Marco X Kid! Reader
What? Why not? Meh.
You, and your adventuring. Alone. In a forest. Why? You got bored.
So somehow, you managed to get a map, and travel to the bottom of the sea and find an air gap with treasures. Marco doesn't know your out. He better have read that note.
Meanwhile on the Moby my Dick...
Marco woke up, groggy, what a beautiful hangover nap. He picked up (Y/N)'s note, read it, and half freaked out and the other went back to sleep.
Back to you....
Taking the treasures in your bag, a bunch of weird figures appeared, you fought them off easily, but they constantly came back, stronger and faster.
After a while of fighting them off, you were about to hit your limit, when you heard an electrified whale with vocal chord problems like laugh.
"*the laugh* hello girly, I see you are trying to steal my treasure..." A black young woman said. With big big long nails.
"I don't see your name on it..." You answered still standing your ground.
"Oh? You are going to be a smart ass? So childish." She answered, crossing her arms in disappointment.
"So what if it is? It's not like I'm some little kid anyway." You said.
She looked furious at your rudeness, taking the treasure and running away out of the air gap, you swam as fast as you could.
As soon as you were going to reach the top, she grabbed your ankle and dragged you back in the sea, after that you blacked out.
You woke up on the Moby (my) Dick, on the deck, you were wet and cold, you quickly took a shower and went to your shared bedroom with Marco, were you just slept with him in the nude, not caring at all.
*40 minutes later*
Marco POV
I woke up cuddling some thing small, I looked down and saw a child, naked. What the hell happened?
The child looked like (Y/N), but small and cuter. Around 3 years old.
I silently left the bed, quietly opening the door, until Ace popped out of the pits of hell to greet me.
"Hey Marco! Where's (Y/N)?!" He chirped loudly.
The little girl started screaming, quickly running outside on the deck.
Ace gave me a confused look.
"What were you doing?" He asked.
I shrugged. I don't know what that was yoi...
Normal POV
The others were chasing around this naked little girl, who somehow got fond of pops.
As pops let the tiny child sit on his lap, everyone turned to Marco, who had no idea what was going on.
"Marco, who's this child?" Pops asked as the tiny (Y/N) clings to him.
"I don't know yoi." Marco shrugs.
"It looks a like a little (Y/N)." Thatch ( ;-; RIP) comments.
*timeskip to its (Y/N) conclusion*
After the conclusion, they grabbed the smallest shirt they could find for her, which was still big for her.
Little (Y/N) warmed up to them in a couple of minutes, which is why she is currently playing patty cake with fire face.
As they reached the island, Marco was the one who ended up responsible of this tiny child, it was pretty damn hard, this big, chicken man, with a small, human, a small, shy, non- hyperactive child.
As the others got supplies, ran from marines, drank sake, had fun, swore, he ended up buying dresses.
*timeskip to something interesting*
After the clothes shopping, Marco and Tiny went to get, fruit salad, since you were lactose intolerant.
Until suddenly some girls started winking at Marco, which made you pissed, so you kicked them from behind, and started punching them.
After Marco got a grip on you, and the girls went to the hospital, Marco finally took you back to the ship.
After silently playing all day with the guys, you fell asleep, being carried to your shared cabin with Marco and snuggling up to him.
The next day you were completely back to normal, explaining the hell happened and them telling you what happened.
And in the end Marco would still want to be the one getting you pregnant.
I wonder if there is Marco X Kid hentai fan art out there somewhere...
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