Zoro X Demon!Reader
Author: Dang... With requests... I'll have to write 29 lemons.
Law: Then don't write them.
Author: Shame on you! I could never!
_________The hell am ___________________
I doing_______________
"Stupid little-" You mumbled swears along the way through the forest, with deep cuts all over your body.
As the black form continued to attempt attacks, you dodged them to not take any risks.
"Tiny sapling, join us your powers will increase and we will conquer this measles universe.
"Shut up." You said still considerably walking.
"Oh tiny sapling I guess I'll just take it from you." The disfigured beast said, as it got closer, you shot a dark glob at him, making him disappear for now.
"Oi woman what the hell was that?" He asked, with his usual expression.
"Hmm?" You asked before passing out,
With Zoros mad lost ninja skills he managed to catch you, taking you back to the ship as soon as he found it.
After chopper took care of you, you were confused, what was this place? It was nice actually, you didn't feel any demons so it'll be fine.
You looked at yourself, you were bandaged and in your undergarments, either way, you stepped out of bed and walked away.
Once outside, some of them freaked out, and one weird eyebrows gentleman began to tell you how beautiful and wonderful you were while doing a noodle dance, you blushed at his kind words.
"What is my dear angels name?" He asked.
"(Y-Y-YN)." You mumbled, still blushing.
"What wonderful name (Y/N)-Chwaannnn~" He suddenly had a nosebleed, making you squeak.
And suddenly it stopped.
"I'm sorry I scared you my sweet (y/n)- Chwan! I will do anything I can to make it up to you!" He said determined.
Suddenly the rest of the strangers began to introduce themselves.
"I'm Brook can I see your panties?" He asked.
"Umm... I don't wear panties..." You told him blushing.
Suddenly an orange haired female hit his skull.
"Robin and Nami." Nami said and Robin smiled.
"Luffy, and I'm going to become king of the Pirates!" Luffy said.
"Zoro." The grass shrub said.
"Join my crew." Luffy said, poking you.
"No." You said.
"I refuse your refusal." He said.
"Okay. Bye." You said jumping off the railing, when suddenly he snaked his rubber arms around you and pulled you back.
"Shishishi, my nakama doesn't leave without goodbyes." He said with a Colgate trademark smile.
"Fuck." You muttered.
And as soon as that, you became part of the Straw Hat crew, none of them new you were a demon, or who were your parents it was nice like that. Until suddenly you gained a wanted poster.
"Demon child (Y/N) (insert idk how much do you want to be hunted for)" Nami said, with a pale face, but then the belly eyes, because she could always just turn you in if things got though.
"Nami I'm not letting you turn me in." You said with bored face.
"What? I didn't say it out loud- DEMON!" She screamed as she hid behind Ussop along with Chopper as Ussop held a cross and threw garlic at you.
That did sting a little, the garlic, you have allergies.
"Ussop that stings stop that!" You scold him.
"BY THE POWER OF KAMI-SAMA I COMPEL YOU!" He said throwing more.
You decided it would be funny to scare the Shit out of them and floated all the way up to the crows nest, you did hear them pass out, which was fun.
"I heard it from the deck, so you're a demon?" Zoro asked, still training like this was a cartoon (it's not, its anime, its anime chill, calm down, calm down) .
"Well I'm half, my dad is a human my mother is a demon." You told him sitting down and watching that ass.
You admit, that you did develop a crush for that sexy shrub of grass, because dang, look at him!
"So can you see other demons or feel them in people?" He asked as he began to dry his sweat off.
"I can see demons wherever they are. There are about 6 here, counting devil fruits." You told him.
"I feel like kissing a demon right now." He told you. Is he gay? Is he going to kiss Luffy? He does have a demon inside him.
While you thought that he suddenly kissed you, making you gasp, so he slid his tongue in and soon you two began a make out session.
"I ship it!" Said a soft female voice in the backround.
Zoro turned around to face a female demon wearing high black heels and a red dress with long sleeves.
"Mom? Really?" You asked with a crimson blush.
"Miss Dracule does your father approve? I don't think he'll approve~" Your mother sang.
"Why..." You groaned, shoving your face in the couch.
"Wait? Your dad is Mihawk?" Zoro asked.
"Yes... Mom please disappear so I can go back to having a relationship?" You asked her.
"Sure~" Se hummed disappearing.
"That was embarrassing." You said, still blushing.
"Let's hope she doesn't do that while we have sex." He said, pulling you close to him.
"Oh shit I never thought of that..." You blushed harder.
He hummed and kissed your head, dang this would take some getting used to.
*time skip to five days later*
As you and Zoro were on the deck, him taking a nap and you playing with his hair, suddenly the well known coffin shaped boat appeared.
Suddenly Mihawk jumped on the deck and attacked Zoro, which he dodged.
"Without my permission?" Mihawk asked, still fighting Zoro.
"Do I have to answer that question?" You groaned, missing the Zoro that was sleeping on you.
After a while Mihawk lost interest in the fight and Zoro got lost on the ship... Somehow...
"Fine, but if he gets lost on your wedding day he becomes a shrub of grass and nutrients for my garden." Mihawk said, awkwardly holding the huge sword with no were to put (and Zoro nowhere to be found ahahahahahah).
*time skip to wedding day*
Zoro got lost.
And almost became part of a garden.
I didn't know how to end this I'm sorry.
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