Chapter 3: (Y/N) vs Luffy Part 2: "No, I'm Gonna Be The Pirate King!"
This was supposed to be the finale, but as usual writer's block kicked in and so major changes were implemented to this chapter.
I am so sorry for making you all wait for something like this.
This is a Chaotic chapter but hopefully it'll be good.
You and Luffy stood face to face awkwardly staring at one another, Luffy still having a few apples in his stretched cheeks.
You and Luffy right now:
After a long awkward silence it was broke by Kirby who greeted the boy.
Luffy immediately swallowed every single apple.
"Thought only me and Kirby could do stuff like that." You thought a little impressed.
"Oh hey." Luffy greeted. "Are you the captain that Rat Guy mentioned?"
Seems like Daroach mentioned you to this guy and so you did what you always did.
You puffed your chest out proudly, smirked swinging your hammer over your shoulder and began boasting.
"That's right pal, I'm the Captain of the Star Allies Crew, the one the only..." You started before letting out a dramatic yell. "KING (Y/N) DDD (L/N)!"
Luffy immediately gained a confused look and began looking around.
"Where did that music come from?" He asked.
"Don't worry about it." You said waving off the odd phenomenon. "Anyway..."
"My name's Kirby, nice to meet ya!" Kirby interrupted with his own greeting. "I'm part of the Star Allies crew too."
"Oh, you're probably that kid he was talking about too." Luffy said remembering what Daroach mentioned a kid with pink hair on his crew.
"Hey buddy, hand over some of that there fruit, I'm starving over here." You said suddenly and Kirby nodded in agreement.
"So am I." Kirby said excitedly clapping his hands.
"Sure, we could..." before Luffy could finish his sentence, both you and Kirby did your succ move.
Both you and him opened your mouths and began inhaling.
This resulted in a vortex which began pulling most of the food in the room directly into both your gullets.
Apples, Peaches and other fruit in the room vanished into yours and Kirby's gaping maws with only a few remaining.
Both you and the Pink Star Warrior let out satisfied burps followed by satisfied sighs.
"Whoo, looks like I win that eating contest Sky Baby." You chuckled as Kirby puffed his cheeks out in anger.
"What, no way!" Kirby stated. "I ate way more than you."
"HA, you wish ya little pink punk." You boasted while crossing your arms.
"Well, let's ask him." Kirby suggested pointing at Luffy who just stood there amazed at what he saw.
"Alright Strawhat, who ate more, me or Kirby?" You asked and you and Kirby awaited the answer.
Luffy just stood there for a brief moment before wordlessly pointing at Kirby.
"WHAT!?" You asked outraged as Kirby cheered in victory before doing his signature victory dance.
"I DEMAND A RECOUNT NOW!" You yelled stomping your foot in frustration.
Your stomps were so powerful it literally rocked and shook the ship.
This was something everyone on board could feel.
"Is he throwing a temper tantrum again!?" Daroach asked attempting to keep his balance.
"Who else could shake up the ship this much!?" Meta Knight asked standing firmly in-place effortlessly.
"Susie with her mech, Gooey going rock mode, Kirby going rock mode, a lot of us actually." Bandana Dee replied jamming his spear into the floor to keep himself up. "Who knows maybe they stepped aboard and are on the deck doing this."
Coby was just clinging to the floor in terror letting out various screams.
Another person could be seen running through the ship looking for a way out.
This was thief named Nami and she had been on this ship the entire time as a guest.
She was also planning to rob both the guests and the ship itself of it's valuables and despite the trouble that just went down she was successful.
She was carrying a large bag filled with valuables and she even managed to avoid you and your crew.
Unfortunately the shipquakes you were causing were making things difficult.
She did her best to keep quiet as she was sure Daroach would be able to hear her due to his large rat ears.
Against all odds she managed to make it to the top deck of the ship and she let out a sigh of relief when the Shipquakes suddenly stopped.
She then began looking around for a lifeboat to use to make her escape.
"Come on come on there has to be..." She thought only for her to realize much to her dismay that they were all gone.
"Damn!" She yelled in frustration. "I knew I should've sneaked out when I had the chance."
You see, this little thief was quite greedy and just couldn't help herself from stealing a bit extra, which wasted her time.
"Now what am I gonna do?" She asked herself.
"HELLO THERE FRIEND!" Came a loud voice from somewhere else.
Flinching at the sudden voice, Nami turned and saw the Lor StarCutter with it's front against a rock.
It took a moment for her to realize that there was a person strapped to the front of the ship between the rock.
It was Marx, the Star Allies decided park the StarCutter against the rock just to further his punishment.
Nami cringed as it looked to be rather painful, but he seemed...strangely okay.
The clown chuckled and began shifting his body around to allow the rock to grind through the magic webbing of Taranza.
When it was finally done, there was one problem, he was still stuck between the ship and the rock.
However, Marx did have a solution for this as well.
With the webbing gone, Marx began to seemingly try and pull himself free.
"Hold...don't split yet, I'll be right down." He assured trying to pull himself free even harder.
"Hold on wait..." Nami attempted to yell to avoid him tearing himself apart.
Much to Nami's horror however, the clown continued to pull himself free.
"RRRRYYYYAAAAAARGH!" Marx screamed as one half of his body split free from the rock leaving the other half stuck.
Nami stared on in shocked horror as the half of Marx's body fell into the ocean.
She covered her mouth to prevent herself from throwing up at what she just witnessed and dropped her bag as a result.
"Oh God...that was, that was just..." She thought backing up.
She was snapped out of her thoughts when a splash sound reached her ears.
Nami's whole face turned even more pale when she saw the half of Marx's body that fell into the ocean rise back up with a golden clawed wing.
Like this, except he's smiling and not distressed:
"Sorry about that." Marx chuckled floating up to where his other half was and pulled it free.
The other half then began floating on it's own and the 2 halves recombined into one as if it were nothing.
All the while Nami had no idea how to process what she just saw and fell into a sitting position as the winged clown hovered down to her.
Marx then took note of the bag and his grin grew.
Nami noticed this and took it back holding it close.
Marx knew that bag had a lot of valuables and it seemed to be very important to her.
So he wanted it.
"Alright, so what's your deal Strawhat?" You asked after you were done throwing your little temper tantrum.
Luffy realized he was the only one who hadn't introduced himself yet.
"Well, I'm Monkey D Luffy, and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!" He declared proudly.
That little line caught your attention.
"Yep, you're looking at the Future pirate King!" He declared once more getting you even more pissed.
"OH HELL NO!" You thought outraged.
"King of the Pirates?" Kirby asked curiously. "Hey Dad, isn't that..."
Kirby couldn't finish as you smacked him aside with a backhand directly into a wall and you grabbed Luffy by the collar of his shirt.
"Now listen here ya Hillbilly-looking weirdo!" You said directly into Luffy's face.
"What?" He asked confused by your sudden reaction.
"If anyone's gonna be King of the Pirates it's gonna be me!" You declared. "Ya understand that?"
Immediately Luffy's whole demeanor changed and he seemed to be just as angry as you.
"What, no way!" He yelled. "I'm gonna be the Pirate King!"
"HA, what kinda pirate king doesn't even have his own crew?" You mocked backing up and smirking down at Luffy. "Far as I can tell your on your own kid."
"I'm still building my crew!" Luffy yelled and this made you laugh even louder.
"Well, I've already got my own crew so I'm already more qualified than you." You stated crossing your arms and giving a very smug smirk.
Luffy was not about to be denied his dream by anyone, becoming King of the Pirates was all he truly wanted and he wouldn't let anyone stand in his way.
"A dumbass Hillbilly, you ain't got a chance of becoming Pirate King when I'm going for it." You continued pissing Luffy off even more. "Maybe you should just give up now and crawl back to your mama before you get hurt."
You were silenced by Luffy delivering a hard punch to your face.
The punch was so hard it created a large and powerful shockwave which made you stumble back a bit.
Meanwhile, Daroach's ear twitched and he along with the others all turned in the direction the punch had come from.
"Oh, sounds like Captain and the kid are fighting." Daroach sighed before tipping his hat and walking away.
"Where are you going?" Bandana Dee asked.
"This ship probably won't be standing for long, so I'm gonna go see if there's anything valuable on here." He explained before entering another room to start pilfering.
"Should we go break up the fight?" Bandana Dee asked with a sigh turning to Meta Knight.
Meta Knight looked down at Coby who was still clinging to the floor in fear.
"You stay here with the child, I'll go see what's up." Meta Knight said before swiftly walking towards where the impact had come from.
"You got it." Bandana Dee stated giving a salute.
He then stared down at the child who was still scared out of his mind.
"So what's up? He asked Coby in a friendly manner.
Coby just screamed in response.
Meanwhile you gave Luffy an intense angry glare after that punch.
"Alright ya little punk...MY TURN!" You snarled before suddenly you swung your hammer directly at Luffy's head.
To Luffy's surprise, the hammer swing was so fast he couldn't even react.
The hammer struck the top of his head with such force that the resulting shockwave was far stronger than the one Luffy caused.
The Strawhat-wearing boy hit the ground face-first and with enough force to make the entire ship tremble once again.
Kirby quickly ran over to Luffy and with a concerned expression tapped Luffy on the head who groaned in response.
"Yay, he isn't dead!" Kirby yelled happily.
"Stupid little kid actually thought he stood a chance." You boasted smugly swinging your hammer over your shoulders. "Oh well Kirby, let's get outta here."
"Okay." Kirby said with a nod ready to follow you.
However, you noticed that the straw hat the boy was wearing had fallen off and was fluttering to the ground.
"Ooh, I got a new hat." You thought reaching for it.
However, before you could touch it, the boy suddenly gripped your hand hard stopping you.
You grunted at the sudden pain from the hard grip and glared at Luffy who was now glaring back at you.
"Don't...touch that." Luffy growled tightening his grip and in response you let go of your hammer and gave the boy a hard punch to the face forcing him to let go.
You picked up your hammer and glared down at Luffy who was busy getting back up.
You once again got into a fighting stance as Kirby looked on wanting to go and get between the fight.
However, Kirby heard a few footsteps approaching and turned to see Meta Knight standing by the doorway.
"Kirby what's going on?" Meta Knight asked.
Kirby simply pointed at you and Luffy who were staring each other down.
"Sir, we should leave now, there's nothing left for us here." Meta Knight tried to urge to avoid you starting a fight.
"Oh no Meta Knight, I gotta show this little punk his place." You stated raising your hammer. "Little fool thinks he's gonna be the pirate king!"
"Sir please, I understand it's difficult and you have never listened to me ever...but please don't be petty." Meta Knight begged.
Of course you didn't listen and swung at Luffy's head.
The boy anticipated it this time and dodged back before winding up a punch.
Much to yours, Meta Knight's and Kirby's surprise, Luffy's arm stretched out towards you, like his arm was made of rubber.
Luckily you were fast enough to dodge and side-step the punch.
The punch kept stretch further though and was going right for Meta Knight.
Fortunately the Knight was quick enough to side-step it.
Brushing off your surprise you immediately took your hammer and bashed it into Luffy's face.
This caused his neck to stretch to an unnatural length and his head got stuck in the wall of the room.
Luffy's arm stretched back and his body attempted to get his head unstuck.
"Ha, eat it ya Repugnant Rowdy Rubbery Reprobate." You scoffed as the Rubber boy attempted to free his head from the wall muffled screams accompanying each attempt.
Eventually the boy managed to free himself and glared at you.
You simply smirked and gave him the "bring it on" gesture.
Luffy complied and lunged at you ready to give you a swift uppercut.
All you did was dodge to the side and used your hammer to deliver an uppercut of your own which launched him straight through the roof.
Luffy kept crashing upwards through celling after celling until he finally burst through the deck of the ship.
Not wasting time you crouched down and performed a super jump to follow him.
Up on deck, Luffy got up and shook his head to regain his bearings.
When he did you shot through the hole he had made during his forced ascension and was ready to stomp him down.
Luckily, Luffy rolled out of the way in time making you land on the floor.
The force of your landing did create a shockwave strong enough to launch him away though.
You chuckled as you watched him get back up and swung your hammer over your shoulder.
"Who's gonna be the Pirate King?" You asked mockingly. "Well, it ain't gonna be you, that's for sure."
You both glared each other down and got ready to charge at each other once again.
If this fool thought he'd upstage you, you'd make sure to bash it into his skull that you were better than him.
"Should we stop them?" Kirby asked Meta Knight who sighed.
"I don't know why I keep trying, he never listens." Meta Knight sighed angrily.
"But if you don't, who will?" Kirby asked tilting his head making the Knight give him a flat look.
"Come on." He sighed unfurling his cape to reveal his bat-like wings.
Meta Knight then slowly rose off the ground as he began flapping his wings.
Kirby grabbed the Knight's ankles and they lifted off through the hole in the celling up after you.
"So that's how you ended up working for that ugly troll woman huh?" Bandana Dee asked and Coby nodded.
Coby had just told the Spear-wielder about how he was essentially kidnapped and forced to be Alvida's cabin boy.
Bandana Dee truly felt sorry for the kid.
He reminded Bandana Dee so much of himself before he picked up the Spear.
Weak and lacking confidence.
But just like himself, Bandana Dee could see potential in this child, all he needed was some help to bring it out.
Bandana Dee took a knee beside Coby.
"Look Coby, I know things may seem hopeless, but with that horrendous woman gone, I'm sure things will get better for you." Bandana Dee assured.
"No it won't!" Coby yelled burying his face in his hands. "My dream is to become a Marine and since I worked on Alvida's ship they'll never accept me now!"
"You were forced though, I'm sure they can make an exception given your conditions." Bandana Dee stated but Coby seemed unconvinced.
"They won't and even if they did, look at me!" Coby stated pointing at himself. "Do you think I have what it takes to become a Marine?"
"No, not really." Bandana Dee answered truthfully putting Coby further into his funk.
" see..." Coby stated only to be interrupted by Bandana Dee.
"At least not right now." He concluded making Coby look up at him as he rose to his feet.
"But that doesn't mean you can't learn or grow stronger and become better than how you are now." The Spear-wielding Warrior stated.
"B-but what...what if I can't improve?" Coby asked only to be bonked on the head by the stick of his Spear.
"Anyone can improve, anyone can become better with hard work determination and desire." Bandana Dee said spinning his Spear and slamming the blunt end on the ground. "Just look at me."
Coby tilted his head in confusion.
"I used to be pretty much a nobody, I blended in with the crowd and I was weak." Bandana Dee explained remembering how in the past he used to be just another member of the Waddle Dee tribe. "But now, I'm strong enough to cause an earthquake with just my fist."
"What!?" Coby asked shocked.
"I would demonstrate, but we're on a ship so yeah..." Bandana Dee chuckled rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "But believe me, I used to be exactly like you, but thanks to my determination and desire to become more I became a proud and strong warrior."
He leaned down and gave Coby a pat on the head.
"I'm not sure if I'll be the one to inspire you, but I hope I at least helped a little bit." Bandana Dee said sincerely.
Coby couldn't help but give a small smile at Bandana Dee's words.
"Captain, he has had enough!" Meta Knight yelled as he and Kirby attempted to hold you back from further beating Luffy into a pulp.
"I ain't done with that Stringbean Sissy yet, he's gotta learn not to disrespect me!" You snarled as Meta Knight pulled you back harder while Kirby attempted to push you back from the front.
Meanwhile it was clear you were winning the fight due to how Luffy's face looked as he managed to pick himself up off the ground.
Yeah, you were pulverizing the poor rubber boy and it was only thanks to Meta Knight and Kirby holding you back that he caught a break.
"I'm...n-not through...yet!" Luffy attempted to speak with swollen cheeks and missing teeth as he slowly stood up.
"Yes, you are clearly done!" Meta Knight yelled as he began losing his grip on your arm. "You cannot win!"
Luffy did not seem to care as he stumbled to his feet and once again got into a shaky fighting stance.
You finally managed to pull free from Meta Knight and toss Kirby off you.
The Pink Star Warrior sailed through the air overboard and into the ocean with a large splash.
"I'm okay!" Kirby yelled from overboard.
"Kirby, don't you dare suck up that water to become water Kirby!" You yelled at him.
"WHY!?" Kirby whined.
"Cause that's Salt water and it ain't good for you!" You yelled making Kirby groan as he was now in Ring floaty with his arms crossed and pouting.
"Fine, I'll just stay here for now then." Kirby replied with a hmph.
"Good!" You yelled only to receive a punch in the face from Luffy.
However the punch did absolutely nothing to you as you turned your head to face Luffy with an angry glare while his fist was still against your cheek.
Without a word you grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards you once again and once again bashed him into the ground with your hammer.
As Luffy let out a groan you laughed standing over him.
"You ain't a pirate king, but you make a great practice dummy." You laughed as Luffy glared up at you.
However, your laughing was interrupted when you noticed something odd.
A shadow was covering you and it was growing.
"What the...?" You asked confused.
"Captain, look up!" Meta Knight yelled as he was now much further away from both you and Luffy.
You looked up and your eyes went wide when you noticed something was falling and heading right towards you and Luffy.
They only went wider when you heard screaming.
Screaming in a voice you hoped to never hear again.
That Troll Woman Alvida was finally falling after you smacked her into orbit.
"NOOOOOOO!" You yelled running away from the spot she'd crash back down onto.
Unfortunately, Luffy couldn't get up and move in time, all he could do was scream as Alvida crashed down onto him.
Your face had nothing but shock and horror as you stared at the hole that horrendous woman made during her descent.
With that same look you stared up at Meta Knight who kept a neutral expression.
"Okay, Meta Knight we can leave now." You said nervously.
All the Knight did in response was roll his eyes and facepalm.
Bandana Dee and Coby both looked up upon feeling the boat shake and what sounded like something falling through the upper floors.
Bandana Dee upon realizing something was going to crash through the celling grabbed Coby and jumped away letting whatever it is crash down.
Bandana Dee and Coby stood back up and stared at whatever crashed down.
Coby's eyes went wide and he began shaking as he saw it was none other than Alvida who got up from Luffy who was remarkably still alive.
"That worthless red and blue low-life!" Alvida growled extremely pissed at having her advances rejected by you as she looked around. "I'm gonna bash his brains out!"
Her attention suddenly landed on Coby when she spotted him and the poor boy flinched in response.
However, his fear and her rage were replaced with confusion when Bandana Dee stepped up and glared at her.
"Oh good, now I can actually prove how strong I am for you." He said before getting into a fighting stance.
This was the worst writer's block I had, but hopefully it won't happen again.
It was Chaotic yes, but hopefully you all still liked it.
Also the reason you pretty much cutbstomped Luffy here was because this is Luffy at the start.
He isn't as strong as he will be later meanwhile you and your crew have faced things like Nova, Marx, Sectonia and a lot more.
You outpower Luffy greatly so right now, he's nothing to you.
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