Another Day, Another Popsicle
-Grian's POV, 1st-
It was a very hot summers day, and I was sitting in my base. All the fans that I owned were turned on, and facing me, in a dismal attempt to stay cool. "What to do, what to do..?" I thought, laying on my bed in hope of gaining some inspiration. "Wait- what's this?" I clicked on a text that Xisuma had just sent. "So, False forced me to say this instead of telling you herself, 'cause for some reason, you all listen to me, but, we're having a beach day, because it's 'hot af'. Any objections?" Nobody had any, and soon enough, I found myself at some random location that Xisuma had picked. It was a big, remote place called Sand Island.
"This place is nice!" Stress commented, many of the other Hermits nodding in agreement. "Yeah, Xisuma, my dude, when did you have the time to find this place?" Ren asked. "The great part of being an admin, is that you get to review the worlds before you choose them." Ren, amongst a few others nodded in understanding, while some of us set up spots. "Yo, Grian, race ya to the water!" Scar said, and I felt the urge to compete take me over, as I ran towards the big blue ocean. "Hey, no fair, you got a head start!" Scar yelled as I reached the water, him close on my tail. "Ya snooze, ya lose!" I responded gloatingly as I set foot in the cool mass of water.
He tripped, and tumbled right into me. We fell down, the water breaking our fall. We both started laughing as he got off of me, holding out a hand. I took it, and he heaved me up. He then flung water at me while I was unsuspecting, and I sent a big splash of water back at him. We went splashing into the waves, me running away from Scar, the two of us laughing the whole time. I kept tripping in the waves, and Scar took advantage to get closer and closer, but he wasn't as fast as me, so he held no chance unless some sort of freak wave came along and knocked me over.
It had been an hour or two, and we were still swimming around in the water, along with a few other Hermits. The others were playing some sort of game called prisoner, and it looked like a lot of fun. "Can we join?" I asked Tango, who was playing the game. "Sure. Guys, Grian and Scar are joining!" A few cheers, and then they resumed playing. On our team, Tango, Impulse, Zedaph and Wels. On the other team, Doc, Iskall, Ren, Stress, Cleo, and Joe. It was an intense game.
There was a few fairly simple rules:
1.) You call someone's name before serving/ tossing. If someone on their team catches it, you get out. If they don't, the person who's name was called got out.
2.) If someone is the last person on their team, they can call cherrybomb: a chance to get all of the members on their team back in. If it isn't caught, the whole team gets back in. If it is caught, their team loses the game.
3.) You can't call someone if they just get back in, but after they've been in for a round, you can.
I think he said there was more, but I can't remember. We had been playing for a while, and everyone on my team was out. A few members on the other team stood to the side, having gotten out. It was my serve. Three against one, but at least I had the advantage. "Cherrybomb!" I yelled, spiking the ball over the net. Iskall dived down, trying to catch the ball, but he just missed, and it hit the sand of the beach. Cheers erupted as Tango, Impulse, Zedaph, Scar and Wels came back in. I have never been much good at volleyball, so the fact that I had hit it surprised me.
We continued, and it was down to one person on the other team: Doc. He was very good, and probably one of the only reasons his team hadn't lost yet. It was his serve, and he called Tango's name. Tango and Scar both tried to get the ball, but clashed together instead, and the ball hit the ground. He and Scar both apologized to each other. "Darn it..." Tango muttered, walking over to the sidelines and rubbing his forehead. His red eyes flashed with annoyance. It was our serve, and Wels took the ball. He feinted, running to one side, before yelling "Doc!" And spiking it to the other side. Doc wasn't quick enough, and it hit the ground.
We all cheered, before deciding that we were done with Prisoner. Me, Wels, and Scar walked over to my spot, and cooled off. Wels and Scar immediately indulged in conversation, and I checked my phone. I got bored of playing flappy bird after a while, and got up to explore the island that we were on. I had been very curious when we first arrived, and now that I had the chance, I may as well look around.
After a while of exploring, I found a very small, ill-traveled trail, and walked along it. It got steeper, and as I went along, it became more of a thin trapeze walk towards some unknown goal. Suddenly, the path eased up a bit, and I could see some huge tropical bushes looming ahead. What looked like a small entrance was carved naturally into the big green mass, and, climbing through it, I saw a small, flat, shady place to sit, with a perfect view of the beach I had been on. "Woah..." I said, sitting down. I felt my eyes close, and my consciousness fade.
-Time Skip: Three Hours-
I woke up, and for a second, I was confused, before realizing where I was. How long had I been here for? I crawled back through the bushes, and took the long path back to the beach. I eventually arrived there, to find the others in a state of panic. "When did you last see him?!" Wels asked Scar panickedly, but Scar shrugged helplessly. "Hi guys..." I said, approaching the beach. "GRIAN! We were so worried!" Scar said, running up and hugging me. "Where were you?!" Wels asked, running up to us. "I was wandering around, and fell asleep..." He sighed. "You gave a heart attack, we thought something bad had happened to you!"
I sighed. "I'm perfectly fine, there was no need to worry about me," I said, harassedly. I can't believe I fell asleep! The others by now had spotted me, and rushed over. Mumbo tackled me. "You silly idiot, we were so scared! Are you hurt, did you get attacked, are-" he was shushed by Xisuma. "Mumbo, we're all happy to see him, but can you stop squandering him with questions?" Mumbo rubbed his neck, blushing in embarrassment. "S-Sorry..." He said, getting off of me, and helping me up. "Now, care explaining why you were gone for three hours?" Xisuma asked, putting a strong hand on my shoulder. I sighed in defeat. "Fine..."
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