Date Night: Part One
Chase's POV:
Lying in bed with Delilah's head resting on my chest and the sheets from the ruined bed wrapped around us, I trailed my hand lazily up and down her back. Even in the short amount of time that had passed since we I found out that she was pregnant, her body has changed so much. I was loving the fuller breasts even though the size they had been before was gracious plenty. But my favorite thing of all was when we were lying like this and her growing belly pressing into me. We had been laying like this the first time that I felt one of them kicking. There was no denying I was a man's man but feeling something that I had had a part in creating kicking inside its mother womb had brough tears to my eyes.
Dropping a hand to Delilah's belly, I thought about that first time all over again as I let my long fingers splay across her skin. Almost instantly, I felt the tiniest little bump as soon as my hand made contact with her skin. I didn't know how to explain the joy I felt at knowing that not only was Delilah going to go out on the road with me where I would be able to rest my hands on her belly just like this whenever I wanted, she was also going to be moving in with me. There was no doubt in my mind that I could go to sleep with my hands on her growing belly and wake up every morning the same way for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll just keep her pregnant...
With that thought in my mind, I thought about how far I've come from the one-night stand type of man who didn't want to spend any time with a woman that wasn't necessary to get to the sex part of out encounter to the man who was ready to settle down and have a relationship. Mama said that it would happen, but like everything else in my life, I never wanted to admit that mama had always known best. I'd been so adamant to live my life the way I had been that if you had asked me two months ago if I wanted a live-in girlfriend, I would have told you that you had lost your fucking mind if you thought that was the type of man I was. Now though, I wanted nothing more than to be able to lay in bed just like we are now every time we got the chance.
I knew that with my touring schedule and the babies coming I knew that the time that we would have to do this was going to be limited. And I planned on making the most out of it while it lasted. But first, Delilah deserved a date night that include a fancy dinner, a movie, and just being with one another. There were already rumors going about how someone had snagged me off the market and if I had anything to do with it, those rumors were going to be put to rest tonight. The whole world was going to know that Delilah and I were together. I wanted to let her know that I was proud to be with her, would even go as far as to say how lucky I was to have her in my life. And what better way to do that than to show her off all over town?
"I'm going to call my stylist and see what she can pull for you in a hurry." I said, breaking the silence in the room. The confused look that came over Delilah's face was both funny and adorable and made me want to toss my plan of showing her off out the window but I knew she deserved so much more.
"Don't even start. I have never taken you on a real date and that's fuckign sad considering that you and I are about to become parents and you have just decided to move in with me. The least I can do is treat you to a pretty dress and a night out with some amazing food and maybe a movie." I said, cutting her off when she went to protest.
"You just want to make out in the back of the theater." Delilah said with a smirk.
Rolling so that she was flat on her back as I hovered over her, I lowered my head until my lips were mere millimeters from hers. "If all I wanted to do was make out with you, we could stay right here." I said, placing lingering kiss on her lips before breaking it once more. "But if you want to make out in the theater, I think that can be arranged." Nudging her legs open, I steeled between them, loving the feel of her naked body pressed against mine. Because of the nearness to her velvety heaven, my dick took notice and twitched with interest.
"You have a one track mind." She said, rolling her eyes. As much as she tried to fain interest in the fact that I wanted her again, I knew better. Since the day we had met, she had been just as addicted to my body as I had been to hers.
"Only for you darlin. Only for you." I said, leaning down and kissing her. I hadn't planned don't that kiss being more than a kiss but just like it always is with her, one kiss is never enough.
"Parker can be in here in about 20 minutes. Said there are a bunch of things pulled for Luke Comb's wife, Nicole, that should work for you." I said, standing at the bathroom sink as I made the final touches on trimming my beard.
"Nicole is also like 8 or 9 months pregnant." She said, her honey brown eyes meeting mine in the mirror as she towel dried her hair. She tried to hide it, but I saw the look of star-struckness in her eyes at the mention of Luke Combs.
"Which is why Parker has some things. This stays between us, but I have in on good authority that Luke and Nicole welcomed their son into the world a few days ago. Since Nicole doesn't need them anymore and Parker hasn't gotten the chance to return them, they're yours for the picking."
"So, your stylist knows I'm pregnant?"
"Figured it would help in the dress selection."
"I mean yeah. But we aren't even out as a couple yet. What if it gets leaked?"
"Won't matter." I said, walking over to Delilah and wrapping her in my arms. "Because after tonight, all of Nashville and the rest of the country will know who I'm with."
"Yes, really. I might not have had any relationships over the years that we worth telling about, but this one definitely is. And I want the whole world to know that I am so madly in love with you that I just cant keep you to myself any longer." Tears pooled in Delilah's eyes at my words.
"How do you always know what to say to make my heart feel like it's too big for my chest?" she said, her voice cracking with unshed tears.
"I just say what I think you deserve to hear." I said, placing a hand beneath her chin and tipping her head back. "And all the things you deserve to hear are the things that my heart is telling me that I have been feeling since the day I met you. I think I knew I was on love with you the first time we danced." The tears that she had been on the verge of sprang free and I wrapped her in my long arms before placing a kiss on the crown of her head. Pulling back, I looked down into her eyes and smiled. "Shh baby. I didn't say all of that to make you cry. I said all of that so you knew with 100% certainty that I was serious about this thing between you and me."
"I know." She said softly. "But it doesn't mean that they are the sweetest words I have ever heard."
"And if I have anything to do with it, you will hear them for the rest of your life baby. Even when were both old and gray, I will still be just as much in love with you as I am in this very moment."
"And I will think that you are still the best thing that could have ever happened to me." She replied softly.
"Good. Since we have that settled, throw on some clothes because I'm sure Parker will be here any minute."
Delilah's POV:
I'm not sure what exactly I expected to find when Chase said that he was calling his stylist, but it was not the pretty and petite raven haired woman who had more curves than a country road, leaving me feeling like I was shaped like a 2x4. Considering I had more curves that most, that was saying something. Hell, by the name alone I'd automatically assumed that I was going to be dealing with a man who may or may not have been gay since he was knowledgeable enough to dress women in only the best.
Walking further into the living room, I watched the two of them, the flash of jealousy growing inside me the longer I watched Chase hold the tiny woman in his arms. I knew my jealousy was misplaced, stupid even because it had only been a few minutes ago that Chase had professed his love for me repeatedly and told me in not so many words that marriage to me was his ultimate goal. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still trying to wrap my head around that one. So why was I even entertaining my jealous thoughts? That's simple. Just like it had for the past year, the answer to that all went back to one person but I refused to let him ruin one more second of my life. He'd already taken up enough of it as it was.
"Baby, I'd like you to meet Parker. Parker, this is Delilah." Said Chase when he caught me walking into the room. Praise the lord, his arms unwound from around the woman as he held his hand out to me. Maybe it was jealousy that had me wrapping my arms around him in a manner that left no questions about his and I's relationship. Or maybe it was just that my body was so attuned to his that I couldn't stand to not be touching him. Either way, Parker got the message that I silently sent her and stepped back a few feet from Chase, her whole demeanor changing from friendly to professional.
"Nice to meet you Parker." I said, giving her a fake smile. I really needed to feel this woman out and see just how friendly she and Chase had been over the years.
"You too, Delilah." She said, her eyes trailing over me. "I must say, you are positively glowing. Pregnancy looks good on you."
"Thank you." I said, placing a hand on my growing bump and gently rubbing across it. "Chase and I are so excited to meet our little ones. I can't think of a better Christmas gift than two bouncing little boys." Parker may have thought that her dig at my pale complexion and dark circles under eyes that told of the morning sickness I'd been suffering from for the past few weeks had went unnoticed but I hadn't missed it. Just like I didn't miss the way her spine stiffened when I told her that Chase was the father. That's right. He's mine now back the hell off.
"Will be a Christmas that neither of you forget." Clapping her hands, she walked over to the stack of rolling suitcases that were sitting by the front door and began dragging them to the living room. Of course, Chase being the southern gentleman that I loved lugged most of them. "Now, how about we discuss your likes and dislikes when it comes to your clothes. I'm assuming you want something that's going to be comfortable."
"Comfort is a must." I said, as she began dragging dress after dress from the cases. There were so many, that I was beginning to wonder how I ever going to pick something. I may have my reasons for not particularly caring for the woman, but I had to admit she had good taste in fashion. Especially when my eyes landed on the prettiest shade of minty teal I'd ever seen, I knew that it was the dress I wanted. "I want that one."
"This one will work great for you. It's flowy enough that it will allow you to conceal your bump since news of your pregnancy hasn't hit CMT or TMZ yet fitted enough to leave people wondering whether your pregnant or not. Would also look great with your hair color. Pair it with a pair of Ariat's, some silver jewelry, and you will look awesome. I think I even have a button down in here in the same shade that Chase could wear. That is if you two are into that type of thing." Said Parker, going over her spill about the clothes.
"No need for matchy-matchy." I said with a chuckle as I looked up at Chase. He shook his head in agreement. There was no need for us to look like we had been transported back to 1996 and wearing matching clothes because that's what everyone was doing."
"I agree." Chase said to Parker. "I want her to be the gorgeous one tonight. I'll just grab something from my closet."
"Alrighty then. Want to try it on?" Said Parker, holding the dress out to me.
Taking the dress, I made my way into the guest bathroom on the lower level of the house. I'm not ashamed to admit that when I closed the door, I stood there for a moment with my ear pressed to it so hoping to catch what she and Chase talked about when I left the room. But it had been pointless because they had either been talking in whispers so low that I couldn't hear them or they had been standing there in silence, waiting for me. Knowing that it was only a matter of time before either of them came to check on me, I quickly stripped out of Chase's borrowed tee and my athletic shorts and slipped the dress over my head before turning to look in the mirror.
When I saw my reflection, I gasped at how great the dress looked on me. With an off the shoulder design, the ruffle top connected to the sleeves of the dress and hugged my chest. I silently thanked the babies for making my already voluptuous chest even bigger, making the ruffled part looked even better than it could have pre-pregnancy. Looking at my reflection from the front, you couldn't see my baby bump but turning to the side, the bump was clearly there, the rouching on the side accentuating it in a flattering manner. An image of what the dress would look like with my boots and my hair down in flowy curls popped into my mind and I knew that this was in fact the dress.
"You okay in there baby?" said Chase as she softly tapped on the door. "Need any help?"
"No. I'm fine."
"Then come out and let me see that dress on you."
"No. I want it to be a surprise." I couldn't help but laugh when Chase growled at my denying him his wants. "I promise it will be worth it."
"It fucking better be."
"It will. I promise."
Making quick work of getting back into my clothes, I exited the bathroom room with the dress draped over my arm. Just as I had thought that he would, Chase was standing beside the door when I came out. Before I could protest, he took the dress from me and slung it over his shoulder. I sent up a silent prayer that he material didn't wrinkle from his actions.
"Do you want to see any of the other dresses?" Asked Parker.
"I think this is the one." I said with a smile.
"Okay then. But I do have some other options that would look great as well." Said Parker as she started sifting through the dresses once more.
"If you think they'll look great, just leave them. I'd send a check over for the cost." Said Chase, making me whip my head in his direction. There had to be over $30,000.00 in clothes in Chase's -well our- living room right now.
"Chase—" said Parker and I simultaneously. Seemed she was just as shocked by his wanting to buy all the clothes as I was.
"No arguments. You deserve the best of everything. The least I can do is buy you some clothes that I know you will love." Said Chase as one of his hands raised to my face and cupped my cheek. His stormy gray eyes shone with so much love and determination I forgot why I was even protesting. "And if Parker thinks that they will look good on you, I believe her. She is the best at what she does."
It was stupid on my part but once more that little flare of jealousy I felt when I'd walked in and see how Chase was hugging her tore though my system. Chase must have saw it because he tilted his head, silently trying to figure out what I was thinking. I knew for a fact that I would tell him later. I just didn't want to do it in front of an audience. Parker must have notice the moment too because she spoke up then. "If that's what you want, I'll get a total when I get back to my office and send it over. Do you want me to send it to you or forward it to your manager?"
"Send it to me. My manager doesn't need to know how I spend every dime of my money. I work for it so I can spend it like I see fit." Said Chase, the slight edge of his temper flaring. It was the first I've heard him talk about his money but obviously he and his manger had some different opinions on his finances. I'll be sure to ask him later if it's something that he wants to talk about, not that I'll be any help considering Chase makes about twenty times more than I do in a year. But at least I could be his sounding board if he wanted me to be.
"Okay." Said Parker with a nod.
I stood to the side as Parker moved around the living room packing things back into their cases, Chase lugging them to her car as she filled them up. I was just about to turn to thank her for coming on such short notice when she turned to me, her arms full of dresses. "Chase is a good guy; One of the best. He's been through enough so if you don't see yourself making a life with him, leave now. I don't want to see him broken hearted all over again." Said Parker. Not going to lie, her word pissed me off. Who the hell was she to tell me that I needed to make sure that Chase was what I wanted?
All the pent up jealousy I'd felt upon finding that Parker was a woman and not a man unleased then. "First of all, You are out of line calling me out on this while Chase is out of the room. It's obvious that he cares for you so the fact that you wanted to slam me with this crap when he was out of the room tells me that even you know how wrong you are right now. Secondly, the fact that I am carrying Chase's children ought to tell you that I am in this for the long haul. I'm not some girl who hooked up with a celebrity thinking that he was going to be my ticket to an easy and lavish life Was my pregnancy planned? No. Would I change how things have happened? Not a chance. Because no matter what you think of me, I'm not going to hurt him in any way. I'm not his ex and I never will be."
"He told you about Dallas?" Parker asked.
"He did." I said with a nod. "He told me everything. I know how she broke his heart. I know why he turned to having one-night stands. I may not know who those one-night stands were with and to be honest, I don't ever want to know because it would drive me crazy to know." Something washed over her face but she quickly hid it before I could confirm what I was seeing. But if my mind hadn't been playing tricks on me, my suspicions of how close their working relationship was were confirmed. Suddenly I felt sick.
Without another word, I turned on my heel and made my way upstairs. I'd just reached the top of the lading when I heard the front door opening and Chase's booming voice say that he was done loading the car. My body wanted me to turn around, to confront Parker about what I think I saw with Chase by my side but I don't think my heart could take it. I'd rather live in ignorant bliss that to have her utter the words that I suspected that she would say.
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