"Richard." Tim Drake held open the door, keeping his gaze on Raven. (A/N for all the chapters Raven and Robin are in the manor, I will refer to robin as Dick/Richard) Richard cleared his throat, and Tim went back to talking to him. "Who's your friend?" Tim nodded towards Raven. She held out her hand, and Tim took it, a smile gracing his face. "Raven." She answered in her monotone, trying to make it clear she was not interested. Apparantly he did not notice, for he continued to run his mouth. "And what's a lovely lady like you doing with a thing like him?" Tim leaned against the door frame, and Raven noticed a strong sense of anger from Richard. "Where's Bruce?" He bit out, pushing past Tim. Raven followed, not chancing a look back at the boy. Richard guided Raven to Bruce's study, where he sat in a tall backed chair. Without turning, Bruce spoke, "Welcome to Wayne Manor. I take it you met Tim?" Richard nodded, but remembered Bruce could not see them. "Yes. Please tell me I still have my own room?" Bruce turned, nodding. "You know where it is." Richard started to leave, but stopped. "What about Raven?" Raven looked towards Richard, then to Bruce. Bruce stood, ending up next to Raven, "I will be showing Raven to her room." His voice was that Don't-question-me-just-go tone. Richard nodded, but not before planting a soft kiss on her forehead. Bruce squinted his eyes, walking out the door. Raven followed, not needing him to tell her. She looked back, noticing Richard was going the opposite way. As she walked down the huge hallway, she noticed a familiar presence, no doubt Tim. She was so caught up in the feeling, she did not realize Bruce had stopped walking, making her slam into him. She looked up into his blue eyes, and apologized. "Sorry." She mumbled, wanting to see her room. He simply nodded, opening a door on his right. She walkd in, and put her bags on the floor. Bruce closed the door, and Raven looked at her surroundings. A queen sized bed with dark blue sheets and pillows, a flat screen T.V, multiple black dressers, a book shelf, and a dark blue carpet. Raven began putting her clothes in the drawers, but noticed another door. She opened it, and found a huge bathroom with a black tub, a dark blue shower, a blue toilet, and two sinks with mirrors. She walked back out, only to find her door open. She looked around, dark energy fizzing from her clenched fists. A cocky voice came from behind the door,"Relax, it's just me, cutie." Tim stepped into the room, arms across his chest. Raven lashed out, using her dark energy to hold him up. "My name is Raven." Her voice was icy. He laughed. She hissed. "If you wish to be sent to another dimension, then keep it up." Tim put his hands up in defeat,"You would'nt." Raven created a portal, letting her energy slowly release him. He gulped,"Okay, you would." Raven closed the portal, dropping him on her floor. "I could have been undressing." She continued to put her clothes away. He huffed. "You might want to choose your words more carefully." Raven quickly used her dark energy to throw him out, and lock the door. SHe then phased through the floor, thinking of Richard. She landed in a room with Robin gadgets all over, and heard a shower running. Raven waited on the bed, staring at pictures. About ten minutes later, Richard appeared, dressed in a pair of pajama bottoms and a white shirt. He noticed her, and walked towards the bed. "You should keep your mask off more often." She put a picture back on his nightstand, looking into his eyes. Richard blushed, but crawled onto the bed next to her. He put his arm around her, and began his questions. " What are you doing in here? Get lonely?" He watched her take off her cloak. "I ran into some trouble in my room." His muscles went tense, knowing what-or rather who- she was talking about. "I'll have to talk to Bruce about him tomorrow." He leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled away. "I do not want to be the cause of a broken light bulb." Richard sighed, leaning in once more,"Rae, let yourself go, for once." Raven felt herself giving in, but stood strong. "Bruce will find out," Richard scoffed, "And do what? Ground me? Raven, I'm old enough to make my own choices." Raven listened, and let her walls come down. This time when he got closer, she stayed put. Richard went down towards her neck, planting butterfly kisses up to her jaw. Raven let a tiny gasp escape, and noticed the picture from earlier shatter. Richard did not stop there, though. He went back down, sucking on the juncture of her neck. He heard a moan slip from Raven's mouth, and went up to her lips. Richard pressed his lips onto hers, and ran his tongue across her mouth, asking for entrance. Raven opened her mouth, and let him explore. She realized he was on top of her, and ran her hands through his gel-free hair. Its softness surprised her, but she found it welcoming. He held one hand on the small of her back, his other hand holding them up on the bed. They pulled away for air, and Richard collapsed next to her. He felt her arm settle across his chest, and listened to her breathing. After a few minutes of just lying there, Raven spoke,"I love you." She snuggled her head on his chest, and began to fall asleep. Right before the Sandman took her, she heard a whisper, "I love you, Rae."
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