You all heard of Fire Fist Ace, Rubber man Monkey D. Luffy but You all don't know of me the big sister of The next pirate king. I'm Monkey D. Y/n instead of leaving with Ace to become a pirate nor a revolutionary as my father, Monkey D. Dragon. I followed in my grandfather's footsteps to become a Marine and I go by a different name by pirates. The Queen of Treasures mainly because of my devil fruit from the Red haired emperor of the sea, Shanks. The Treasure-Treasure fruit: I can make anything into precious jewels or metallic by a simple touch of my finger and thought. My blades is know as the diamond swords, the hilts made of gleaming gold and the pommels into huge rubies. I may be a Marine but no one touches my little brother ever!
I remember it like it was yesterday, as a child on my father's shoulders while he held my mother's swollen stomach that was carrying my baby brother. I had all the attention of my parents and grandfather but while gramps wanted me to be a marine, my dad wanted me to be a revolutionary and mom, she wanted me to be a strong woman whom took nothing from men. I had a happy life until the day my baby brother Monkey D. Luffy was born after a year, my mom run off without a word to anyone except telling me how proud she was to me, dad went full time revolutionary chief so he left us in the care of our grandfather. After that happened I hated Luffy, I didn't want anything to do with him even as he trailed behind me during my training to get stronger. I was cruel to luffy but I still loved him for four years I isolated myself from Luffy but he always managed to follow after me especially when I was tending to my training wounds.
Luffy: "Oi, big sis?" He questioned as the girl glared down at him. "Why do you hate me so much?" He questioned innocently tilting his head as the five year old boy didn't understand why his big sister was cruel to him.
Her e/c eyes widened drastically at Luffy's question before groaning deeply.
Y/n: "I don't hate you, Luffy. Your just weak and not strong like me. It's my job to make sure your safe." She said seriously before heading to the village tavern with Luffy whom was holding her hand tightly.
That was the day I met Red Hair Shanks with his crew and then it was that day, Luffy dreamed of becoming a pirate instead of a Marine like me. A year of talking with Shanks whom tried to convince me to become a pirate but I stood firm of becoming a marine so when I turned eight he gave me a devil fruit called Treasure-Treasure fruit on my birthday telling me whether pirate or marine I can become strong. Shanks and his crew taught me their skills and tricks while Luffy begged to become a pirate then he accidentally ate the gum-gum fruit making my little brother a rubber boy! Bandits, sea king and even Shanks losing his arm to save Luffy, the day Shanks and his crew left he gave Luffy his straw hat and ruffled my hair giving me the nickname Queenie as well a sword which belonged to him when he was a rookie pirate.
Two years later, my gramps brought Luffy to Dadan and her mountain bandits where I and my friends Ace and Sabo were at when the boys and I were ten while Luffy was seven. I practiced my devil fruit powers and swordwomanship in the forest alongside Sabo and Ace with their pipes turning them into different metals from bronze, copper, iron, silver, steel, gold and white gold. By the age of nine, I had mastered the metal feature of my devil fruit and by ten my jewel side of the fruit so that I put my birthstone on the sword pommel that Shanks gave to me.
For the first time in years I was happy again alongside my pirate dreaming friends and little brother til we lost Sabo, I mainly focused on training til Ace found me telling me that he was Roger's son but I didn't care cause I told him.
Y/n: "Gol D. Roger's son or not, your you, Ace. Not your dad, I'm proud to call you my best friend." She said honestly before innocently kissing his cheek making him blush bright red as we began running after each other.
Soon when Ace and I came of age of seventeen, we were setting off to our own paths. Ace was going to become a pirate and me a marine under my gramps training. The town cried as we were leaving but Luffy even more so that he nearly crushed us with his death grip hug. I ruffled Luffy's hair fondly one last time and gave him a wide smile on my face.
Y/n: "I'll see you later, Luffy. You stupid rubber head." She teased him as he pouted at her while Ace laughed. "Oh, shut up! You hot headed moron!" She shouted out as the two seventeen year old adults began wrestling on the ground with Y/n winning in the end then boarded their separate boats waving goodbye to their home island and starting their new lives. "Oi! Ace! Just to let you know next time we meet it's a rematch!" She shouted out loud while smiling happily.
I love my little brother, I love my best friends Ace and Sabo. I won't let anyone take them away from me as Sabo was taken from us three, if any of you are a friend to them then your a friend of mine, but if your the enemy then your my enemy too, I swear it!
A few years later on a large navy vessel that held a dog mast stood a barefoot woman with long black hair with a h/c streak running through it was blown up by the sea breeze alongside her marine admiral coat which covered her b/s with a f/c blouse and short Jean shorts. Her right hand rested on her birthstone pommel of her sword while tilting her Marine hat off her head a bit to show off her e/c eyes and wide smile to the new recruits that Gramps wanted her to train Kody and Helmeppho especially their reactions of when the two young men realized her relationship with the newest pirate Strawhat Luffy.
Y/n: "Let's whip you newbies into shape." She said seriously before tossing her hat aside as Garp caught it while she cracked her knuckles darkly. "You lot better start running!" She shouted out as they blotted and she ran after them laughing. "Shishishi!"
I'm back and making a new story!
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