If You just Believe
Delila's POV:
Not for the first time in the past couple of months did I think about the little girl in Panama City. I still didn't know where to believe what I saw and what she said or if it was all just a figment of my imagination, something to make me feel better about the shit show that was my life. Most of the time I went with the latter, but on days when I was feeling really down and out about the card I'd been dealt, I would think about her sweet little face and remember the words she said.
That little bit of hope had gotten me thought some pretty tough days. It had been that day on the beach that I thought about as I finalized my divorce, officially becoming Delilah Landry once again. It had been that day that I had thought about when Annabeth had moved out of her apartment without even saying goodbye -unless you count her flipping me the bird and mouthing 'fuck you' as I watched her climb into her car. And it had been that day that I had thought of when I would have to fight the urge to want to call Chase.
In the two months since I tucked tail and rain like a coward, I hadn't heard a single word from him. No calls. No texts. Nothing. The only reason I even knew he was alive was because I had taken to stalking his social media just to catch a glimpse of him. I know it made me sound like a stalker but at least I wasn't sitting in front of house or sending him crypt messages talking about how we would be together one day.
"I have your coffee." Said Nadine, pulling me from my thoughts.
I didn't have a weak stomach but the coffee she'd just settled in from of me smelled like it had been filtered through sweaty gym socks after it was ground between two petrified pieces of shit. The smell made my stomach roil and by some sort of miracle, I was able to get the trashcan from under my desk in time to empty my stomach into it. I hovered over the trashcan as dry heave after dry heave wracked my body.
"Mrs. Pier- Delilah? Are you okay?" asked Nadine. "Do I need to call your doctor and make an appointment?" Scared to lift my face too far from the trashcan, I simply nodded my head yes. The flu had been going thought the office like wildfire so the sooner she could get me some Tamiflu the better off I was going to be.
When I was sure that there was nothing else to throw up and the dry heaves had finally subsided, I lifted my head from the can and leaned back in my chair. The stench of the sludge that was supposed to be coffee hit me once more but I was able to push the urge to throw up down. "Thank you Nadine. Cancel my meetings today and get rid of that foul smelling coffee. Never order from that place again." I said as I fought down the urge to vomit.
"It's the same brew and coffee you usually get, Delilah. But I'll make a note of it. Be right back with that appointment with your doctor." Said Nadine. I heard the click of her heels on the floor telling me she was walking away. When they stopped, I looked up and she was standing in the doorway. "Please don't take this as me overstepping but when my sister was pregnant, the smell of coffee did the same thing to her. She said it was the foulest smelling stuff she had ever smelled and never knew how she ever drank it."
"I'm not pregnant. I have a condition that doesn't allow it." I said, knowing I sounded bitchy, but I felt like shit. Bitchiness came with not feeling well. Everyone knew that
"Never say never. Miracles happen every day." Said Nadine as she walked out of the office. As she passed through the door, the little girls words slammed against my ear drums. Did I dare hope that everything that happened that day was real?
I owed Nadine an apology for being so bitchy. Because while I hadn't wanted to let myself believe what she had suggested to be true, the test the doctor made me take confirmed her suspicion. But that wasn't enough for me. It wasn't until Dr. Bowling pointed to the black and white screen that I let myself believe that this wasn't all just a dream.
But Maggie's words from Panama City and Nadine's suggestions weren't the only things that had came true. The dream I'd had about the little boy and girl running across the pasture had as well. Well, at least that's what I was daring to let myself believe. Because not only had Dr. Bowlin pointed out one baby on the screen, there was two. Miracle upon miracle, I was pregnant with twins.
"You're going to get everything you ever wanted and then some..." The words that then angel floated in my mind renewing my hope that miracles do in fact happen. Because there was no doubt in my mind that this was a miracle.
The sudden urge to go to church, to confess my sins, to drink the blood and eat the body or whatever they called it came over me. It had been so long that I had even been to church that I didn't even know if I would be allowed to sit in the pew much less partake in the giving of the body and the blood.
"Everything looks healthy and you look to be around roughly thirteen weeks." Said Dr. Bowling, pulling me from my thoughts of church. "That means you the risk of miscarrying just significantly dropped since you are out of the first trimester.
"That far along?" I asked in disbelief as I quickly did the math. If my math was right, that means I got pregnant the night that Chase, Annabeth, and I had out threesome.
"Well, I don't have to explain that with PCOS, your periods can be all over the place, sometimes not even coming for months. Don't feel bad if you didn't notice any changes in your body until now" said Dr. Bowling.
"I know. It's just... It's a shock that this even happened." I said.
"The good kind of shock I hope."
"Absolutely." I said, unable to keep the smile that was tugging at my lips at bay.
"I'm fine with seeing you once a month for now but if you have any concerns, don't hesitate to call."
"Will do."
"Now get on out of here. Go tell that daddy the happy news."
Sadness washed over me then because I was going to have to face the consequences of my actions. Namely, ghosting Chase and leaving him in the middle of the night like a coward. If he didn't want to talk to me, that was his choice and I had to deal with it. But Chase had every right to know what was going on and what we had created together. I might have been a coward leaving him in the middle of the night without so much as note or a text, but I couldn't keep this from him. If I did and he ever found out, he would hate me. And that's not something that I think I could ever live with.
Forcing a smile on my face so I didn't worry the doctor with my suddenly sad mood, I told him that I would see him in a month. He was he was just about to pass through the door when he stopped and faced me. "May want to make sure Dad is here the for next appointment. We should be able to tell the sex of the babies then. I'm sure he wont want to miss that."
"Thanks doc." I replied, giving him my fake smile once more.
Great. Not only have I got to tell Chase I'm pregnant, I have a month to figure out how he and I are going to be able to face one another in the same room. I guess this is the 'and then some' the angel was talking about...
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