Cyborg sat in the common room, taking in what Starfire was saying. He already knew about Robin and Raven, but acted surprised when she told him and Beast Boy Raven was in Robin's room. She had gone on, saying that they would be down soon to explain. Cyborg laughed inwardly. This should be good. Raven wasn't very good with emotions, and Robin might have been strong, but some things were too much, even for him. Starfire was interrupted when the doors to the common room hissed open. Robin came out, followed by Raven. Starfire sat on the couch, and the two birds stood in front of them. Raven fidgeted, playing with her cloak. Robin stood still, looking to the ground. Beast Boy broke the silence. "Did someone like, die?" Robin shook his head, clearing his throat. "Raven and I, uh, well, we, uh...." He searched for words. Cyborg smirked, earning a death glare from Raven. Starfire put her hands in her lap. "Is something wrong, friends?" Her happiness made Raven slightly sick. "No. Robin and I-" Raven was interrupted by the Boy Wonder. "Werekindasortagoingout." Beast Boy let his jaw fall to the floor, Starfire's eyes lost all sense of joy, and Cyborg just crossed his arms over his chest. Raven felt her face heat up, and began to turn towards the door. "I am the happy for you, friend Raven." Starfire was next to her, sniffling. Raven let her eyes soften. "Thank you, Star. You're a great friend." Starfire hugged her, and Raven hugged back. She pulled Raven to the table, and began to ask her questions about "The Dating". Beast Boy had gotten over his shock, and began his joking. "So, which room has the nest in it?" Robin smacked him, causing Beast Boy to laugh. Cyborg felt the need or protect Raven, so he began to talk strictly to Robin. "Don't hurt her, understand?" his voIce made it clear he meant it. robin gulped, but answered. "I'm not going to hurt her, I love her." Cyborg raised a brow, but then he saw the way Robin would glance at Raven. His body language said "protect her" and that was all Cyborg wanted.
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