kind of long/short idk
"Eh? Why!?" You whined as makino pulled out a nice blue dress "oh come one (y/n) you'll look pretty! Don't you want to impress the boys?" She wiggled her eye brows as you turn around only seeing ace and sabo wrestling and luffy watching two beetles fight
"No I'm good"
"But can you at least were it to the festival?"
Makino smiled sweetly as she handed you the dress
"See? You look so beautiful!"
Makino winked
You were red as a tomato, the dress was nice but it wasn't your style, and makino fixed your hair in pigtails and each had a blue ribbon.
"Can you remind me why I have to wear this to the festival? I don't even want to go!?"
"To look beautiful" you face palmed
"Don't you think (y/n) looks nice, boys?" Makino said as you instantly blushed not wanting them to see how you look right now
"Sure looks nice" ace said not even bothering to look
While luffy gave a thumbs up
"You look nice (y/n)! Blue is my favorite color!" Of course you blushed at sabo's compliment
"r-really?...t-thanks" you looked down playing with your fingers
As sabo just smiled
*cough* *cough*
"We should get going now" ace interrupted as you nodded
"Bye makino! Thank you!........even though I don't want to wear this..." You mumbled the last part
Mini time skip
"Over here!!!"- "No over there!!"-
"Wait, right there!!!"
"SHUT UP LUFFY" ace scolded luffy as a big bump showed up on his head "ow!!! Why did you do that ace!?!?" Luffy rubbed his bump.
"Huh?" You turned around seeing a big man walk up to you
He was caught off by a pipe hitting him in the back of the was ace "let's go!!" He pulled your arm as you trampled over your own feet not knowing what's going on. Sabo and luffy were close behind also running.
You weren't able to get a good look at the man who was hit by ace.
Panting you and ace, sabo and luffy were behind a large barrel.
"who-*panting* w-was that guy!?" You asked and ace shook his head "no one"
You frowned that they were keeping a secret from you, I mean you still don't know there past or the history of how they met. You were planing on asking them once they get back to the tree house.
"Maybe we should go back" ace suggested "But ace!!!" Luffy whined "Can we stay a little longer!?! Please!!"
"Fine.....just a little while" Ace didn't have time to hear luffy whining "(y/n) you should stay close" sabo said, as for some reason the thought of being close next to sabo made you nervous and fuzzy...but then you remembered ace and luffy are still here, they'll probably kill the mood
"So were should we go next?.... Guys?" You stop walking and turned around seeing no sign of the trio "uh...." You just stayed standing there with a blank expression "I'm Free!!!!"
With the asl
"Were should we go next?
(Y/n)?" Ace looked around seeing no sign of the (h/c) girl
"Um I think we lost (y/n)" sabo sweat dropped
"why is that bad!" Luffy asked, sabo and ace turned there head to him "didn't you see who that guy was?" Ace asked while luffy shook his head not knowing were this was going
"He was one of bluejams pirates!" You could actual see realization hit luffy
"What!? (y/n) is in danger!!"
Luffy was about to run to a random direction but ace caught him on time
"As long as they don't know who she is or that she has contact with us, she'll be fine" Ace reassured luffy
"But doesn't (y/n) have bounty!?" Sabo asked in panic, as all three of them became quite
"Wait, but since makino made her wear something formal and her hair is in pigtails...maybe they won't recognize her?" Ace said "Maybe" sabo added as once again they stood in silence
"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!" Sabo accused ace
ace argued back
back to reader-chan
Yes freedom
It felt nice being alone.....well you felt like a loner but still...
"Hey kid" you turn around seeing some guy with a raised brow "what?" You asked trying to look tough but failed due to what your wearing
"You look awfully familiar..." He stared at you for a short while
"*cough* creep *cough*" you backed away as he stopped staring and looked around
"Have you seen them by any chance?" He showed a picture of ace, sabo and panicked
" sir...never seen them in my life..." (•3•)
"Then who were those kids you were with just a while ago?"
"Uh what kids!? Pffft...I've never seen kids in my life"
" Just so you know, I'll be keeping an eye on you" with that he left.
"(Y/n)! There you are!!" Luffy bear hugged you while ace and sabo caught up "I'm glad your fine" sabo sighed in relief
"You three have a lot of explaining to do....."
(A/n: if you want it even longer just tell me also if i did anything wrong, or misspelled something, also if the characters are to ooc or something else just tell me it really helps
And if you have any ideas I could use also tell me
Bye,(ง ˙ω˙)ว
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