Your Crew Part 6: Gooey
(A/N: Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees Tsuyu Asui here)
Slimy (by (Y/N))
Silly Slime (by Sabo)
Sister (by Kirby)
Bad Food
Devil Fruit:
Gooey was once a part of a piece of Dark Matter that attempted to completely consume everything in it's path.
However, she somehow managed to break away from Dark Matter and it was revealed that Dark Matter had a very peculiar property.
If exposed to a mass amount of negative emotions, Dark Matter will become monstrous abominations hellbent on devouring everything in their path.
If exposed to a mass amount positive emotions however, Dark Matter becomes more friendly, happy and develops a good heart.
Gooey having broken free of Dark Matter got exposed to Kirby, who was basically positivity given physical form and became a much more friendly and adorable being resulting in her humanoid form.
For the first half of the Star Allies battle against Dark Matter, Gooey was mostly minding her own business, appearing here and there throughout observing the heroes.
She was curious, curious about the world and she thought observing the hero who basically made her would help her understand the world better.
After observing them fight Dark Matter for so long, she would eventually aid Kirby when (Y/N) became possessed by the horrendous entity and free (Y/N) from it's control.
(Y/N) possessed by Dark Matter:
After (Y/N) was freed, Dark Matter grew desperate enough to reveal it's true form as Zero and deal with the heroes personally.
Upon looking at Gooey and how she changed, Magolor deducted that since Zero is purely a concentration of negative emotions it's weakness was the exact opposite...positive emotions.
So together, the Star Allies created the Love Love Stick, basically a weapon created from all the Star Allies love and friendship towards each other as corny as it sounds.
Kirby with the Love Love Stick:
Gooey felt like she needed to confront the Eldritch horror that she split form and thus aided Kirby in his fight with Zero.
Kirby and Gooey facing Zero:
After a long hard fought battle against the floating eyeball, Kirby and Gooey emerged victorious with Gooey feeling as if she had weight lifted from her shoulders.
For some reason, when Zero was destroyed, she
Perhaps deep down in her empty brain, she believed if Zero was destroyed, since she spawned from him, she'd be destroyed too.
But here she was, still alive proving she was her own individual from this point forward.
Feeling immense gratitude towards Kirby and the crew, Gooey joined the Star Allies.
Gooey is quite oblivious to most things around her, she's extremely carefree and it's nearly impossible to get her to hate you.
In fact it takes a truly devestating act towards a friend of hers rather than her to make her truly hate you.
The main reason she despises Akainu is because he killed Ace, who was the brother of Sabo, the person she loves the most.
She is very protective of her friends and will do everything she can to defend them.
Gooey is not the smartest member of the Star Allies, she is forgetful, has a massive attention deficiency and falls asleep randomly like a narcoleptic.
She however more than makes up for it with her kind soul, loving heart and optimistic nature.
Powers and Abilities:
While not nearly as powerful as Kirby, Gooey comes pretty close.
Since she is comprised completely of Dark Matter, Gooey has the ability to morph and become nearly any shape.
She can even change her body to be as soft or solid as she wants making her an excellent living shield.
She can even literally turn herself into a rock and drop herself onto opponents.
She is also one of the very few individuals who can copy abilities like Kirby since they are both Dark Matter.
Gooey however doesn't have access to Ultra abilities like Kirby.
Gooey's main form of attack is her tongue, that long tongue of hers is strong enough to send boulders flying with a single whip.
Gooey's tongue whip:
Gooey can also coat herself in an odd blue energy that damages foes and gives her short bursts of speed.
Gooey's Speed Burst:
Gooey can also fly with absolutely no issue and with her ability to morph and twist herself any way she sees fit it also gives her better mobility than most.
Gooey is also able to fire off bursts of dark energy in any direction, these bursts are fast, almost instantaneous making them very hard to dodge.
Gooey has multiple tricks up her sleeve, so just because she doesn't look dangerous, do not underestimate this little blob.
Also like with Kirby, Law's Ope Ope No Mi is completely useless against Gooey.
Since Gooey is comprised entirely of Dark Matter her body doesn't work like a normal person's and it also doesn't conform to the laws of physics either.
Law's fruit cannot effect Dark Matter and so therefore he cannot effect Gooey or Kirby.
Gooey's battle theme:
Love Interest:
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