Meet The Mentor
Robin nearly fainted right then and there, but Raven was holding him up. When she felt he was composed, Raven removed her arms from his waist. The person who called was Robin's mentor, the one and only Batman. His voice rang through the device again. "Well? I'm waiting!" His tone was cold and harsh. Robin finally spoke, "How did you know? Ha-have you been spying on me?!" Robin clenched his fist, and Raven backed away from her bed, into the bathroom, wanting to give them some privacy. She locked it and started rearranging her bathroom. Outside, Robin was yelling at his mentor. "I thought you trusted me!" His words came out fast, almost slurring as he spoke. Batman sighed, putting a finger to his temple. "You just gave away your identity, Dick. How was I supposed to just let you? Not only that, but you gave away mine too!" Robin looked out Raven's window, and saw a shadow on a far away building. He mumbled something under his breath.
Batman arched a brow. "What did you say?" Robin spoke a little louder this time. "You could've at least hid yourself better, Bruce." Batman shook his head. "Open the window, Dick." Robin's eyes widened and he instantly responded with,"No!"but Batman pressed on. "Open it or I'll shatter the window myself!" Robin knew he would, and he really didn't want to fix another broken window, so he unlatched the lock and pushed it open. He moved back as a dark figure came flying through. The Dark Knight stood up and looked down to Robin's maskless face. "Where is she?" Batman demanded, looking around at the dark room. For the first time since the call , Robin realized Raven wasn't with him. It was like she just dissapeared. He started to worry, but relaxed when he heard something drop in the bathroom. Batman walked over to the door, and knocked. Raven opened it a crack, and peeked out. Batman, growing tired of their game, shoved open the door, pulled Raven out, and sat her on the bed. Robin, knowing he would be next, sat on the bed himself. Batman apparently didn't like the closeness of the two, for he had pushed Robin to the opposite end of the bed. He then looked at Raven, who was covering herself with her cloak, and spoke with his authorative tone,"What has Dick told you?" Raven looked into his eyes and answered truthfully, "He told me his real name." Batman placed a hand on his hip. "He didn't tell you who I was?" His voice was low and cold. "No, I guessed." She said, keeping her tone just as icy. Robin sat up straight, completely tense. Batman moved over to him, and began his lecture. "Do you know how many times I have told you not to have a relationship? It leads to sloppy performance in the field! You're a superhero! There is no time for a girlfriend!" He pointed to Raven, who kept her mouth shut. Robin then reminded his mentor of Catwomen. "What about you and Selina Kyle?" Batman huffed. "There is nothing between us." Raven decided to have her say in the argument. "Richard and I are in no danger by being with each other. We both are excellent in the field, and it's not like I'm a complete stranger. I'm on his team, so he won't be out at some other girls' house until dawn. I have no intention on telling anybody about your identities." She scooted over to Robin, and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. A knock came at Raven's door. "Yo, Raven? Me and Cyborg are gonna play stankball. Wanna play? Raven? Hello?" Beastboy was sitting outside her door, knocking away. Batman looked from the two teens to the door, and sighed. "We will be continuing this conversation. Until then, I expect you two to be smart about your relationship." He then shot his grappling hook, and swung out of the window. The two birds sighed as Raven answered her door. "I'll be out soon." She closed the door in the changeling's face, and sat back on her bed. Robin wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. The same thought was going through both of their minds, What are we gonna do?
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