Good news! Ghost boy is published! Go read it!
It wasn't suposed to end like this.
Really, it wasnt.
"Fuck me." You thought out loud without realizing, your leggings ripped and an oversized shirt covering the rest as your hands were cuffed.
"Did you just curse, spy-ya?" Law asked. You lifted up from the back seat with a glare, hair disheveled from the last 10 hours as your bare feet grazed the car carpet.
"Yeah I fucking did! What's it to ya?" You retorted, still angry and still bruised.
Suddenly he stopped the car and your face flew torwards the back of the drivers seat, with an audible "thump".
"What was that for?" You asked angrily as he chuckled.
"Just behave yourself, spy-ya." He snickered and went back to driving as you flipped him off.
"Why should I?" You rebeled.
"I can be meaner, miss Spy-ya. Do you want that?" He threatened coldly.
"What does it matter? You're still kidnaping me." You huffed, attempting to cross your arms while still handcuffed.
"If you insist." He sighs, making a sharp turn, causing you to fall to the floor as he was suddenly sitting on your back.
"H-Hey, let me go you weirdo!" You said, before he gagged you.
"Someone didn't want to behave so here we are." He said, handcuffing your ankles aswell.
As you were squirming, he managed to tie you, suddenly pushing down the space underneath the seats and rolling you in to the trunk.
"HEY!" You exclaimed, as he locked it once again.
Law lifted up himself (not that he was able to completely stand in the car) and went back to driving.
As you angrily attempted to escape the trunk, Law continued driving, a little more carelessly, of course.
Ah yes, how did you get in this trunk you may ask?
It all started around 2 days ago.
You barged into Smoker's office, throwing the deadbeat on his desk.
"I need a bigger challenge!" You exclaimed, pushing the man's back on the desk with your foot while he was still tied up like cattle.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't do this everytime, (L/n)." Smoker sighed, attempting to retrieve the crumpled paper and spilt ashes caused by the ruckus.
"It's more fun this way!" You exclaimed with a grin as he frowned at you.
Truly, it was entertaining for you to this every single time you caught someone. Almost like your personal reward, the pleasure of scratching something off your to-do list, but bigger.
Unfortunately for Smoker, this happened at least every other odd numbered day. Don't get him wrong! He appreciated your skill and spunk, but explaining to the higher ups he needed important documents re-sent due to your mischief wasn't fun.
"Just lock him up already." He grumbled annoyedly, reading the crumpled paper.
"Fine." You pouted, dragging him away to a cell.
After closing him up, you went to your desk to file the necessary paperwork.
"Caught another one, (Y/n)?" Robin asked, passing by.
"Yup! You should've seen his size! And his tattoos!" You exclaimed, using your hands to show the proportions.
Robin smiled as you continued to describe the mans build and physique, something she delt with after every bounty of yours.
"Say (Y/n), do you have your next prey yet?" Robin asked, using your desk to align the paperwork in her hands.
"Ah! Not yet! But i'm thinking of catching some big fish! I'm feeling lucky y'know?!" You said, adrenaline and caffeine still pumping your veins as you babbled on.
"I've just received this bounty today. Maybe it will catch your interest." She said, handing you a piece of paper.
The man on it had deep eyebags, a strange fluffy hat, and tattoos.
"Oh, Trafalgar? Has his bounty gone up again?" You asked, tilting your head.
"Seems so. You can keep that one, I have more copy's at my desk." She said, walking off to accomplish her secretary duties.
"Trafalgar, eh? Seems like an interesting prey." You thought, standing near your desk.
After a long day of boring yet necessary paperwork and filing, you were free.
"Time for an all night hunt!" You exclaimed, brewing a coffee pot.
Free from paperwork, that is.
Sure, maybe it wasn't the most healthy thing to do, but you were excited, this was a big prey, and you didn't want him to slip away.
After long hours fueled by caffeine and determination™, you finally pinned his whereabouts.
His temporary whereabouts of course.
You quickly gathered materials to create your board, consisting of sketching his movement, future areas based on rumours and other things.
Soon enough, you had a rough sketch of where you had to go.
You looked at the basic clock on the wall. After attempting to decipher those damn roman numerals, you checked your phone.
The lit screen read "05:00 AM", in the backround, a random image you found funny.
"Breakfast!" You thought, putting on your shoes and coat, quickly rushing to a random drive-thru.
Most of your things were still in your car from this week's hunts, and what wasn't you grabbed on your way out of the police station.
"Roadtrip!" You exclaimed to yourself, ready to hunt him down for the next couple of days or so.
The first day was mostly driving while listening to something, wether it be a podcast, the radio, your own music or something else.
You did check in to a hotel for the night, after all, you hunted better after a shower and a couple hours of good sleep.
You woke up at 04:00 AM, getting dressed and checking out.
You continued to drive until finding said location given by your tip.
It was a small house in the middle of nowhere, a little run down, but other than that plane.
You snuck in through the window to investigate.
The room was yellow with only a closet and an unmade bed.
"Strange." You thought, carefully analising every detail before hearing footsteps.
You quickly hid under the bed, although dark, you could still make out a duffle bag and some crumpled pieces of paper.
All you could see were bare feet and jeans, as the person laid on the bed and sighed.
You froze under the bed, trying to stay as concealed from them as possible.
"I know someone is in here by the way. If you pronounce yourself and give in I might be more lenient." He said calmly.
"Crap!" You thought, a cold feeling went down your spine. How would you be able to escape?
He suddenly grabbed your arm from under the bed, throwing you on the bed and towering over as he handcuffed you.
"You're pretty cute for an intruder~" He whispered in your ear, causing goosebumps.
Almost instinctively, You kneed him where the sun doesn't shine immediately.
"Ah!" He grunted in pain, releasing his grip on you.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" You thought, attempting to run to the window you came from, before he managed kick you, causing you to trip with a grunt.
Before you could properly process, he dragged you by your legs and once again pinned you down.
"You're a little shit did you know that?" He said, still in pain while you squirmed underneath him.
"Let me go!" You exclaimed.
"And why should I do that?" He purred, smirking.
You growled and tried to turn on your back unsuccessfully, before he suddenly hit you with an object and knocked you out.
"Ugh..." You groan, attempting to lift up, unaware of your surroundings.
"Good to see you awake miss...?" He asked as he drove.
"Where am I?" You muttered groggily, looking around and trying to remember how you got here.
You tried to scrach your face and noticed you were handcuffed, you were confused, before realizing that your shoes were missing.
"You're in your car. You probably don't recognize it because I threw out all the unecessary junk." He said.
As you attempted to analise your situation further, a weight on your head didn't allow it. You felt drained, too exhausted to think, you laid back down in the backseats while grumbling something.
Before you could completely drift back to dreamworld, something felt off.
Suddenly, all the recent events came crashing back.
"WAIT A MINUTE!" You exclaimed, before attempting to open the car door and run.
"Did you think I wasn't prepared for that?" He chuckled.
You began to get nervous, trying to think of ways to stop him.
"The glass? No, that shit doens't break." You thought out loud.
"If I obstruct his driving we'll both be dead." You muttered.
As you attempted to think any harder, you felt a pounding in your head, unsure if it was from the lack of caffeine, being knocked out, or both.
While the pain worsened, you still felt drowsy and exhausted.
"I need caffeine." You said, before leaning against the window and grimacing in pain.
"We're not stopping for coffee." He said.
You broke out in a cold sweat, and began groaning from pain.
"If you think that's gonna work- Are you okay?" He asked, finally getting a better look at you.
You tried to nod, which only caused you to hiss in pain. So instead, you gave a thumbs up.
He pulled the car over and crawled to the backseat to check on you.
Crawling to the backseats, he grabbed your chin and let out a 'tch'.
"The police really like to wear out their force." He growled.
Opening the glove compartment, he opened a blank bottle and poured out a pill.
"Spy-ya I'll give you two options: either you take this on your own or I'll force it down." He bargained, holding the small pill.
"Like I'd take something from you-" Before you could finish the sentence, he managed to shove a pill down your throat. Deep.
"Did you just poison me?!" You growled.
"Like I'd tell you." He scoffed, moving back to the driver's seat.
"Fuck." You muttered, now having to immediately concoct a plan to throw up.
Unfortunately, Law was a bigger help than he intended when it came to this, as he gave you medication on an empty stomach.
"And don't you dare try to- shit!"
By the time those words left his mouth, it was already to late.
Law had to quickly pull over on the side of the road, opening the back door.
Although discombobulated, you dashed out of the car.
"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed, running after you.
The much taller man managed to catch up in no time, using his weight to topple over you.
Now the two of you were on the side of road, laying on the grass.
You tried to catch your breath in between coughs while under his body weight.
"Did you really think this would work?" He scoffed.
The sound of approaching police sirens proved him wrong.
"Follow my fucking lead or I'll kill you and the cop." He whispered in your ear.
"Is there a problem here?" The cop asked.
"Not at all officer. My wife was at a bachelor's party last night and got a little too drunk." Law smiled, pulling you up by the upper arm.
The officer raised a brow, unconvinced. "And the handcuffs?"
"She has a bondage kink." He laughed, ignoring the look you were giving him.
"Ma'm, is this true?"
"Yes officer." You slurred, "You should see the things he's into" You giggled, giving Law a sly look.
"In fact, he's wearing my thong right now!" You grinned, leaning on the man.
Law squeezed your arm as the officer was at a loss for words.
"I-I'll let you two lovebirds be then!" He sprinted to his car.
After the cop drove far enough away, you tried to make a run for it.
"And where do you think you're going?" He asked, still gripping tightly to you.
"I need to...pee?" You tried to lie.
Law rolled his eyes, throwing you back into the car.
"Gross!" You exclaimed, trying to avoid the vomit.
"We'll clean it up at the next gas station!" He snapped.
You waited awkwardly in the car as Law filled it with gas, occasionally making faces at the man through the tinted window.
He entered the car and threw a bag at you, while also placing a coffee cup in his cupholder.
"What's this?" You asked, looking at the bag in your lap.
"Cleaning supplies and food."
"I might as well feed you since your condition is so deplorable."
You clicked your tongue at his response. There goes any respect you almost had for the man. You opened the bag, fiding jumbo cleaning wipes and-
"Applesauce?!" You exclaimed in disgust.
"Just shut up and eat it." He retorted, taking a sip from his coffee.
After cleaning the mess, your stomach growled.
"Don't you have anything better?" You groaned, "Like chips or something?"
The man didn't answer, still focused on the road.
Still hungry, an idea popped in your brain. Snatching away his cup you began chugging it. You could feel the liquid going down your throat as it relinquished your craving.
Unfortunately your joy was cut short as he took a sharp swerve and sent you face tumbling around the car.
"What the hell?!" You exclaimed, eyes watering from the impact.
"You took my fucking coffee."
"It was mine." He growled.
You laid in the back seat, sticking your tongue at him.
"Fuck me."
Ah yes, that's how you ended up gagged in your own trunk.
You must have fallen assleep at some point, as you woke up chained to a bed.
"Did you sleep well, spy-ya?" A familiar voice smugly asked.
"Five more minutes." You groaned, trying to pull up the covers.
"It's been thirteen hours."
"What?" You grogilly asked, not even bothering to open your eyes.
Law rolled his eyes, pulling off the covers.
"Hey!" You exclaimed, finally realizing what was hapenning. "Where the hell am I?"
"You're at my base you idiot."
"What the hell do you want from me?"
"Let's just say you have some trade secrets I need," He smirked. "And I'm willing to use any means necessary to get them from you."
You gulped, hopefully you'd leave this place alive.
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