I would like to preface this by saying that no one needs to do this unless they want to. I know it's a tag and that's the point but I like never actually tag people so idk I just feel bad. It's more like I'm saying I'm a big fan of you, not giving you some obligation to do it. Also, I'm probably gonna tag some people who have already been tagged and I'm sorry about that... Just ignore my obnoxious self lol. Anyway.
If you get this it means someone else received it and thought that you deserved it. As soon as possible, please post 5 things you love about yourself and tag ten followers you love.
1. My passionate spirit.
2. My fearlessness.
3. My straight-forwardness.
4. My dancing ability.
5. My ability to mimic other people when I sing.
I love all of my followers and if I missed anyone J an so sorry... It was so hard to choose just ten.
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