Happy Little Accident
When Xisuma first logged onto the server that day, he had no intention of having his head sliced off nor of being burnt to death. Yet, there he was, both having happened, causing him to feel creeped out and very sick. Throughout this process, he had also been texting with a concerned Keralis, who had seen both his deaths in the chat (though not knowing who or what had caused either) and thought he was in trouble, which, oddly enough, he wasn't at the current moment. He had reassured Keralis of that much, though Keralis didn't seem to believe him and said he'd fly right over. That was the last thing Xisuma wanted, and he tried telling Keralis that, but the man wouldn't listen.
Xisuma had thought of just running off and texting someone else to pick him up when Keralis had said he was heading over, but he would feel bad making Keralis worry even more. He was still traveling, though. It simply wasn't of his free will. He hadn't seen the face of the person that had captured him, as they were quick about shoving his head in a bag and tying him up, but he knew they were strong and male— he hadn't assumed, they had simply said so— and were interested in him for whatever reason. Now, however, it felt as though they had stopped. Before they took the bag off his head, they moved a little further and then dropped into a hole, guiding him down a set of dizzying hallways.
In front of him, he could see a room with a button on what looked like a command block. Reluctantly, he allowed himself to be pushed toward it, though he tried in futility to catch a glimpse of his captor. They quickly realigned his gaze by forcing his head around to look at the command block once more.
He was about to try and fight them the best he could, though they had taken away all his resources, armor, weaponry, and tools. Then, they spoke. Their voice seemed familiar. "Xisuma, do you know what this is?" They asked, voice steady but dangerous. Whoever this was, it was a tone that Xisuma hadn't heard them use before. He nodded reluctantly. "Of course. And do you know, by chance, why it happens to be in my base?" Xisuma shook his head, not daring to speak. With a shake of their head and a sigh, they continued. "You're shitty at lying." Before Xisuma could respond, they grabbed his wrist, forcing them both forwards and onto the command block.
Not knowing what had happened, he woke up in bed, covered in a cold sweat. Blinking rapidly, he looked around. He was in somebody else's base— somebody else's bed— and there was the bustling sound of people close by. There was a name tag outside a door opposing the bed, though he didn't care what it read. Uneasy, he fumbled down the ladder of the bed he was in. It creaked like an old door, but he ignored that in his rush to get out of there.
When he opened the door and went through, he burst into a crowded city of color. And there, right outside the door, was Keralis. The wide-eyed man looked at him with concern. He reached out a hand to put it on Xisuma's shoulder, but Xisuma swatted it away. "What happened? Where am I?" He asked. It was then that he noticed how gruff his voice sounded. He would understand why later. Keralis shrugged, seeming somewhat more confused.
"Shishwamy, all I know is I found you at your base and you were crying. You're at my base now. Don't worry." Xisuma blinked, shaking his head. That didn't make sense, but it was so simple that he knew it should. Maybe that was because it wasn't the whole story. "Alright, I'm gonna level with you, Shishwamy," Keralis said, feeling guilty. Xisuma's eyes moved to look at Keralis once more as the other spoke. "Theremayormaynothavebeenaveryominousmessageinchatearliersayingthatwehadtokillsomeoneintenminutesorwewoudldie." Xisuma blinked, staring at Keralis blankly. "Pardon?" He asked, curiously eyeing the other to confirm that he had heard that correctly. Keralis took a deep breath, repeating what he had said more slowly and in more detail. "Okay, maybe a couple hours ago, there was this creepy message in chat, basically saying that everyone had to kill someone else within ten minutes or they would be perma-killed," He paused for a second, exhaling shakily. Then he continued. "It didn't say who had said it or why; It just said it. People have been dying ever since, and it's been scaring me, so I've stayed inside all day except when visiting you."
Xisuma stared at Keralis for a second before the weight of what he said sank in. Xisuma had never seen any message. "Wait, so— So this has been going on for— how long, exactly?" Keralis barely even thought about it. "Since about 12:35." Xisuma shuddered. That... was... "And you said you've only left to visit me, right? You've stayed inside the rest of the time?" Keralis' wide eyes stared back at Xisuma's own. It was quiet. "Yeah. The whole day." Xisuma's pace picked up. Tentatively, he reached to get his sword, but Keralis grabbed his arm. A dangerous glint was in his eyes. "Something wrong, Shishwammy?" Xisuma shivered, eyes widening further. He tried to pull his arm free of the other's grasp, but Keralis wouldn't let go. Xisuma opened his mouth, one final question leaving his lips.
"...Why aren't you dead?"
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