Restaurant Shenanigans Monkey D. Luffy X Reader
"Order up!" You yelled, practically smacking the little bell that sat on the ledge of the window that connected the dining room and the kitchen. You, this time, gently set the large plate of piping hot food on the window ledge, ringing the bell again.
It was dinner rush at your restaurant, always the busiest time of the day. Every kind of customer walks in during this hour. The family of seven, the old and grief stricken men, the rowdy and young adults, and especially pirates. You lived and worked on a large, bustling with life island in the middle of the New World. Pirates of all strengths generally stopped by on this island to reload, recuperate, and cause some havoc before they went along on their journey. So in order for you to even survive on such a popular island, you had to be tough, stubborn, and intimidating to stand up to someone, mostly pirates, who try to mess with your business.
You not only owned your restaurant, The Gold Nugget, but you also were the head chef, a bartender, and a waitress. You usually stayed in the kitchen, where the head chef belongs, but if staff got low and the customers were pouring in, you were pretty universal. Not only was running a business hard, but for a single, young, and attractive woman like yourself, it just got that much harder. Men of every kind hit on you endlessly, even women at times. You just had to hold your own and kick them out if that was necessary. No one ever said it was going to be easy.
"Simon! Where are my goddamn steaks? I thought I told you-" You hollered from one side of the kitchen, dodging people and dishes alike as you made your way over to your second in command.
"Right here." Simon replied, giving you a grin as he set the thick cuts of meat on a huge platter. "Oh and like three or so waitresses quit or left, either one, since they couldn't handle the dinner rush." Simon informed you, returning to his position over the stove.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing as you attempted not to have a meltdown. "Alright. Fine. Looks like I'll have to fill in for three tonight." You growled, whipping off your chef's uniform for the waitress one, tying it on angrily. "Simon, you are in charge around here, as usual."
"Aye aye, Cap'n." Simon gave you a little wave as he turned back to sauteing some vegetables.
You grabbed the platter of steaks, swiftly putting each on its own plate and embellishing it. You stacked them along your arms and pushed the swinging doors the lead to the dinning room. The table of six was more than delighted to see your arrival with your food as you set the plates down before them. You asked them the routine waitress questions before speed walking to the window, where more plates lay. You had no idea which meal belonged to what customer since the servers before you had taken these orders. Oh well, trial and error it is.
You watched as the family and more friendly time of customers started to thin into the night, as the more touch and gruff ones started to take their place. These included pirates, thugs, bandits, the works. Maybe it was a good thing you were on waitressing duty tonight, since this crowd seemed a little more edgy than usual.
You were serving up more rounds of beer as you saw a smaller, black haired man walk in. If you hadn't recognized the straw hat, you wouldn't have known that this person was Monkey D. Luffy, more commonly known as Mugiwara no Luffy to the public. You had no reason to panic yet, since he hasn't done anything and by the way his mouth was watering at the sight of all the food, you knew he was hungry.
Seating himself down at one of the empty bar stools, you made your way behind the bar, notepad and pen in hand to take his order.
"Hello sir, what can I-" You asked as cheerfully as possible, although you knew it sounded a bit strained. Long working nights tended to do that to you. You set a menu down before him, waiting for a reply.
"I want everything you can make." He nodded, handing you the menu back.
You stared at him dumb founded, slowly reaching for the menu. You blinked a few times before chuckling. "No offense, but just because you are a big shot rookie, Luffy, you don't look like you have enough to pay me for the food."
"Oh? You know my name?" He grinned, laughing. Luffy pulled out a reasonably good sized sack, opening it up just a little and shoving it at you. "This was all that Nami would give me for allowance, will it pay for it all?"
You peered inside the bag, eyes widening at all the gold that was stuffed in the skull sized sack. You pulled the drawstring tight, stuffing the pouch behind some bottles of alcohol under the bar. You were definitely going to count that later. The money would no doubt pay for everything and then some.
"Alright you got your wish. Just be patient and I'll be out as son as possible, yeah?" You told him, placing your elbows on the glossy wood counter.
Luffy's eyes lit up as he smiled with excitement. "Yeah!"
"Good." You went into the kitchen, rounding up all the chefs who were available.
"Listen up here cooks, I got Mugiwara no Luffy out there at a bar stool and he it hungry," You paused, looking at all the reactions. "he wants everything on the menu, well that's what we are going to give him. Everything. So let's go!" You told your employees, watching them scramble around the kitchen.
You decided to wait behind the bar once more, curious about this infamous pirate named Luffy. But the first order of food was up, a huge bowl of pasta and a long plate of ribs. You grabbed the dishes and set them before Luffy, who in no time devoured the meals.
"So Luffy,I know you have a crew, where are they?" You asked, placing a ginormous chuck of meat on the bar.
Luffy dove into the flesh, ripping off large sections of meat. "I dunno. Somewhere on... the island.... I got lost... and hungry." The pirate answered in between bites.
"Oh? I can show you around if you need to." You offered, replacing the empty plates with fresh meals.
"Nah... Nami or Sanji... or someone will... find me... You got anything to drink?" Luffy asked, licking a white bone clean of any left overs. You placed a large tankard before him, Luffy guzzling the thing instantly.
"What is your crew like?"
"Zoro likes to sleep and train... Nami is very bossy but is awesome at directions... Usopp always plays with me... Sanji is our cook and is lady obsessed...Chopper is our doctor and can be really scary sometimes... Robin is really quiet and nice... Franky is super awesome! And Brook plays us songs and is perverted like Sanji." Luffy listed the characteristics of his crew, although it was a bit more generic than you were hoping for. You watched his eyes lighten up even more talking about his nakama, obviously caring for them deeply, which made you a little envious to have such bonds.
You chuckled, leaning up against the bar. "Luffy, you cherish those that you love. Don't get stuck here like me without anywhere to go with no one but yourself. Treasure them, okay?" Sure Simon and you were pretty close, but nothing compared to what Luffy and his crew had.
Luffy paused his eating, which surprised you, and looked up at you. "Shishishishi! I already know that!" He grinned then shoved more food into his mouth.
You cracked a smile, "That's good."
You also had to go back into the kitchen to make food, since some of the chefs were off for the day, which left a lot of your staff working for two or three people. You worked as both a chef and a waitress, although it wasn't too difficult since Luffy was your main table and he sat right next to the window. Yet every time you would come out with more food, a lot of the dishes you made, Luffy would give you a compliment on those meals. You or your staff hardly ever received any praise form the customers, and having Luffy in your eatery was a pleasant surprise. Considering most pirates would be incredibly rude.
"Hey, waiter, did you make this?" Luffy asked with stuffed mouth, pointing down at the whole, stuffed goose, a very expensive dining option.
You nodded. "I would have had it out sooner if the damn ovens worked right. I need to upgrade this place." You sighed.
"It's delicious! You make really goo food, y'know?" Luffy said, waving his silverware around.
"Thank you Luffy." You smiled. "And by the way, my name is (Y/N). (Y/F/N)"
"(Y/N)? Have I met you before?" Luffy looked up at you while gnawing on a bone.
You began to sweat, what you did in the past to get such a bounty was not to be brought up. You were trying to lie low, even if it cost you cutting off all ties with your crew and friends. "No, I don't think so. I'm just a humble restaurant owner." You didn't lie, just bend the truth a little. No harm.
"Are you sure-"
"Oi! Waitress, we need more food over here!" A rather loud man yelled, followed by a round of whoops and hollers from who you assumed were his colleagues.
"Excuse me Luffy." You smiled, glad to be off that subject.
You went back into the kitchen, grabbing whatever food was left unattended and placed them on platters. You knew most of that food was for Luffy, but stealing just a bit off each dish wouldn't make him freak out or anything. He probably did even see what he was eating since he was like a vacuum. Piling the plates on one big serving platter you carried it out the loud table, placing the dishes before each of the men.
"There you go, anything el-"
"You are serving us this crap?" The man you assumed was the group's leader waved a chicken drumstick in your face.
"Huh? What do you mean crap?" You spat, eyes narrowing.
"The damn meat is burnt, the vegetables are soggy, and the beer tastes like piss. And you call this place a restaurant? Even as a pirate I still have my standards." The burly man sneered, slamming his fist on the table.
You rolled your eyes, smacking the drumstick away from your face. "The meat is not burnt, it's called seasoning you dumbass, that's why it's black. The vegetables are sauteed with fine wines or oils, that's why is appears to look soggy. And for the beer, I import it from the finest brewery in the whole Grand Line. So save your shit compliments for a place that actually deserves them." You growled, throwing down the rest of the plates.
Little did you know, a certain straw hat was intently listening on the conversation while simultaneously stuffing his face.
The man chuckled, standing up to his full height. "You may be a hot, booby babe but your attitude totally ruins your sex appeal. Bring us out more food, actually better yet, give me the owner of this shit show."
You rolled up your sleeves, placing your hands on your hips and stared the guy right in the eye. "I am the damn owner. And I have the right to refuse service, so get out." You hissed with no intention of backing down.
The pirate broke the table with a single hit, his crew laughing. You didn't move a step, knowing if you did it would cause him to have even more confidence than before. You had people come in like this often, which is how you obtained some of the heavier bruises and scratches on your skin. But now that his hand was squeezing the life out of you through your throat, you didn't know if you would be able to close up shop after tonight.
"Y'know, maybe if I take you with me to be my personal slave, I might leave here happy." The man said, his breath smelled like beer but that was barely reaching your senses anyway.
"Oi. What the hell do you think you are doing with (Y/N)?" A low voice said.
You watched as Luffy made his way over to the little scene, his eyes covered by his famous straw hat. His fists were gripped tight, stance ready to strike.
"Luffy..." Your voice you starined, well obviously when there was a death grip crushing your vocal cords.
"Eh? (Y/N)? You mean the dumb waitress. Well you see-"
"You ruin her delicious food, insult her restaurant, and hurt her?" Luffy's eyes almost seemed to glow, and before you knew it you were dropped on the ground, no longer being strangled.
Luffy's arm retracted from it's stretched out form and the man who was causing all the ruckus was flat on his ass with a fist sized crater in his face. You watched as his crew carried him out of your eatery, all showing the same scared expressions as they left. You got up on your feet, your hand rubbing your neck to try and relieve some pain.
"Thank you Luffy, I know I owe you big time. Next time you stop on in, whatever you get is on me." You walked over to him, pulling the pirate in for a light hug.
"Really?" Luffy's eyes lit up once more at the mention of food. "Thanks (Y/N)!"
You laughed and nodded. "Of course Luffy!"
Author's Note
Hola amigas/os.
How are you all? I am just super abut actually dying bc school is coming up. I don't wanna go to school please save me.
But hey I get valley fair tomorrow so we chill.
If you got any requests, drop em right here paldogs.
alright I am peacing out posse
Until next oneshot,
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