Intruders From Space (RP)
This Is the first part of an RP I started yesterday with Epic_Emma22
With our characters, Hunter and Damian!
Don't forget Marvel's MCU too!
It was a normal Thursday morning on the SHIELD helicarrier. The time consisted of 9 AM where the helicarrier was located at the time. Agents bustling around like normal, until, a bright white light flashed, filling the hallway near the detention center. Alarms started going off as the light disappeared, showing two, confused figures.
Both figures seemed male, the one on the right was 6 foot, had dark blue skin, black hair that swept back, and grey eyes.
The male on the left was much shorter than the other, ranging around 5 foot 3. With lightly tanned skin, black hair with white tips at the front and bright crimson red eyes. Armed agents surrounded the two, guns In hand and pointed at the two. "Get up and put your hands behind your backs!" One demanded.
The blue skinned male slowly stood up and looked around at the humans, almost sending a glare.
The male with red eyes stood up, crossing his arms behind his back. A smirk quickly taking place of his confusion. Two agents each went behind the Intruders, hand cuffing them and shoving them roughly down the hallway towards a heavily locked door.
He growled and huffed at the agents pushinf him along. He could easily take them down, he thought to himself.
The shorter male smirked at the agents pushing him along. "Ooh~ don't be too rough now." He purred, his eyes shining In amusement. The agent to his left blew air out of his nose roughly as the other agents opened the door and pushed the two Intruders Into a new area. In the middle of the room was a glass cylinder like cage. The agents were shoving the two towards It.
The taller male rolled his eyes at the other one.
He caught himself when he was shoved into the cage, sending another glare at the agents and his right eye seemed to glow a bit.
The agents shoved the shorter male Into the cage, closing and locking the door. The agents left the room, locking the heavy door behind them.
The male looked back at the cuffs and pulled his wrists, snapping them clean in half. He broke them off and they landed on the ground in pieces. "Barbarians." He muttered.
The short male let his right wrist go limp, before turning It at a certain angle and easily pulling It out of the cuff. He shook his hand out before his nails lengthened. Taking to the left cuff, he Inserted a nail Into the lock and twisted, watching as the handcuffs fell to the floor with a clank.
He eyed the shorter male, as if silently asking who he was
The red eyed male looked up at the blue skinned one. "Why hello, and your name Is?" He questioned with a smirk as he leaned against the glass wall behind him. His crimson eyes scanning over the stranger he was locked up with.
"What a lovely name for such a handsome person." He winked, his red eyes staring the other In the eyes. "Name's Damian."
He huffed in annoyance, not being very talkative.
"What are you? You are surely not from my part of the galaxy." Damian hummed, getting up and circling Hunter.
"A titan." He simply answered.
Damian rose an eyebrow. "No wonder you're so tall!" He exclaimed, stopping In front of Hunter and looking up at him. "I'm a demon hybrid." He grinned, showing off his lengthened canines.
He looked down at Damian with an expressionless face. "I'm much taller on my home planet."
"Oh, I'm sure you are." Damian sent him a smirk. The creaking of a door and footsteps made him turn his head to the left. A dark skinned human with a black eyepatch, trench coat and just about everything black walked over and towards the cage. Stopping just outside of It.
Hunter looked at the man, an eyebrow raised. "Are you the barbarian that orders them around?"
The man seemed to Ignore Hunter's question. "My name Is Director Fury of SHIELD." He started off, stopping to scan the two over. "Why did you appear out of nowhere and Into the hallway on my helicarrier?" He demanded, getting straight to the point.
"I dont have a clue." He shrugged.
"Same as him." Damian pointed to the titan next to him. The man, Director Fury's face contorted Into that of confusion. But he quickly hid It. "And how do I know you're not lying?"
"I appeared in your building with a boy I dont even know, have I any reason to lie?" Hunter scoffed and brushed his hair back.
Fury did not say another word, just turned on his heel, his coat flying behind him as he quickly walked out with a finger pressed to a device In his ear. Muttering something about some Avengers.
Damian turned to Hunter. "Well that was weird. Humans are weird In general."
He flicked his wrist and his blue skin transformed its colour into a normal, tanned skin tone. "Humans are barbarians that take their resources to their own advantage, even if it makes problems worse for their own race."
Damian looked up to the other In curiosity. "You seem to know a lot about the human species." He spoke, tilting his head slightly.
"My father taught me about them and I observe them from my planet." He simply glanced at Damian.
Damian hummed In response, sliding down the glass and sitting on the floor. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand. His crimson eyes scanning over the room outside their cage. "This place Is pretty boring." He yawned.
Hunter finally got the chance to fully scan the demon hybrid from the corner of his eye.
He, himself, wore a black tight t-shirt, some sort of silver and gold wrist armor, black ripped jeans and red high tops, along with a golden chain with some sort of jewl in a pendant and hooked to the chain. He was tall and quite muscular, with one grey streak in his raven black hair.
Damian had a loose black t-shirt on with a tight white vest over top. The pants he wore were completely black. Wrapped tightly around his right wrist was a black bracelet with a red symbol that was a star with a circle around It. Around his neck was a thin silver chain.
Hunter hummed quietly and looked straight ahead again.
A scar seemed to creep up the back of his neck a bit.
Damian took notice of this, but made no comment on It. His pupils seemed to dilate to sharp slits, almost like a cats. Sharp, pointed black wolf like ears appeared on the top of his head, one tipped with a bit of white. Behind him, appeared a pitch black fluffy tail. He looked around wildly. "Oops." He muttered.
Hunter had glanced at Damian again, very quickly and accidentally muttered "cute.". Then a faint blush rose to his cheeks when he realized what he said.
Damian's ears pinned back when hearing this, grumbling something under his breath about how he was not cute. His cheeks tinted a light pink.
Hunter couldnt help but snort, a small smile tugging at his lips when he saw Damiam grumbling and blushing. He looked away and covered his nose and mouth with his hand.
Damian glared at him and crossed his arms. "..Dickhead." He muttered loud enough for Hunter to hear.
He hesitated at first, but sat down beside Damian. "Yeah, but you like dickheads." He shot back.
This brought a smirk to Damian's face as he looked at Hunter. "Oh, you have no clue." He purred out, winking.
Hunter's faint blush deepened to a scarlet red as he looked away.
Damian, knowing he got the upper hand, grinned. In the midst of this, the two didn't realize the unamused agents standing at the entrance of the cage. "Alright, get up." They ordered the two, gaining their attention.
Hunter blinked a couple of times before getting up and grabbing Damian's hand, effortlessly pulling the demon hybrid to his feet.
Damian rolled his eyes at how little effort It took for Hunter to pull him to his feet. The agents came forwards, grabbing the Intruders' arms and forcing them out of the cage.
Hunter's smile fell and his blush disappeared, his face going back to expressionless as he was pushed to another room.
"So, where we going?" Damian questioned the agents, but he got silence as a response. "Damn, they program these Idiots really well." He stated as they were taken Into another room, well Damian was more of shoved forcefully. "Finally! I'm not alone In thinking that!" Spoke a new voice, full of confidence and that belonged to a man. "Stark, shut up and sit down." Snapped a blonde male that was well built.
"Both of you knuckleheads shut up." A redhead rolled her eyes, sitting back in her chair with her arms crossed.
Hunter's eyes scanned over the group. He felt his lips twitch into a smirk, knowing exactly who they are.
Damian suppressed a growl at the agent who shoved him, before looking up to Hunter with a curious glint In his eyes. He looked around the room, oblivious to who the six Individuals In the room were. "Make me sit down, Rogers." Challenged the brunette male from before. Another man wearing glasses with curly hair just sighed and looked to the floor In defeat.
"So these are the humans who call themselves the avengers, the earth's so called strongest heros." Hunter smirked.
The redhead was about to say something, but snapped her mouth shut, not entirely how to respond.
The agents seemed to release their hold on the two, backing up and guarding the door. Damian seemed to stick a bit closer to Hunter. The brunette from before turned to the male. "And who are you?" He quite rudely asked, pointing a finger towards him.
"My my, Mr. Stark. Dont speak so rudely." Hunter tsked.
Damian chose this time to be silent for once, not Informed of who these six humans were. His ears were pinned back as he stood close to Hunter. The brunette's eyes narrowed. "Okay, who the hell are you?" He demanded.
"Hunter." He simply said, glaring at the brunette himself with his right eye glowing.
"And dog boy beside you?" Questioned the same brunette. Damian clenched his fists. "I have a name and It's not 'dog boy', It's Damian." He bit out.
The redhead eyed Hunter. "What are you?"
"My, quite the rude question, but I am a titan." Hunter rolled his eyes.
The redhead connected the dots in her head. "As in son of Thanos." She muttered and Hunter went silent.
Damian heard this and looked up to Hunter, he had heard of Thanos from those on his planet, but not much. He turned his attention back to the six Individuals. "Now that we've Introduced ourselves, don't you think It's only polite to Introduce yourselves?" He smirked.
"Natasha Romanoff, aka Black Widow." The redhead said with a nod.
"Steve Rogers as in Captain America." The blond male waved very slightly.
"Clint Barton, Hawkeye." Spoke a dirty blonde. "Bruce Banner, the uh.. Hulk." Spoke the curly haired male. "Tony Stark. The famous Iron Man." Smirked the brunette. "Good, now that we're done with Introductions. How about we get to business?" Spoke a low voice as the person It belonged to stepped out of the shadows to reveal Director Fury.
Hunter was silent from then on since Natasha had brought up his father.
Director Fury glanced over the Avengers and the newest Intruders from outer space. "Avengers, until further notice, you'll be looking after these two." He Instructed as he motioned towards Damian and Hunter.
"Hold on." Steve interupted. "You expect us to watch over some titan that could possibly have his father attack the earth?" The blond rose an eyebrow.
Damian's ears perked up at this, the fur on his tail spiking up In anger. "Watch what you're saying, human." He growled as his eyes narrowed. "He may be a titan but that does not make up his personality. You're putting a title on him and not even giving him a chance." He eyed Steve down. "How would you like It If we did that to you?"
"You already have." Steve shrugged. "With humans."
"Oh for fucks sake, humans are all the same. You want to know why? Because you all get an Idea In mind of what something Is like and expect everything of that species to be the exact same! But guess what, assholes! They're not!" He snarled, his crimson eyes glowing slightly as anger poured off of him.
Hunter put his hand on the shorter male's shoulder, his aura was calming.
Damian Inhaled, slowly calming down. Yet his eyes kept a slight glow to them. "Now that that's over. Yes, you will be looking after them." Director Fury said, turning and leaving. Leaving no room for arguments.
Natasha was the first to stand. "Then I guess we should head back to the tower."
Hunter's hand dropped from Damian's shoulder, still not uttering a word.
Tony rolled his eyes. "Come on, little aliens." He mused, escorting them out of the room.
Damian rolled his eyes, still standing beside Hunter. Watching the blonde that pissed him off earlier closely.
Hunter lied on his bed, shirtless, in the room the two shared.
He held the small gem in his hand, looking over it.
Damian looked over to Hunter and smirked, his frame disappearing from sight. He reappeared on top of Hunter's backboard. Grinning down at him. "Hello~" He purred.
His hand closed around the gem. "What are you doing?" He muttered.
"Sittin' here." Damian responded with a hum. His legs crossed as he leaned against the wall.
He glanced up at Damian then looked back at his hand and rolled his eyes.
"What'cha got there?" Damian asked out of sudden curiosity. His left ear flicking to faint noises outside their shared room.
"Power gem." He muttered, the small blue glow seeping through his fingers.
"Interesting." Whispered Damian, looking around the plain room they were In.
He let the stone float up into the air and it filled the room with a hologram of the universe. The lights dimmed so the hologram glowed, the stars shimmering.
Damian was entranced by the hologram, oh how he missed his home already. Even If he did live In a dark cave, he missed It.
Hunter glanced at his reaction.
The hologram had every little detail of space, the asteroids floating around, the planets spinning, everything.
"Never knew the galaxy was this beautiful.." Damian was able to utter quietly. His eyes not leaving the hologram as he rested against the wall behind him.
"We miss it a lot of times, especially when we're cooped up on our own planets." He whispered. "Sometimes some species are so ignorant to the fact about other life forms on different planets, they choose to ignore them."
Damian giggled. "Sounds a lot like humans.." He joked, glancing down at Hunter with a small grin on his face.
Hunter blushed slightly and looked away when Damian looked down, he was caught staring.
Damian wiggled his eyebrows. "Like what you see?" He teased, tapping Hunter on the head with the tip of his tail.
He swatted the tail away, only huffing in 'annoyance'
"Act annoyed all you want; you know you like It~!" He giggled even more, sticking his tongue out at Hunter In amusement.
He rolled his steely grey eyes, grumbling and crossing his arms. The faint blush wouldnt fade away.
Damian teleported onto the foot of Hunter's bed, still sitting criss cross as he now faced him.
He rose an eyebrow at Damian.
Damian shifted his position till he was sitting on his knees, legs tucked beneath him. He tilted his head at Hunter.
"May I help you?" He muttered, his arms still crossed against his chest and he was still shirtless.
Damian gave an Innocent look, staring Hunter In his steel like eyes. Shifting his position again, so this time his arms were on either side of Hunter and he was basically sitting on the titan's legs.
Hunter gulped silently and his blush deepened and spread across his cheeks.
Damian learned forwards and kissed Hunter's nose, before disappearing and reappearing on his own bed.
He huffed and laid back down, turning on his side so his back was to Damian. The pale scar was now visible, running from his right sight, up and around to the back of his neck.
Damian was really curious, but bit his tongue. He didn't want to overstep his boundaries- Wait, that was a stupid thought, he already did.
He closed his eyes and the hologram of the universe disappeared, the gem went back to his chain.
Damian flopped onto his stomach, his vest no longer on him. "Night, handsome." He hummed, his eyes closing as he curled Into a ball.
Hunter couldnt help but blush at the name as he dozed off, his lips slightly parting as he breathed softly.
Around the middle of the night, Hunter shot up in bed, breathing heavily. He looked around the dimly lit room, remembering where he was.
Damian had rolled over In his sleep, basically hanging half off his bed. His red eyes opening half way, still not fully awake as they glowed In the dim light. "Go to sleep, before I make you sleep for eternity." He mumbled out In his fogged state. Not even registering what he said.
He slowly laid back down and onto his side. "I will..." he muttered and pratically hugged his pillow as he just laid there after his nightmare.
Damian rolled back onto his bed, his body curling up tightly, a position which would be uncomfortable for most. His head tucked In between his arms as he covered the front of his body with his legs and arms. His black tail curled around his legs and ears pinned back.
He looked over his shoulder at Damian, then stared back at the wall in the dark. He knew he wouldnt be able to sleep now.
Damian made a quiet whimper like noise, his body disappearing. He reappeared over top of Hunter, forcing the titan onto his back as he stared him In his grey eyes. "What'd I say about sleep?" He muttered, before his grip slipped and he basically flopped onto Hunter. Curling up Into a ball with no notion of moving now.
He was confused, but intrigued. He let out a small breath and wrapped his arms around Damian before somehow managing to fall asleep.
Damian drifted back to sleep, still not completely sure of what was going on at the moment.
The next morning rolled along and Hunter was still asleep, his arms protectively around Damian.
Damian stirred slightly, wondering why It had become so warm In his room. He opened an eye, confused for a few moments before everything rushed back to him.
Hunter grumbled quietly at the movement, a strand of hair had fallen into his face.
Damian quietly giggled, seeing Hunter peacefully sleeping. 'Cute' Was his first thought, his face going red at this.
This wa the first good night's sleep he actually had in a while.
The bags under his eyes were more noticable up close.
'He really needs more sleep.' Damian thought, still as a wooden board as he watched Hunter sleep.
He stirred a bit as he woke up, yawning which made his chest rumble and his eyes slowly opened until they were only half way.
"Look who decided to join the land of the living." Damian teased, his voice raspy and quiet from sleep.
"Im sure decided isnt the word you're looking for." His voice was about the same, raspy and a bit deeper.
Damian snickered. "Well, I'm sure If you decided to get up, It's because you can't get enough of me." He winked.
He rose an eyebrow. "Dont jump to conclusions."
Damian grinned playfully. Sticking his tongue out at Hunter.
He smirked and rolled over, laying ontop of Damian.
Damian gave a surprised squeak, his ears going backwards. "Whhhhy?" He whined, flailing his arms slightly.
"Because I can." And for the first time, he chuckled.
Damian smiled, wiggling slightly as If trying to get out. "Do I look like a couch to you?" He joked.
"Well, a bit, yeah." He laughed lightly, going on with the joke.
"Nooo! I've become a couch!" Damian dramatically exclaims.
He smirked and leaned down, purposefully kissing near Damian's lips before getting up and throwing on a shirt.
Damian crossed his arms. "Tease." He bluntly stated as he teleported onto his bed. Getting up and changing his shirt to a dark grey one.
He chuckled quietly and brushed his hair back, looking in the mirror to make sure he looked decent.
He slipped his white vest back on, adjusting his bracelet so the symbol was facing upwards. His red eyes found their way to Hunter, lingering for a few moments before flickering back down to his wrist.
His eyes flashed purple for a split second and he took a step back. He shook his head, mentally telling himself that he just imagined it then went to leave the room.
Running a hand through his black and white tipped hair, Damian stood up and walked towards the door to catch up with Hunter.
He stuffed his hands into his jean pockets as he walked, just nodding to them when someone said morning.
Damian joined Hunter on his way to wherever he was heading towards In the large Tower that was home to the Avengers.
He was heading straight for the training room, not acknowledging Damian really is any way.
Damian looked at the hallway they were walking through. 'Stark has a good taste In decoration.' He thought.
He walked into the gym and scanned the room. He snapped his fingers and he was in gym shorts and a tank top. When he was muscular, i meant he was ripped.
Damian bit his tongue, his thoughts clouding over. 'Holy Satan, he's hot. Like REALLY hot. Okay Damian, stop staring.' He pried his eyes away, Instead looking around the room.
Hunter spotted the punching bags and headed over to them. He got into his stance and threw punches at the bag, the chain rattling every time he hit it.
Damian stretched his arms above his head, his eyes glowing a brighter red as his frame started to shift around and shrink. Black fur appearing over him until In his place stood a Belgian Malinois like dog, but taller.
His eyes flickered purple again as he threw another punch, the chain snapping at the bag dropped to the ground.
Damian looked over to Hunter curiously, before shaking It off. The lean, Shepard like dog bolted off Into a run, beginning laps around the large room.
He felt himself suddenly be drained from energy and he stumbled back.
Damian skidded to a halt, class scratching against the cement flooring. His tongue hung out of his mouth as he panted. Turning, he padded up to Hunter, silver chain rattling at his movements.
He sat on the floor, just starring off into space.
Damian, concerned at this, nudged Hunter In the arm. He sat down, tilting his head In confusion.
He shook his head and smiled weakly at Damian, running his fingers through the dog's fur.
Damian rested a paw on Hunter's shoulder, blinking before standing up and grabbing hold of his shirts fabric. Giving It a small tug before letting go and motioning towards the door with his head.
He rose an eyebrow and got up, following Damian.
Damian trotted down the hallway, tail held high as he headed towards the kitchen.
He snapped his fingers so he was in regular clothing again. He rubbed his eyes with a small yawn.
As soon as the two entered the kitchen, the few Avengers that were In there stared. Damian's form went from dog back to human. "Morning, human beings." He grinned.
Nat just laughed quietly. "Hungry?"
Hunter shook his head 'no'.
Damian turned and gave Hunter a stern look. "If you don't eat, I swear to Satan himself I'll murder you In your sleep." He threatened, eyes narrowing.
He chuckled and ruffled up Damain's hair. "Im not hungry."
Damian's nails sharpened as he grabbed ahold of Hunter's wrist. Pressing down lightly where his veins where mainly. "Promise me you will eat, If not now, later. But If you don't. I have full permission to Ignore your ass."
"Fine." He rolled his eyes.
Damian released his wrist, going back to his cheery self. "Good!" He spun back around. "Anyways, where was I? Right! Morning, humans!"
Hunter turned on his heel amd went to walk back to the room.
Natasha slid a plate of food on the kitchen island, towards Damian.
Damian thanked her with a nod and a smile. He dug Into his food, his stomach happy that he had gotten food.
Natasha saw Tony eyeing Damian, so she did what anyone would do, and smacked him upside the head with a spatula.
Tony yelled out, his hand going to his head. "What the fuck, Nat?" He exclaimed, staring at her In confusion.
She just rose an eyebrow and sat the spatula aside, going back to cooking.
Tony glanced back over to Damian, who had finished his food and got up to put his plate In the sink. Damian's tail wagged In random excitement. 'Cute,' Tony thought to himself.
"Hey, bring this to Hunter. He's probably hungry by now." Nat smiled and held out another plate of food for Damian to take to Hunter.
Damian nodded, taking the plate of food from Natasha and turning to head down the hallway back to his and Hunter's shared room.
Hunter laid on his back on his bed, his head hanging off the side as a book floated infront of him with a purple glow around it.
Damian walked In, closing the door silently behind him with his foot. He walked over and placed the plate of food on Hunter's nightstand.
It wasnt long until it was noticable that Hunter's eyes were closed and he was humming quietly.
Damian smiled, going over to his side of the room and suiting down In front of his own bed. Leaning against It quietly.
He slowly opened his eyes and blushed in embarrassment when he saw Damian sitting there. He quickly sat up on the bed.
Damian gives him a small smile before pointing towards the plate of food on his nightstand.
He groaned and faceplanted into his pillow. "Not hungry." He muttered, which was muffled by the pillow.
"You should at least eat." Damian hummed In response, staring up at the ceiling. "Otherwise, you're going to get a major dose of the silent treatment."
"I dont wanna eat." He whined and pouted even though the other guy couldnt see it.
"Would you rather eat and not get Ignored by me, or would you rather not eat and get Ignored by me for who knows how long?" Damian questioned as he looked to Hunter, raising an eyebrow.
Hunter groaned and sat up. "I hate you sometimes."
"Naaah, you love me!" He sang.
He grumbles and tossed a small piece of food at him.
"No throwing food! It's meant for eating." Damian scolded with a smile.
He smirked and tossed another small piece at him before picking away at it.
Damian crossed his arms with an amused smirk. "You child."
"You love it." He hummed and continued to pick away at the food.
"Hmm, do I?" Damian teased, a smirk on his face.
Hunter rose an eyebrow and pelted Damian in the middle of the forehead with a crumb.
Damian laughed, flipping Hunter off. "Dickface."
He just stuck his tongue out at him. He suddenly ran over to Damian's bed and flopped onto him.
Damian gave a screech of surprise, flailing his arms about. "Why meeeee?!"
He pinned Damian's wrists to the bed. "You're gonna hit me if you keep doing that."
Damian smirked up at Hunter. "...Kinky."
He just winked at Damian and flopped ontop of him again.
"SCREEEEEEE!" Damian shrieked. "I'M BEING CRUSHED!"
"Oh you are not!" Hunter laughed.
"Yes I am!" Damian was now laughing as well.
He flicked Damian's forehead. "You're still breathing."
"How do you know that?" Damian hummed.
"Because you're literally talking." He deadpanned.
"Now, that's not enough proof." Damian pointed out. Red eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Then whats gonna be enough proof?"
"How about.. this?" Damian asked quietly, grabbing the collar of Hunter's shirt as he stared him In the eyes. Closing his eyes as his lips smashed onto Hunter's.
He was suprised by the kiss, but once his brain managed to process everything, he kissed back. His eyes were closed and his hands were at either side of Damian.
Damian wrapped an arm around Hunter's neck.
The door to the room opened. "Hey guys- Oh.. Wrong timing.." Spoke a very, flustered and uncomfortable blonde super soldier.
Hunter jumped and scrambled away, a bright red blush exploding on his face.
Damian's face flashed bright red yet he began laughing. Steve slowly closed the door, clearly embarrassed.
"Did- Did you see his face?!" Damian exclaimed.
Hunter went over to his bed and hid under his blankets.
Damian teleported on top of Hunter. "Don't be so shy. I can't see your cute face If you hide It~" He purred.
He just grumbled something inaudible.
Damian pulled the blankets away from Hunter's face. "Hey, If he says anything, I'll tear him apart. Limb by limb." He grinned.
He pouted. "Pwomise?"
Damian kissed his nose. "Promise."
A/N Awwww! That was so cute! Honestly? Hunter Is going to be a good thing for Damian, otherwise, our little demon would be running free and flirting with everyone!
Have a good day/night! <3
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