Supernovas x yonko!reader
Hello! This was requested by Aesthithicbitch
This one took a while, especially cause its longer than usual lol. I'm trying to participate in JuNoWriMo so hopefully there will be more one shots coming out! Or who knows? I might finally publish a freaking book!
"Well, well, well." You smirked, looking down at the pirate.
You watched the tattooed man, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
A strange feeling erupted from your body, vertigo of some sort as your location changed.
"What do we have here~," He asked, intrigued.
"Eh?" You muttered, now realizing you were being held bridal style by the man.
"Looks like I have a spy to deal with." He smirked.
"Oh? And I hid so nicely too." You pouted dramatically.
"If you tell me who you work for I'll let you keep your heart." He offered.
"How about no?" You batted your eyelashes.
Before he could pull out your heart, you transformed it into water and left his grasp.
"A devil fruit user?" He asked himself.
"Something like that." You winked.
"Good to know." He mused, cutting the rest of you in half.
"What the heck?!" You exclaimed, watching your legs become a separate piece.
"If you don't tell me who you work for I'll keep cutting~" He threatened, sword in hand.
You gave him a confused look, transforming your whole body into water and connecting it once again.
"Oh." He deadpanned.
"Any other tricks up your sleeve, Trafalgar?" You asked with a hand on your hip.
"Tsc." He growled.
"I guess it's my turn!~" You exclaimed sweetly.
With your arms out, you pulled moisture from the air and the nearby ocean, creating thousands of small droplets around you.
A small smirk graced your features, with the turn of a hand all them became sharp icicles in Law's direction.
The man pulled out his sword to cut them, before realizing his mistake as they so multiplied.
"I thought a pirate captain would know a little more." You ridiculed.
The man changed his pose, worry painted his face as he tried to concoct a new plan.
"Room." He said, using his hands to expand a blue orb.
"Boring!" You groaned, sticking out your tongue.
Before the man could finish, you incorporated the droplets into your own body and advanced in his direction.
Law attempted to react as the liquid became stuck to his chest like cement. He felt himself thrown back first on the floor, knocking the wind out of him.
The water left his body, shaping on top of him into his enemy.
"It's a shame you were so boring." You teased, pressing your foot into his windpipe.
Gritting his teeth, the pirate reached his sword and slashed at your leg. You raised a brow, somewhat intrigued at the small gash left before you could become water.
"I'll give you an A for effort, how about that?" You offered.
"I will beat you!" He spat, still underneath your foot.
"another time." You chuckled, "Adios!" Your body dispersed into minuscule particles, a trick used to impress the man.
The dew drops reunited in a nearby alleyway, contorting and twisting back into your body.
Content with the events that conspired, you walked back to your ship, when you felt a bump.
"Watch it!" The wall barked, confusing you.
You furrowed your brows. Looking up, you recognized the angry face beyond the nude chest.
"Oh. It's you." You deadpanned, walking away.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" He growled, pulling you by the hair.
"Ow!" You growled, attempting to escape his grasp.
"No one talks to me like that!" He barked at you.
"Well, I don't care!" You exclaimed.
He forced your head against a wall. Hard.
"You wanna play rough?" He threatened, "I'll play rough."
You yelped in pain as he punched your gut.
"It's this type of fight?" You laughed, holding your stomach.
"It sure fucking is." He grinned.
"So be it." You smirked, slipping out of his grasp as your body became water.
Becoming flesh again behind him, you kicked his knee.
"Don't you ever wonder how someone like me became a yonko?" You smirked, "It's because," Your hand twisted, "I can control water."
Before Kid could move his gigantic arm, nausea overtook him to the point of every movement becoming treacherous, his brain rattled in his skull with a migraine.
"Don't fuck with me, Eustass." You threatened .
"MEAT!" Luffy exclaimed mouth-watering.
"I'm not paying for what he's eating!" Nami huffed, walking into the restaurant.
The crew ate beside the scarfing down captain, being mindful of the two-mile radius of his reach.
"Damnit! Not again!" Usopp cried, watching his food fly into the mouth of his captain.
"Where's Zoro?" Franky inquired, looking around.
"Damn it! They're lost again!" Zoro growled.
Begrudgingly, the man began walking around the island for his friends, aware that it would be easier to find a drink.
Now that he realized that, he felt thirsty for a sake.
"Where could I find a drink around here?" He pondered, a bar behind him.
"Maybe it's to the south." He muttered, walking to the east.
After a long circular walk, Zoro found the said bar.
"Finally! I was thirsty." He muttered, walking in.
The greenete sat on the bench beside you, ordering a cartoonishly large drink.
"That's a lot of booze." You mused, "Can you handle all that, sweetheart?"
"You wanna bet?" He retorted, picking up the glass and chugging it in one go.
You raised a brow at the empty glass, "I'm impressed." Your gigantic drink arrived. "That's pretty good for a beginner." You winked, immediately chugging your liquor.
"That was just a warm-up." He scoffed.
"Sure it was." You retorted sarcastically, "Wanna bet?"
Before you knew it, the two of you were downing gigantic mugs of alcohol as best you could. The liquid would spill from the side of the glass or splash, but whoever said it was a clean competition?
Zoro was in the lead, downing enormous glasses in what felt like milliseconds, while you somehow downed it the wrong way.
Trying to ignore the pain from too big of a gulp and the coughing, you kept going. You coughed hard enough for the liquid to spur out of your nostrils, but it didn't matter. There was no way you were about to swallow your pride.
Ten minutes later, you were still coughing and a sore loser.
"Who's a beginner now?"He asked smugly, his expression immediately changing as he saw the state you were in.
"Don't give that look." You grumbled, wiping the liquid off your face.
"Are you okay?"
"Peachy." You grimaced, lifting yourself from the chair only to immediately feel vertigo.
"Maybe you should see a doctor." He suggested, "My crew has one."
A tattoed man immediately came to mind. "No thank you."
"Don't be so stubborn woman!" He exclaimed, dragging you out of the bar.
"Which one of you is paying?!" The bartender asked.
The two of you looked at each other and immediately bolted.
After a couple of blocks, the rush of adrenaline was over and you were woozy. The world was spinning violently with every step you tried to balance yourself.
"Oi, you okay?" The swordsman asked.
"Yeah." You muttered, tumbling over your own feet.
He hovered over you, it was obvious he didn't believe a thing you said but what was he supposed to do?
"OI! COME BACK HERE PUNKS!" A man screamed in the distance.
"Shit!" Zoro muttered, quickly scooping you up and running.
"What are you doing?!" You wiggled in his arm.
"Saving your ass!" He jumped on a nearby rooftop, trying to keep his pace on the uneven terrain.
"Well, it's not working!" You warned the man somehow still running after the two of you.
You watched the stranger run while in his hold, the way his earrings dangled back and forth, his usually stoic features altered by alcohol and adrenaline, the light flush his glowing skin held. Either you were drunk or this man was really attractive.
Your stomach sunk as he made a sudden jump, landing on a ship you recognized from somewhere. It was extremely familiar somehow, but you just couldn't place it...
"Zoro where have you been?!" Someone you couldn't see asked.
"I was drinking."
"Did you when her as a prize?"
"He wishes!" You scoffed from his arm.
"Oh, right." The greenete piped in, releasing you to kiss the floor.
Landing face first, your head landed with an audible 'thump'.
"What the hell?!" You exclaimed, rolling over.
"Zoro where did this girl come from?" A ginger woman asked.
"The bar." The gruff man answered, already taking a seat on the floor.
"He won her as a prize!" A boy in a straw hat answered.
"No, he didn't!" You huffed, lifting yourself from the floor to defend whatever honor you had left.
Taking a moment to around, more and more unique characters seemed to show up on the boat. The new world was strange, but this crew seemed to encapsulate that.
"Where the hell am I?" You grimaced.
"On the Thousand Sunny!" The raven in a straw hat answered. "I'm Luffy!" He grinned.
"Oh!" You snapped your fingers, "You're that kid in a straw hat!"
"Yep! Shishishishi! But who are you?"
"She's (Y/N) D. (L/N), one of the four yonko's. Correct?" The female raven inquired. What was her name again? Franky?
"In the flesh." You smiled, "Franky, right?"
Damn it. There goes that little bit of honor you tried to defend.
You felt a dagger graze your skin and hit the mast near you.
"Well, Well, Well." A familiar voice piped up.
You rolled your eyes, turning to face the owner of the dagger.
"If it isn't our little friend puddles." He grinned, spinning another dagger.
"You two know each other?" Luffy asked, poking his nose.
"I've had the unfortune of crossing paths with him." You shrugged.
You could almost see your words poking at the man's ego, as his grin almost faltered at your comment.
"This one's mine, Eustass." Another familiar voice said.
Nearby was Trafalgar Law, casually standing on top of his submarine.
The air felt thick. Everyone watched quietly to see what the next move would be in this situation, who would be the first to attack?
The only audible noise was the soft ocean breeze and the light chatter coming from the island, yet it still felt plausible to hear a pin drop.
You began giggling uncontrollably, which became cackles.
"When did I become so popular?!" You laughed, wiping a tear. "I'm sorry, it's just-" You had to hold your stomach from the laughs, "Not even marines wanted to beat me this bad!"
"Anyways," You waved off, cracking your knuckles. "Who's first?"
Law immediately began creating a blue dome while Kid gathered weapons in your direction, some of which you were able to immediately dodge.
A couple of small gashes occurred due to the objects, but nothing serious. Before you could properly fight back you were transported closer to the heart pirate.
"Miss me that much?" You teased, kicking his legs to disturb his balance.
The man growled and tried to cut you in half, you turned your body to liquid impeding the strike.
"Tsc Tsc Law." You teased, aiming a punch. "Remember how that doesn't work?"
Law grit his teeth in frustration, pretending to aim for your face he managed to punch you in the stomach.
"Don't underestimate me." He retorted smugly.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah good job." You waved off.
"Did I hit your ego as well?" He teased, attempting to roundhouse kick you.
Kid jumped from his deck to Luffy's, guiding a large number of knives your way.
"Looks like my other opponent got jealous." You teased, "Excuse me."
Climbing Law like a jungle gym for more impact, you leaped from the submarine and almost onto the thousand sunny.
"Shit!" You exclaimed, watching the water below become closer and closer until you felt it engulf you.
The two men stood quietly, hesitant to enter their biggest weakness.
"Isn't anyone going to get her?!" Nami exclaimed.
"But... She has water powers?" Luffy questioned.
"It's still a devil fruit," Robin argued.
Everyone stood in silence, waiting to see what would happen.
"Maybe someone should get her," Usopp commented, everyone looked at him. "N-Not me though!"
Nami pursed her lips in thought before coming up with a solution. "Oi!" She exclaimed, hitting Zoro's head. "Go get her!"
"Why me?" He groaned.
"Fine." She crossed her arms, "Oh Sanji! Since you're stronger could you get her?" She persuaded, batting her eyelashes.
The blond immediately became a flushed mess at the thought, agreeing on the spot. Quickly enough, there were two volunteers.
Meanwhile, you quietly sank lower and lower into the darkness of the ocean.
"Is this how I die?" You thought to yourself, watching the surface become a distant memory. "I expected something a little cooler."
You watched as two bodies jumped into the ocean and competed to get you, which wasn't an easy task at this point. Due to the speed, the figures were blurs of water and bubbles.
As consciousness began to fade, you felt your body lift with inhuman speed back to the surface.
Unfortunately, everything went dark before that.
"Is she awake?!" A voice exclaimed.
You groaned, attempting to shield the light attacking your retinas. Figures began to emerge from your view, which quickly became people.
"Did I win?" You asked, looking around.
"You fell into the ocean, you idiot." A redhead answered.
Humming in response, you closed your eyes to fall back asleep. As slumber began to fall on your body, the realization of those words hit.
"What?!" You exclaimed, fully sitting up.
"We had to save you from drowning," Zoro added.
"Luckily I wasn't the only doctor." A small dog-sized creature said.
"What's that?" You asked, pointing at the creature.
"Your doctor baka!" It exclaimed.
"That's chopper, our doctor!" Luffy said.
At first confused, until you realized everyone was surrounding your bed.
"So he's the one who did CPR on me?" You asked.
"That would be me." Law stepped closer.
You grimaced at the thought, "I'd rather the dog do it."
"I can still kill you." Law frowned.
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