her neck. The ears and tail from her jaguar form appearing as well. "Where's Damian?" Asked a blonde male with blue eyes, dressed up like an American flag with a shield. As If on cue, the canine from before skidded to a halt In the jet, It's form changing as well. From the black and white canine, to a teenage boy around the age of 17-18. The boy had fluffy black hair that went just past his ears with white tips, red eyes and fairly tanned skin. His horns, as well as his silver chain, bracelet, tail and ears came over from his canine form. The boy was wearing a black sweater, dark red shirt, black jeans and shoes. "Right here!" The boy smirked, walking over to a seat along the wall and sitting down. Once everyone was situated, the jet started to take off with a dirty blonde male and redheaded woman piloting. A man stepped out of a red and gold robotic suit. The man had dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a styled goatee adorning his face. He wore casual clothes. He walked over to the two teenagers. "What have I said about running off In the woods together?" He asked. The two teens looked up, the girl rolling her eyes and the boy smirking. "Really? You really think I'd do anything with this Idiot?" Grinned the girl. The boy snickered. "Yeah, like I'd totally fuck your sister." He said In a sarcastic manner, the brown haired male crossed his arms, not finding this amusing at all. "I'm not worried about that- Okay, maybe I am. But running off like that Is dangerous, you could've gotten hurt. HYDRA could've gotten you again, Kaciana." He explained, the girl rose her Index finger. "Ah, but that's the thing, bro, they didn't." The male ran a hand through his hair, clearly she wasn't getting the point he was trying to get across. "We'll talk about this later." The male muttered In frustration as he turned to walk away. "Whatever, Tony!" The girl, Kaciana, waved him off. "Kaciannnaaaa!" Drawled the boy out, smirking as she turned slowly towards him. "Say my full first name again and I'll electrocute you to the high heavens and back. We all know how much you hate angels." She smirked, electricity sparking at her fingertips. "Kacia! No electricity while we're flying!" Scolded the American flag man. Kaciana dismissed the electricity, rolling her eyes at him. "We're fine, Steve. Lighten up."
Once they jet landed on a tall Tower In New York, the eight unloaded and went their separate ways. Damian and Kaciana made their way to the main floor, which had a kitchen and the rest was taken up by a common room like area. Damian turned, tackling Kacia. The two landed on the ground with a thud, rolling around and wrestling. In the midst of It, Kacia lightly zapped Damian, making him yelp and shout. "No fair, that's cheating!" Kacia's laughter filled the air. "Not If we didn't establish rules, It Isn't!" A couple of the team members were hanging out In the kitchen, observing the two wrestle around. "Sometimes It's like they're either siblings, or secretly dating." Pointed out the dirty blonde male. "I think It's the ladder." Spoke the redhead. The male, Tony, from before huffed. "Over my dead body It Is." He growled out, the redhead and male turned to him. "You can't keep your sister locked up forever, Tony. She's young, she has your wit and she's going to find a way to go against anything you say." The redhead told him, looking back to see Kacia and Damian laughing. "I can try." Tony huffed, before making his way out of the kitchen. Kacia and Damian sat on the floor, facing each other. "Did you crawl out of Hell? Because you're hot." Damian smirked, this pickup line causing both teens to burst out laughing. "No, sorry. My body temperature Is above average because I climbed out of a lava pool." Kacia retorted. "Did It hurt when you fell from heaven?" Damian questioned, Kacia stared him In the eyes. "No, because I crawled out of the depths of hell." The two couldn't hold each others stare, laughing at the stupid pickup lines and retorts they were coming up with. The two continued to go back and forth, to anyone else It would look like flirting, but to them, It was a harmless game of joking around.
It was later on In the evening, the team was In the common room, hanging around on the couches and just chatting and watching T.V. Kacia was sitting on the carpet on the floor, minding her own business. Damian appeared out of nowhere, laying across the back of the couch on his back. He managed to scare the crap out of some sitting on the couch. "Sexy." Kacia called out jokingly to him. "Damn right I'm sexy!" Damian yelled out, gaining everyone's attention. "Nah, I've seen better." Kacia hummed out, Damian disappeared, reappearing at her side. "Really?" He questioned, arms crossed, eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face. "Yeah, like that plant over there." Kacia grinned as she pointed to a potted plant In the corner.
Events like these kept going on for the rest of the week, where someone, or the team, would walk In on them either joking around, supposedly flirting, cuddling, playful arguments and other things, none of them dirty though. Get your mind out of the gutter. My gosh. Anyways. The team had finally had enough and decided they wanted answers. They gathered the two teens In the common room, the six standing In front of them, stern looks on their faces and arms crossed. "What's this? An Interrogation?" Kacia asked. "I promise I didn't steal Steve's shield, paint Tony's suits or wreck Bruce's lab." Kacia blurted out. "I did all of those, but I also destroyed Natasha's knife collection and scattered Clint's arrows all over the Tower. Oh, I also ate all of Thor's pop tarts." Smirked Damian, the little shit showed no fear. "We'll speak of that later, but this Isn't what this Is about." Steve took Immediate charge. "Is this about us running off In the middle of missions?" Kacia questioned with an Innocent grin on her face. "No." Steve sighed. "Waking up at late hours of the day?" Damian spoke up. "No!" Steve exclaimed. Natasha stepped up, stopping the teenagers from saying anything else. "What about being found In each other's rooms In the mornings when we were originally In our own the night before?" Damian grinned, like he hadn't done anything. "That, Is apart of this." Steve sighed. "We want to know If you two are dating or not. Or what's going on. You two act like you're dating, so what's going on?" Natasha got straight to the point, crossing her arms and staring them In the eyes. Damian and Kacia looked at each other, giggling. "We're not dating." Kacia confirms, looking at the team. "Or maybe we are." Damian smirks. "You'll never know." Kacia gives a devious smirk as the two turn and start to walk off. When out of the room, Damian quickly turns around and peeks his head back In. "Oh and Clint?" Clint looked up. "Good luck finding your arrows!" And with that, they were gone. Leaving the team very confused.
Nobody shall ever know what goes on In their strange relationship...
A/N Dat was fun. All I have to say
Have a good day/night! <3
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