My Night just got Better
Some of you have read up until this point and even past it so I want to apologize for what I am about to do. Originally, Brantley and Amber were still together but with the direction that I am wanting the story to go, I'm changing it. If you didn't read this before the change was made, disregard.
Chase's POV:
"Bro, who's Delilah and what happened in Nashville?" said Kane, a mischievous smirk on his face as he waved my phone around since he had been looking at some pictures of my niece and nephew. Addie and Dan had taken to Kane when we had been out on tour the first part of this year and often treated him more like he was their uncle instead of me. I'd be lying if I said that little fact didn't make me the slightest bit jealous, but just knowing that little fact wasn't the reason that my heart skipped a beat. Oh no, that was just the mere mention of the name of the woman who had been haunting my dreams and causing me to space out in the most awkward of times. It really was a problem that since I saw her face when I woke up every morning. I saw her face in the crowd when I was performing. I saw her face when I would idly strum my guitar as a song teased my mind. Even at night when I closed my eyes, it was her face that I saw.
Just like they have been doing every day since that night in Nashville, images of Delilah in all her post orgasmic glory popped to the forefront of my mind. Her head tossed back on her shoulder, her screaming my name as I made her cum, all of it making my heart race and leaving me feeling lightheaded. But damn if I didn't love the feeling.
"She's just some chick." I said, going for nonchalant but feeling anything but as I tried to reposition myself in the chair that I was sitting in. The mere mention of her name had made my dick twitch, as if the brainless wonder remembered what it felt like to be deep inside of her. It probably did. My brain sure as shit remembered.
"Bullshit! She said she's been thinking about you and wants to talk. Sent her fucking number too." Said Kane, calling me on my shit. On thing I could count on him for was to call me out when I was trying to bullshit my way around something that I didn't want to talk about.
Jumping from the chair in a rush, I stomped my way over to him, snatching my phone from his grip earning a shit eating grin form Kane. Overconfident bastard better be glad that I think of him as a brother. Then again, I was known for fighting with my brothers so...
Lifting the phone so I could see for myself that he was just playing some shitty joke on me, I read the message on the screen. Then read it again still trying to figure out if I was imagining all of this or not.
Needing more proof, I did a quick browse for Instagram page and was once more stuck by her sheer beauty. But my favorite photo was of her sitting on the banks of what looked like a river with a florescent pink string bikini that did little to hide her ample curves with her head tossed back and laughing. Not that her curves should every be hidden -at least from me anyway- but I didn't know how to explain the flash of rage that seeped into my line of sight at the mere thought of how many people had seen her in that photo, of how many men might have seen her that day in that scrap of a material and lusted for her.
"So, are you going to tell me who she is?" said Kane, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Dude, I think she could be the one that makes me want to risk my heart again." I said, looking into Kane's eyes to prove my point. He was already calling my bluff on her just being 'some chick' so there was no need to lie. Especially since he knew better that anyone why I was so guarded with my heart to begin with since he had been through something similar before meeting the love if his life a few years back.
"Whoa." He said with a puff, almost as if he couldn't believe what I was saying.
"Yeah." I said, lifting my beer to my lips and taking a long pull, finishing the contents before grabbing another from the cooler beside my chair.
"Sounds like this girl put a spell on you." Said Kane.
"More like is the best damn piece of pussy I've ever had." I said, an imagine of Delilah on the swing on the back porch popping into mind, making my dick twitch again. "And yes, I know that makes me sound like a douche but it's the God's honest truth. Without going into detail, let's just say that night was about more than just good sex. So fucking much more."
"Don't need the details." Said Kane after making mock gaging sounds. "But I have to ask man, if things were that good and she's got you wanting to take a chance on love again, why the fuck are you sitting here taking to me? Why aren't you calling her? If you ask me, it sounds to me like your being a fucking chicken."
"Good thing I didn't ask you then ain't it?"
"Shut the hell up man. Just go call her and see what she has to say. I need to go check on Katelyn and the kids anyway." Said Kane, standing from his chair. I sat there for a minute watching him walk towards his house.
"Not because you told me to, but I'm going to call her. I'm just going to need you to stay the hell away from the woods." I yelled, ragging him about the time he got lost in the woods on his own property, to which he tossed the bird in my direction. Seriously, how does someone get lost on their own property?
Copying the number from the message, I pasted it so that I could make an outgoing all. My heart threatened to pound out of my chest as I listened to it ring once, twice, three times. But on the fifth ring, the call was answered.
"Hello?" she said, her voice washing over my ear drums. And it was just as velvety and seductive as I remembered in my dreams.
"Delilah? Its Chase." I said. There was long pause after that. I even checked my phone a couple of times to make sure I hadn't dropped the call before I couldn't stand the silence anymore. "I got your message. Guess this answers your question about whether I check my own social media accounts or not."
"Yeah, I guess so." She said. Again, there was another long pause. I was just about to break the silence once more when she started back up. "Like I said in the message, I've been thinking about you. This is going to sound cheesy, but I have to know. Have you been thinking about me too?"
"Are you kidding me?" I said with a chuckle. "Honestly, I've not been able to think of anything else but you."
"Really?" She asked.
"Damn right. And just to set the record straight, while that night was memorable, the one scene has been replaying in my mind stars the swing on my back porch. Pretty sure I will never be able to look at it the same ever again." I said, wanting her to know that she had been on my mind and not just because of the threesome we had all been a part of but because that night had been the start of something that I wasn't entirely sure I was ready for, but I was damn sure ready to see what happened.
"Same." She said with a whisper, the sound bouncing off my ear drums and washing over me in a way that I had bee craving since dropping her off.
Silence descended upon us then as both of us thought about that morning. She didn't have to tell me that she was thinking about it. I could tell from the way her voice had went al velvety smooth. And heaven help, there was no denying that I was thinking about that damn swing. Then again, when hadn't I been thinking about that swing?
"So, how have you been? How's Annabeth been?" I asked, breaking the silence, and pulling me from my thoughts that were becoming very erotic. To be honest, I didn't care how Annabeth was doing but she was Delilah's friend, and it was the right thing to do to ask about her since she had been a big part of that night.
"She been good. But she's not the reason I sent you that message and I'd rather not talk about her right now. I'd rather deal with one issue at the time. Then again, I guess she is the reason that I am calling you right now, so I guess it's all one big issue and not two separate ones." She rambled. Upon her words, my mind began to think of every scenario that could have happened between the two. Had her and Annabeth had a falling out after that night? Had she and Annabeth ruined their friendship? Had they continued to mess around and now one or the other -or both- were catching feelings?
"Issue? What's wrong darlin?" I asked, my mind still running a hundred miles an hour.
"Well, umm, after that night in at your place, A.B and I kind of kept things going between us. It started out at just curiosity on my part but -and I may be over analyzing this- but I've caught her looking at me sometimes in a way that is more about love that just friendship." She said.
"And do you feel the same about her?" I asked, needing to know what she was feeling but not wanting to hear it at the same time. Especially since I was considering putting my heart on the line and seeing if she and I could make a relationship work. If she was calling me to tell me to tell me that she wanted to try to have a romantic relationship with Annabeth, I didn't know what I was going to do or how I was going to feel about it. Please lord don't let her be reaching out to me tell me that that night fucked her life up...
"I mean I care about her because she's my best friend, but I don't think that its anything like what she feels. That night changed things and I have learned things about myself that I never even dreamt of learning, but I can't say that I want to pursue a relationship with her if that's what she's thinking that this if going to lead to. I mean don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed things the things that she and I have done, and it all had settled my itch to see what it would be like to be with a woman but there is just, I don't know how to explain it." She said, talking so fast hat when she finally stopped, she drew in a breath as if she just finished a marathon.
"Just seems like something is missing." I said, adding what she was clearly too afraid to add.
"Yes." She whispered. "For a while, the pleasure that A.B. could give me worked but now, its like I still have this itch that needs scratching and nothing I do is working to alleviate the need." She said. My mind instantly conjured up the image of her laying in bed finger herself as she thought of me, making my cock swell in my jeans. Good damn thing Kane had gone inside, or he would be giving me pure hell right now.
"And what is it that you need?" I said. Even to my own ears, my voice sounded like it had dropped a few octaves from being laced with the desire for Delilah that was running through my veins. But ask me if I cared because that would be a huge fucking hell to the naw.
"You." She replied after a bit, so low that I almost didn't hear her words.
"What are your plans for the weekend?" I asked, a plan already formulating in my mind. A while back, Brantley had told me about a cabin that he and Amber had snuck off to just before he went back out on the road for the summer leg of his tour, the year before they broke up. They had taken mini vacation to try and work on their marriage, but it seemed that a weekend away and an unimaginable amount of kinky fuckery hadn't saved their marriage. I remember Brantley talking about how there was even a little pond on the property that the two of them had enjoyed the use of to go skinny dipping, some that I had never wanted a mental image of but knowing how open Brantly was about how Amber had been a wildcat in bed, what else could you expect from him. Just wait to he hears about my wildcat...
"As of right now, all I have to do is edit the last couple of chapters for a book that my company is looking to get printed and on shelves within a couple weeks." She said.
"Then bring your work with you. But don't think for one minute that if I have you alone that I'm going to sit and let you work all weekend." I said, making my point clear without spelling it out.
"Chase – "
"Not a word Darlin. You said you needed me and I plan on giving you what you need. I'll call you in the morning with the details."
"But what about – "
"Annabeth? Best thing to do is just be honest with her." I said, cutting her off.
"Might be the time to do it since I can spend a few days away from her and let her calm down because I know she's not going to take this well."
"There you go." I said, settling back in my chair and digging one more beer from the cooler.
"Okay, I'm going to tell her just as soon as I get home." Said Delilah. Just then, a thought came into my mind.
"Do you two live together?" I asked.
"Not really. Our apartments are right next door to each other though." Said Delilah.
"Yeah, I think a couple of days out of town in a place with no cell reception is going to be a good thing in more ways that one." I said.
"Let's hope so." Said Delilah with a sigh. "Anyway, I have to get going because if I sit her long enough, I'm going to chicken out and if I chicken out, I don't know that I would ever get the guts to confront her any time soon."
"Alright darlin. Just call me if you need a listening ear. If I don't hear from you tonight, I'll send all the info over tomorrow."
"Talk you later darlin."
"You too Handsome."
No sooner than I ended the call, I dialed Brantley. When he answered, I didn't bother with pleasantries, going straight for the question that needed answered. "Hey bro, who do I need to talk to about getting that cabin you told me about"
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