Shut Out
A knock came at Raven's door. She quickly pulled on her shirt, as did Richard. She unlocked the door and saw Bruce. "There's trouble with Poison Ivy. I'm going out to stop her, unless you two are willing to help?" He had on his costume. Richard jumped off the bed, answering for her. "We'll help." He was about to say more, but Bruce interrupted. "Before you ask, Tim won't be joining us." Raven nodded. "I'll get on my costume." She closed the door after Richard left. Walking to her dresser, she pulled out her costume. Raven pulled her hood up when she was done, and went to find Richard. To her surprise, he was waiting outside her room. He led her to the Batcave, and she looked around in awe. "It's darker than I imagined." Bruce's voice made her jump. "I prefer the darkness." He motioned for them to get in the Bat-mobile, but Richard shook his head no. "I'm taking the cycle I left here. I imagine Raven will come with me." Raven nodded, and they jumped on his spare cycle. "Lead the way, Bruce." Bruce jumped into his car, speeding out of the Bat cave. Raven looked to Richard. "We are NOT going that fast." Instead of answering, Richard revved up his motorcycle, going just as fast as Bruce. He heard Raven say something, but couldn't figure out what.
Raven screamed at Richard, digging her nails into his chest. "Slow down, before we crash!" He apparently couldn't hear, for Richard had sped up. She looked at her surroundings, noticing that they were going straight into Gotham Park. It was nearly midnight, so there were no kids or families in sight. The trees seemed alive, their shadows dancing. Richard hit a bump, causing Raven to hold him harder. She heard him laugh, so she slapped his arm. The Bat-mobile screeched to a stop, Bruce jumping out. Richard parked the cycle, tearing off his helmet, and jumped off. Raven took her helmet off gently, rushing after him. They stood by Bruce, watching the scene in front of them. Poison Ivy had an army of plants attacking two teenagers. Bruce jumped into action, pulling out multiple batarangs and throwing them towards the plants. The vines were cut in half, and the teenagers ran. Richard followed his move, cutting the vines and branches with his birdarangs. Raven used her dark energy to knock Poison Ivy off of the beginning of her monster plants. The redhead yelled, grabbing the Dynamic Duo's attention. While they were distracted, a vine snaked up around Bruce, pulling him to the ground. Richard looked down, but too late. He was brought up into the air. Ivy blew a kiss towards Richard, using the poisonous gas to leave him unconscious. Bruce struggled to get free, but couldn't reach his belt. Raven went towards him, ready to speak, but her leg was dragged out from under her, and she was pulled upside down towards Ivy. "Who do we have here? Definitely not Batgirl." She laughed, causing Raven to hiss. "Put me down." Her tone was dark. Ivy only laughed some more. "You are merely a teenager. No match for me." Anger bubbled up inside of Raven. She glanced to Richard, only making herself angrier. "What's wrong? Did I hurt your birdie?" Poison Ivy smirked at the girl Raven snapped, hereyes glowed white, and she chanted her mantra. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" The vine holding her exploded, and Raven levitated at Ivy's height. She used her energy to hold the criminal down, not noticing the vine creeping its way to her mouth. Ivy's eyes held a smirk, and Raven turned. The plant wrapped around her, covering her from the mouth down. It constricted her, tightening every time she breathed. Her eyes filled with fear, thinking of Richard. Ivy fed off of that fear, blowing some if her poisonous gas towards Raven. She choked, letting multiple tears slip down her cheek. A muffled cry of pain came out of her. She tried to move her hand, but her whole body was numb. Raven began to get dizzy, squirming. Soon her struggling stopped, and her vision became cloudy. The last thing she saw was Richard, grabbing her waist and holding her as she cried.
She awoke, not remembering her surroundings. Thinking she was with Ivy, Raven screamed. Two gloved hands pushed on her shoulders. "You're okay, Rae. It's just me. You're in the manor." Raven relaxed, falling back onto the pillow. Richard stroked her hair, soothing her. Raven realized that she needed to meditate, and think about the things that had happened. She pulled herself out off bed, walking to the door. "You can go now." Richard pulled off his mask, showing the hurt expression. Raven sighed. "I need to meditate. And be alone." Richard nodded, but didn't leave. "There's no point in shutting me out, Rae." Raven rolled her eyes. "I'm not shutting you out, Richard. I just need to think." She opened the door, pointing her finger to the hall. Richard walked towards the door, but not before leaning down to kiss her. He cupped her cheek, and moved his mouth to her ear. She felt his warm breath, and shivered. He whispered in her ear, the words making her breath hitch. "I don't care how long it takes, someday you'll completely trust me." He let her go, walking down the hall towards his room. Raven shut and locked her door, went to the center of the room, and started meditating. She scolded herself for being so weak, letting Poison Ivy scare her. She was a superhero, and had to act like one. Raven meditated for over an hour, stopping every once in a while to mentally slap herself for thinking about Poison Ivy. It was over. There was nothing she could do. She had been stupid, letting her emotions get in the way. Bruce was probably ashamed, mad even.She had cried, right in front of Richard. She remembered telling him something, what it was, she didn't know. Raven moaned in frustration. She needed some air to think. She teleported to the roof, looking over the side. Raven stayed like that for a while. Soon she felt a worried presence. Raven knew who it was. "Please don't tell me you're planning to jump." He meant it as a joke, but Raven didn't laugh. She didn't even respond. "Rae, talk to me." There was a long silence, but Raven finally broke it. "I was weak." Richard moved to be next to her. "What are you talking about?" He was playing dumb. "I was weak last night. With Ivy." Her voice held no emotion. Richard gripped her shoulder, turning Raven to face him. "That's not what's fully bothering you." Raven tried to look away, but he held her face in his hand. She looked down, breaking eye contact. "You don't know that." Her voice was cold. Richard kept his voice calm. "Raven, we have a bond. You can't hide from me." She pulled away, looking back out towards the city. The sun was just rising, leaving beautiful streaks of orange and pink. For a second Raven felt happy, but then Richard's voice interrupted her glee. "It's because I saw you cry, isn't it?" His tone was now slightly cold. When Raven didn't answer, he continued. "That's what I thought. Raven, people are going to see you cry. You have to accept that." Raven finally spoke. "Crying is a sign of weakness. I can't afford to cry, especially in front of others." Her voice cracked, making Richard touch her shoulder. "You said something to me before you passed out." Raven looked up to him, fear in her eyes. He met her gaze. "You asked me not to leave you." Raven let her voice shake. "I was light headed. Out of air." Richard shook his head. " No. You were scared. I never left, as you cried in my arms." Raven tried her best not to crack. "It doesn't matter." She started to walk away, but Richard grabbed her arm. " Go ahead. Shut me out. I'll only love you more." Raven used her free hand to pull down her hood. "I don't know why you try so hard. I'm not going to change." She pulled her hand away, getting ready to teleport. She heard Richard's voice just as she stepped in to the portal. "It's not about changing. It's about learning. Learning to accept your faults."
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