-Doc's POV, 1st-
"Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be close to you," Bdubs sang. He was horrible at karaoke, but I couldn't help the smile that overcame me as he finished the song. It was small, but Grian noticed, grinning like a hellhound. "What's that look for, eh?" I asked him, elbowing his arm. "Ow, hey! I was just looking at you!" He responded, shoving me playfully, but I knew him too well for that. Whenever he smiled like that, he was up to no good. Iskall laughed from over in the corner. Him and Mumbo were playing rock-paper-scissors throughout the night, but when Grian made the comment, they started paying attention again. "He was probably just watching you stare at Bdubs, and thinking what a cute couple you'd make," Mumbo commented, flustering both me and Bdubs. "Wha- look at you two! You've been holding hands and refuse to be separated! If anything, you two like each other!" I retaliated.
Both blushed a bright red, as Grian stared at us all lonesomely. "I'm still single, you know..." He commented. I stopped. "Well, yeah, but think about it like this: 'you are single because nobody is good enough for you'," Joe replied, and Grian perked up a bit. "I guess you're right, thanks Joe!" He said, changing from sad to happy in seconds. Mumbo nodded in agreement. "We should go to bed, it's almost ten," Bdubs said, walking out of the room to brush his teeth. "We haven't even played truth or dare yet!" Stress commented, and he stopped. "But it's really late, and I don't think anyone really wants to play that-" he said, turning around, but Cleo interrupted him. "I'm always in the mood for Truth or Dare!" She exclaimed, and some other Hermits nodded in agreement. "Alright, alright, I know some of us boys don't want to play, but we may well have to if we want to sleep at all, sadly," Joe commented.
I sighed, taking a seat next to Mumbo and Grian. We sat in the traditional Truth or Dare circle, and started playing. It went on for a little while, and we got halfway around the circle. By now, Xisuma had to switch places with Cleo, who was sitting next to Joe, Mumbo had had to sing the 100 digits of pi, Stress couldn't say "love" for the rest of the night, False had to order a pizza, and Beef had to jump into the ocean fully clothed for five whole minutes. It was only getting started, sadly, and we all knew it. "Doc, truth or dare?" Grian asked. Now, when I heard my name, I made the very unstrategic choice of yelling "dare", instead of taking the time to think about it. "Okay, I dare you to..." He trailed off, thinking of a good dare. "To play seven minutes in heaven with Bdubs!" My face flushed. Was he planning this? He most definitely was. "Fine." I said, and Bdubs nodded, blushing.
We walked down the hall to a big closet, and Grian locked us in, setting a timer. I could hear some shuffling from the other side of the door, and knew that at least one person had followed to listen. "So, uh... What d'ya wanna talk about?" He asked awkwardly. "Uhhh... I don't really think there's much to talk about..." I responded, and we both sat in tense silence. I couldn't take the it anymore. "So, uh-" I was cut off by a warm kiss being pressed to my lips. It was unexpected, but definitely welcome. It lasted a while, before we broke apart for air. "I always wanted to do that..." Bdubs said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Why not do it again?" I asked, closing the gap between us. He smiled into the kiss, and we both knew that we liked each other. "For once, I'm actually happy that I decided to play truth or dare," He said, and I nodded in agreement. We ended up talking for the remaining minute or two before they opened the door. "So, how did it go~?" Grian asked suggestively. "Oh shush," Bdubs replied, dragging me along with him back to the main room. It was my turn to dare somebody now, and I figured, "hey, why not get revenge?"
"Mumbo, Truth or Dare?" I asked, hoping that he would choose dare. "Umm, truth!" He said quickly, and I sighed. I could still do something with this. "Who in this room do you have a crush on?" I asked, smiling as he blushed a bright red. "Uhhhhhhhhhhh... *mumble*" I laughed. "What was that? You'll have to speak up!" He glared at me. "*slightly louder mumble*" "We still can't hear you~" Stress said, laughing hysterically. "I LIKE I-Iskall! There, I said it!" He yelled, looking very rushed, but glad to have it over with. "Awwww, as if we didn't already know that~ We want to know who else you like!" Mumbo was so red, that a tomato would be jealous. "Grian, get over here!" Cleo said, dragging him by the arm towards the truth or dare circle. He and a few others, like Joe and Xb, had been dared to leave the game, and were chatting the entire time until now. He looked confused, but took a seat where Cleo told him to: directly next to Mumbo. Iskall and Mumbo were both blushing furiously, but Iskall didn't seem to notice.
"Next, Xisuma! It's your turn!" False announced, giving him a playful shove. Since Xisuma was the leader, he could do a thing called "group ask". Group ask was where he'd ask the entire group Truth or Dare, instead of just one person, and he had to come up with a truth for those who answered truth, and a dare for each who answered dare. "Group ask," he said, and we all said our answers. Most said dare, including me, because we figured that Xisuma was a "cinnamon bun", as Stress called him, and wouldn't make us do anything bad. Boy, were we wrong. It was as if he and Grian had been hanging out 24/7. "For those who said truth, you have to say who you've always wanted to kiss, and for those who chose dare, you have to choose one person in the group to kiss, out of random." We all stared in shock at the admin. It was like he was some sort of satanspawn for good dares.
I stood up, feeling dread and panic rising in my chest. I walked over to Etho, gave him a peck on the cheek, and sat back down. Boy, this was humiliating. Many of the Hermits did the same, thankfully none of them choosing me. We were all very awkward after that. After a long night of "Truth or Dare" after that, somebody suggested "Spin The Bottle", and I got dragged into it somehow. Bdubs was playing as well, so maybe I'd have another chance to kiss him. It was one in the morning by now, and we were all pretty tired, but Stress and Grian insisted that we play one final game before going to sleep. It was my turn, and I spun the bottle fatefully. It spun for a little bit, before landing in the middle of Grian and Xisuma, which was very lucky for me, because I didn't really want to kiss either.
Sadly, the rules of this game stated that if you spun between two people, you had to keep trying until it landed on somebody. I spun it again, dreading having to kiss anyone. It landed on me, so I was lucky enough to not have to spin again. It was obvious that fate didn't want me to kiss anyone quite yet. Next was Bdubs. He spun the bottle nervously, and it landed on Etho. He walked over, gave him a small kiss on the cheek, and walked back over to sit down again. It was obvious that Etho didn't like anyone here, because he hadn't even come close to blushing once. Stress spun, landing on False. They had a quick, but heated kiss, and both were blushing a little bit. Lucky me, I snapped pictures for blackmail. I was thinking like Grian. Scar spun, and it landed on Xisuma, who promptly backed away from the circle. X was normally one to be fairly insucient about things, so his behaviour was a bit shocking, to say the least.
Scar whispered something in Xisuma's ear, and both left the room, and didn't return for quite a bit. We continued playing anyways, figuring that they'd be back soon enough. TFC had had to rain check near the beginning of the game, but I hadn't really been paying attention enough to notice. Stress told me when I asked where he was. It was my turn again, somehow, (I think a few other people decided to go to bed), and I was a little apprehensive. I spun the bottle fearfully, and watched as it went around the circle a few times, before slowing, and landing on Bdubs. What gods wanted me to kiss him? I mean seriously, I'm not complaining, but this is the third time! Neither of us wanted to move, but eventually, the smaller man pulled me onto his lap, and kissed me passionately. I was probably blushing so much right then, but I didn't care in the slightest.
We pulled apart after a second and I sat on his lap the rest of the time, mainly because he wouldn't let me move. For what he lacked in height, he made up for in strength. When I did try to move, he said, "no you ain't," and held me in place. I eventually just let it happen, because I knew that I would not be going anywhere for quite a bit. The game continued on, almost as if this were a normal occurance. Xisuma and Scar came back a few minutes later, and from what I could see of Xisuma's face under his helmet, he was a blushing mess. Scar was smirking. I decided not to question it, and continued watching the game.
-Xisuma's POV, 1st-
When the bottle landed on me, I was pretty scared. Scar was nice and all, but I didn't like being shipped, A, and B, I wasn't gay, or so I thought. He walked over to me, and crouched down, whispering in my ear. "Want to go in another room? I can tell you're uncomfortable with all of their eyes on you," I nodded. He helped me up, and walked down the hallway to another room. He opened the door, revealing it to be a very spacious closet. He pulled me in, shut the door, and sat me down. It was like Seven Minutes In Heaven, except that we had a lot more time than seven minutes. "So, how do you feel, now that all the eyes aren't on you?" Scar asked patiently. "A lot better, to be honest. I'm sorry about that whole overreaction back there, it's just, you know how I am... It made me act... Very... Awkward..." I said, yawning. I hadn't slept at all the past week, and the energy it took to stay awake was starting to effect me. "Are you okay, X?" He asked me, watching me try to stay awake. "M'fine, just... Tired..." I said, before yawning off. I felt my body go limp as I drifted into unconsciousness. I felt a warmth beside me, and a faint, faint voice calling "X?"
-Scar's POV, 1st-
Xisuma looked like he was about to fall asleep, and so I asked, "Are you okay, X?" To which he replied, "M'fine, just... Tired..." he was yawning quite a bit as he said that, and then he went limp. "X?" I said worriedly, moving over to him. He didn't respond, nor wake up. "The poor guy must've fallen asleep, it's pretty late..." I thought, laying him down. "I'll just wait for him to wake up." And so I sat. Waiting. I waited for a long time, my eyes threatening to close. Eventually, I fell asleep too, my shoulders sagging as I let unconsciousness overrun me. I had never been so tired in my life. I also hadn't eaten in about a day or so, and I really wished I had bothered to eat breakfast before leaving yesterday morning.
I woke up a little while later to see Xisuma asleep, arms beneath his head. He looked so peaceful, and I didn't want to wake him, but I knew that the others must be wondering where we are by now, so I nudged him. "X, wake up," I said softly, as he opened his eyes slowly. "W-wha- Scar?" He asked, looking around in confusion. "Come on, sleepy head, the others are probably wondering where we are," he nodded. "What about the... Um.. You know..." He said in a very small voice. I stopped. It hadn't occurred to me that we still had to do that. This was awkward. "Uh... I don't think we have to... But if you want?" I said questioningly, and he blushed underneath his helmet. "I'm just joking, you don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with!" He looked determined, though he wouldn't meet my eyes. He stared at the floor as he spoke, his eyes looking very torn between two decisions.
"No... I... I want to," he said finally, looking up at me with confused eyes, as if he still wasn't sure that he was sure. "X..." He stopped me. "Just... Let me do it..." He said quietly. He took off his helmet, dropping it to the floor with a small clang. His eyes had a huge x-like scar over them, and he had freckles. I hadn't known, because he had never taken his helmet off in front of me until now. His eyes, finally able to be seen without the filter of the helmet, were a beautiful greenish brown, but not really a hazel colour. They were very unique, and filled with emotion. Those were the eyes I stared into as he kissed me passionately. "Well, that was unexpected..." I said dazedly. My first ever kiss, and it felt great. It was funny how he was blushing like I had been the one to kiss him, when really, it was the exact opposite. "C-Come on, let's head back before they start thinking we left or something..." X said, putting on his helmet, and dragging me by the arm as he opened the door. For such a quiet man, he sure had me wrapped around his finger.
We entered the room, sitting back down. The others were still playing, and welcomed us back warmly. Doc was now sitting on Bdubs lap, for some reason, and TFC was no longer here, but it didn't really look much different than how we left it, other than that. The games ended at three in the morning, an unhealthy time to be up at, and most of us were walking around tiredly, trying to find a place to sleep. We were currently in a big woodland mansion, and it was very old, with millions of doors leading to who knows where. Me and X were stumbling through the pitch black hallways with tired eyes, and eventually made it to my room. It was fairly clean, with old woolen sheets and a rocking chair made of oak, and an old loom sitting in the corner. A dresser made of cherry wood was sat in the other corner, and a lacquered desk laid beside it. Underneath all that was a rug made of different coloured, thick ropes. It was a nice room, all in all, just a little old fashioned, like I said. Then again, most of the rooms here were of the same accord, so it wasn't that shocking. There was a biggish bed, enough to fit two people and more. The room was big and spacious, so it could fit a queen sized bed with a bunch of room to spare. "Welcome to my humble abode!" I said, sitting on the bed. He looked around in awe. "Your room is so exotic... I like it... It smells like herbs..."
X commented, taking a whiff of the room.
I smiled. "So glad you like it! What's your room like?" I exclaimed, looking at him in mild curiosity. "It's a lot messier than yours, for starters, and it has a lot of dark or neutral colours in it, like grey and white. It also has some yellows and oranges, but all in all, it's more... Dull than your room," I looked away in embarrassment. I thought all of the rooms were this vibrant. "Maybe I'll have to visit tomorrow?" I asked, and he nodded. "Maybe... Anyways, good night, Scar," he nodded, leaving the room, and I waved. "'Night X!" He closed the door quietly, and I got up to turn off the light. This had been a weird night, but I hoped for more like this to come.
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