Chapter 1: The Superstar Warrior Arrives:
As requested I will start the story before the Timeskip. In fact I'll start it in the first episode.
Now bear with me, a lot happens in One Piece so I'll probably fall victim to trimming things down.
Also I'll do some episodes about events that don't happen in One Piece but effect the Star Allies such as finding other pieces of Dark Matter or the return of some Kirby Villains.
Just to be clear, Kirby is NOT gonna vore people in this series, I'm not into that.
It's okay in the games cause he's not human, but here he'll be human-like and vore shit here.
I know at least one person reading this was thinking that...stop it:
Our story begins during the Great Pirate era, a time of hopes, dreams and adventure.
A time where anything seems possible.
A time you were looking to take full advantage of.
Sailing through the ocean was a rather odd ship known as the Lor StarCutter.
The Lor StarCutter:
The StarCutter was the home of a pretty strange crew, your Crew.
The Star Allies.
Just to be clear, that wasn't your name idea, it was Kirby's, but you couldn't think of anything better so you went with it.
You the Mighty (Y/N) DDD. (L/N), the former king of a small Island named YumeTochi and now acting Captain of the Star Allies stood proudly upon the deck of the ship taking in the salty air of the ocean.
"Alright (Y/N)..." You thought. "You got a crew, you got a ship, now you just gotta prove to the world that you're the greatest."
Suddenly an explosion went off inside the ship making you flinch.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" You asked turning back only for something to be launched out into the air from the ship's iron hatch.
"WEEEEEEEEE!" The flying object shouted as it crashed directly onto your head forcing you to the ground.
You rised from the ground, the object still on your head.
You peeled it off to reveal the pink Star warrior himself Kirby.
"Heya Papa." He said with his usual happy smile while you held him by the shirt.
"Kirby!?" You asked confused. "What the Hell!?"
"Oh, Susie was trying to find out what caused a blockage in one of the ship's pipes." Kirby explained.
"Okay, and why the explosion!?" You asked again.
"Oh it turns out Marx rigged a potato bomb in the pipe, it exploded and now there's mashed potatoes everywhere." Kirby ended his explanation and that made you growl in annoyance.
While still holding Kirby you stomped down into the ship's interior.
Inside the StarCutter:
Within the Lor StarCutter the first thing of note was the giant screen which was used to chart out coordinates.
Unfortunately right now it was covered in Mashed Potatoes along with the rest of the ship's interior.
In the center of this mess was the clown of madness himself Marx who was rolling on his back laughing his ass off.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, You guys finally found it!" Marx yelled.
Unfortunately for the Clown, all the Star Allies were surrounding him with looks of disdain.
Except Gooey, who was having the time of her life, eating mashed potatoes off the ship.
However, none could match the fury that Susie herself was radiating.
The robot Girl was stomping towards Marx, her rage burning so bright her hair actually flared up as if they were tentacles.
Like this:
"MARX!" She yelled which echoed throughout the entire StarCutter.
Marx immediately stopped his laughing fit and sweatdropped in fear.
"Um...Susie...?" He asked nervously.
"Do you have any idea the shit I go through keeping this ship in working order!?" Susie asked her blue optics going red with rage.
"Uh.." Marx tried to say something, but she interrupted him.
"No, no you do not!" Susie yelled grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and bringing him in close. "Because if you did, then you wouldn't pull shit like this!"
"Nope, he probably still would." The Helmsman Magolor sighed crossing his arms. "He probably still would...he's Marx."
"Yeah Su, can I call you Su?" Marx asked.
"No." Susie replied simply.
"Ya see Su..." Marx continued as if he hadn't heard her. "I am Marx, and Marx has to prank people..."
Susie and everyone else remained silent as Marx attempted to justify his actions.
"Should I really be published for following my nature, should I be prosecuted for doing what comes naturally?" He asked as dramatic music swelled in the background.
"Should I clean up after you!?" Susie yelled suddenly making the music stop.
"Should we be inconvenienced by your antics?" Taranza suddenly asked wiping some mashed potatoes off his head.
"Should I have to punish you every time!?" You asked stepping forward between the others.
"Should our ship suffer being filthy every time you do these things Marx?" Magolor asked hands on his hips.
"Oh come guys, it was just a prank, don't take it so personally." Was the clown's reply.
In response, you silently pulled out your hammer, while Susie held up her blaster.
Meta Knight unseethed his sword while Bandana Dee held his spear at the ready.
Daroach let out his claws while Adeleine held her brush at the ready.
" want a Prank ya Creepy Clown Creature?" You asked menacingly.
"Then we'll give you a prank!" Susie yelled and with that every Star Ally apart from Kirby, Gooey, Rick, Kine and Coo all attacked Marx creating a cartoonist dust cloud of violence.
Kirby saw Gooey eating the mashed potatoes and decided to join her while violence was going on behind them.
You let out a deep sigh as you once again stood proudly on the deck of the ship, overlooking the ocean as the StarCutter sliced through the waves of the sea.
"THIS ISN'T A PRANK!" Marx yelled from the front of the ship, which he was tied to with Taranza's webbings. "IT'S ONLY A PRANK IF I DON'T SEE IT COMING!"
The Clown was immediately silenced with by a wave crashing into his face.
Ignoring the stupid Jester you focused on the ocean ahead while you could hear Susie complaining from the ship's intereor.
"Susie, calm down please." Taranza said.
Marx let out another laugh, only for a wave to wash an entire octopus into his mouth.
Instead of spitting it out, Marx swallowed the poor Cephalopod whole.
"Ooooh, I can feel it's tentacles in me, and yes, I meant for that to sound weird!" He laughed once again.
All you could do was sweatdrop at the Clown.
Just then your first mate Meta Knight walked up beside you and asked:
"Why is he even on this crew again?"
"Cause of him." You replied pointing behind you.
At that moment Kirby came out from the intereor hatch of the ship, mashed potatoes on his face.
"What?" Kirby asked.
Yeah, the only reason Marx was even a part of the Star Allies was because Kirby forgave him a bit too easily in everyone's opinion.
Then again, Kirby's the main reason the Star Allies were even formed in the first place.
If it weren't for him, you'd probably still be on YumeTochi bossing the Waddle Dees around, stealing food and just being a straight up jerk.
Just then someone else came up from the hatch interrupting your thoughts.
It was Bandana Dee, the only member of the Waddle Dee tribe who could competently fight and the ship's janitor as evidenced by the mop in his hand.
"Susie's really mad this time..." Bandana Dee said sighed. "Hopefully this'll make Marx stop his Pranking."
"NEVER!" Marx yelled from his position.
"Silence Clown, you'll swallow sea creatures if you keep prattling like that!"
"TOO LATE, HEY THERE'S TWO SHIPS UP AHEAD GUYS!" The clown informed making you, Meta Knight, Bandana Dee and Kirby all look ahead.
Indeed ahead of you.
It seemed like a pink pirate ship was attacking another non-pirate ship, most likely a raid was going on.
Alvida's Ship/Miss Love Duck:
"Well would ya look at that." You said mildly interested. "HEY HOUDINI, YA SEE THAT UP AHEAD!?"
"YES!" Magolor yelled from within the ship. "SHOULD WE IGNORE IT!?"
"But people could be in trouble?" Kirby suddenly interjected.
"So what?" You asked with a roll of your eyes. "We're pirates too, we ain't heroes Kid."
"Captain, you seriously cannot just turn a blind eye can you?" Meta Knight asked.
"Yeah, if someone's in danger, we should help." Bandana Dee said also wanting to help those folks who were under siege.
You sighed.
" guys and your kind hearts." You said annoyed.
"Please papa, let's go save them." Kirby begged giving you a sad look.
You immediately turned away, trying not to look the kid in the eye.
"Damn it, my weakness!" You thought angrily.
Those sad eyes were hard for you to resist, and you believed that Kirby knew this.
You could never really say no to him whenever he made any kind of sad face.
Who would wanna see a cutie like him sad or depressed?
You'd have to be some kind of monster to want that, a Heartless bastard if you will.
That's something you weren't anymore.
"Captain, they may even reward us for saving them." Meta Knight said attempting to entice you into being a hero.
Honestly you weren't too keen on being a hero anytime soon considering that most of the time trying to be a hero resulted in dealing with ancient evils, massive corporations or something else just as bad.
But between the promise of a reward and Kirby's manipulative technique you literally had no choice.
"Ugh...MAGOLOR GET US OVER THERE, WE'RE HELPIN EM OUT!" You yelled ordered crossing your arms.
"YAY!" Kirby yelled happily.
"HA!" Marx yelled up to you. "Some Captain you are, succumbing to your own crew instead of laying down the law!"
"Who's tied down there ya stupid Clown, me or you?" You asked angrily as the ship began moving towards where the raid was taking place.
"I'm not the Captain, so therefore I have less shame in this situation!" Marx yelled back.
"You have no shame at all!" Meta Knight yelled back as well.
All Marx did was laugh in response.
"Kirby, why'd you invite so many weirdos on this crew?" You thought with a sweatdrop.
Aboard The Miss Love Duck, a young boy with pink hair and glasses named Coby was hesitating to swing over to the other ship.
Just then the ship's captain Alvida noticed the boy's hesitance and stomped over to him.
"HEY COBY!" She yelled making the scared boy flinch. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"
Coby shivered as the large beast of a woman approached him, her iron club in hand.
"S-sorry miss Alvida...I-I'm not r-really good at this stuff." He stuttered with a gulp.
"You're telling me!" She scoffed in response. "Maybe it's cause you're too busy back-talking me all the time!"
The little boy immediately began panicking as the woman raised her club, ready to pound him into paste.
"No not the club please!" Coby begged.
"Then get your ass over there!" Alvida yelled literally kicking the little boy over onto the ship they were raiding.
Coby flew through the air and landed face-first into the ship's wall and slid down.
He groaned and rubbed his face to try and recover, only to hear the indistinguishable voice of his captain yell:
He looked up and screamed as he saw the large woman plummeting towards him, club raised to smash down below.
Coby, not wanting to be flattened screamed and moved out of the way letting Alvida smash through the ship.
It seemed the area Alvida smashed into lead to the ship's party room as evidenced by how fancy it looked.
Her crewmembers were already doing their thing.
Within the ship it seemed like a party was going on as various rich-looking guests were being held hostage by Alvida's crew members.
"Don't worry, we won't kill any of you." One of them assured. "But we will take all your valuables."
"And anyone who resists will be eating their buffet at the bottom of the ocean." Alvida stated walking up behind her crew.
The hostages were all scared out of their minds at the thought of what these pirates may do.
So they obeyed and let them have at it with the ship.
However, before the pillaging could begin...
A large explosion went off by a wall gaining everyone's attention.
"What the?" Alvida asked looking at where the explosion came from.
When the smoke cleared it revealed none other than Kirby.
After greeting them Kirby slipped on some rubble making the pirates sweatdrop.
"Nice entrance Sky Baby." You said sarcastically walking past Kirby.
Alvida raised a brow curiously as you entered the party room followed by Meta Knight, Bandana Dee and Daroach.
"What the Hell?" She asked as you cleared your throat.
"NOW LISTEN HERE YOU YOU GROUP OF GANGLY GARBAGE PEOPLE!" You yelled pointing directly at Alvida's
You then dramatically pointed to yourself.
"You may not know who I am but believe me when I say you've got about the worst luck of anyone on the ocean!" You declared with a smirk. "Cause I am (Y/N) DDD. (L/N), I am a Superstar Warrior!"
The people stayed silent as you kept your smug smirk.
"I am the Captain of the Star Allies Crew and unless you bozos leave quietly, you're all getting the hammer!" You continued pulling out your signature hammer.
Once again only silence remained, aside from your theme song blaring in the background.
"Ya hear that Meta Knight?" You asked proudly puffing out your chest. "They're so impressed they can't even speak."
"I don't think that's it Captain." Meta Knight stated drawing his sword.
"Who the Hell are these clowns!?" Alvida asked.
[Masked Dedede Music Stops]
"CLOWNS?!" You yelled outraged.
That statement offended you greatly, sure you had a clown on your crew, but when you make an entrance you expect people to be either afraid or impressed by your presence.
Not call you and your crew clowns.
"Now look here Lady, did you not hear me?" You asked stomping your foot in anger fuming red. "You're asking who we are when I just gave you an introduction..."
As you continued your mad rantings, Alvida got a good look at you and liked what she saw.
"Handsome face, nice body, good fashion sense...hmm." She thought with a smirk.
"Can you not hear, are you deaf!?" You continued to yell only for Alvida to yell out "Hey!" to get your attention.
"I gotta say for a clown you're not bad-looking." She said making your face turn blue in disgust as you reeled back.
"What?" You asked not liking where this was going.
Meta Knight, Bandana Dee and Daroach all seemed equally disgusted by this woman's advances on their captain.
Kirby was just looking around interested in the room they were in.
"How about you join my crew hotstuff, ?" Alvida asked. "I could use a handsome fella like you to keep me company at night."
"Oh dear God that's a gross thought." Daroach said tipping the brim of his hat to hide his eyes.
"It's in my head and I hate it." Bandana Dee said his entire face green.
"Don't make me throw up while I'm wearing a mask." Meta Knight pleaded.
As for you...
In your head:
Back to reality:
"Kirby Kirby!" You yelled making the pink-cladded boy turn to you.
"Yes Papa?" He asked happily.
"Do the thing!" You ordered.
"Yes Papa!" He replied giving a salute.
Kirby immediately faced the crowd and pirates and breathed deeply.
Alvida and her crew's confusion grew to surprise as when Kirby inhaled.
Kirby's Succ ability:
Kirby's succ was so strong that a few pirates who had their swords out immediately lost them to the power of the succ.
Further increasing their surprise was when they saw Kirby completely swallow their swords with absolutely no issue.
Their surprise and confusion eventually mixed when a new sword appeared in Kirby's hand and a green hat appeared on his head.
He had become Sword Kirby.
The crowd of hostages were just as confused as the Pirates.
"Alright Star Allies, Dede-Destroy them!" You ordered.
"I refuse to fight to that order." Meta Knight said crossing his arms.
"It's either fight or I end up in bed with...THAT!" You stated pointing at Alvida.
Meta Knight shivered at the thought of that...not even you deserved that horrible fate.
"Very well." He sighed pulling out his sword Galaxia.
Daroach got his claws ready, Bandana Dee got his spear out and you got your hammer ready.
"Alright guys...FIGHT TO KILL!" You yelled and with that you and the Star Allies charged into battle.
You were not gonna end up crushed under this fat bitch.
And there's episode 1, I felt like this was a good stopping point.
If you're wondering why the rest of the Star Allies aren't in the ship with you guys.
They had various reasons not to come, for example Susie was still fixing up the StarCutter and Marx was still tied to the ship.
The other crewmembers' reasons will be revealed in the next chapter.
"(Y/N) vs Luffy: First Bout."
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