chapter 24 | Paralyzed
"Y/n," the one I heard hurries towards her, and he grabs her arm, scaring her and getting my heart to race. "Let go of her," I force myself right between them to push him away, but he does not take his hand off of her. "What are you doing with him—"
"Let go of her or I call the cops," I grip his arm with a lot of force to hurt him, and he releases his hold, so I push him away but more violently than I should, which makes him hit the car behind him.
"Where were you all this time?" he does not look at me but keeps his eyes on her, so I make sure to remain between them and protect y/n and Jun. "Get in the car, y/n," I order her to do so that she is safe. "Why did you leave me like that? Do you have any idea how terrified I was to wake up and not—"
"Stop what you're doing, it's not gonna work. Y/n," I turn my head to look at her as she is not moving but staring at him with dread in her teary eyes. "Get in the car and lock the doors," I repeat myself, and she steps back against the vehicle but starts to cry, and I understand that she is paralyzed with fright.
I direct my body towards her and guard it with mine, and I open the door on the driver's side for her while Sookyung is gaslighting her. "This is our child, and you let this asshole take you both away from the one who loves you?! You told me you loved me too!"
"Get in, y/n. It's okay," I try to grasp all her attention to have her eyes on me only and calm her down, and I move her towards the inside. "Nothing's going to happen. I'm taking care of it," I reassure her as much as I can, feeling like my efforts are vain, but I manage to make her go into the car, and I close the door to face the one I wish I could stab to death.
"Get the fuck away from them," I do not use violence since y/n and Jun are here, I control myself. "I swear, you're gonna pay for that, motherfucker. You think I'm gonna let her leave me like that?"
"No matter what you try to do, you'll lose, alright? Once the police knows about what you've done to her, your life is over, so leave them both alone—" he throws me into my car, believing this will scare me and make me retreat, but I still stare into his eyes. "She'll never talk about anything to the police. I know her more than you do, and she'll never dare speak up to the police if she knows what this can cause me," he lowers his voice, and he attempts to open the door, but I catch his hand and grip the handle with mine. "You're wrong. She is not under your control anymore. She knows how disgusting you are now, and she will do anything to protect her child."
He clenches his jaw and breathes harder. "You destroyed her life and her child's one enough, so leave them the fuck alone now," I do not release my hold in case he tries to have y/n at reach. "You don't know anything about us—"
"Do not use that 'us' anymore. That does not exist, it never did, that's just in your head. She'll never go back to you," I erase those thoughts he is still holding onto, and he chuckles, nervously. "We'll see that," he steps back, eventually, and he walks away, so I keep an eye on him to see which vehicle he goes in, then once he enters one, I look down at the license plate and memorize it, before getting into the car.
I check up on y/n and Jun, but the sound of some sniffles is enough to tell me how they are feeling. I lock the doors and turn my head towards them. Jun is hugging her and sobbing, quietly, and she seems terrified. "Hey, everything is alright, I'm here," I lay my hand over hers, her fast and unsteady breathing worrying me. "He won't do anything, I'm not going to let this happen," I stroke the back of her hand and decide to move and get in the back. I drop a kiss on Jun's head and her temple, and I do my best to reassure them both. "He's going to follow us, Jungkook. He's never gonna leave us alone..." she panics and chokes up. "If he follows us, I'll call the police, so you don't have to worry about anything."
"Mommy..." Jun expresses his concern at the sight of her getting engulfed by strong emotions and memories that came back in the blink of an eye after this confrontation. His lips curl down, and his glistening eyes stare at her. "Why is daddy angry at you again?"
This is so hard to hear him call him that when he does not even deserve it.
"He was not, baby. Mommy just..." she lies to him in order to keep his innocence as present as possible. "Mommy needs some sleep, she's a bit tired."
I nibble on my inner cheek and keep quiet, not saying anything to contradict her. That is how she raised him, that is what she wants him to hear, so I do not have a word to say about that.
He takes the falsehood and leans forward to wrap his arms around her, and I gaze up into her eyes. I slowly and carefully lift my hand up to her face to wipe her tears away, and I hold both of her hands with mine to skim my thumb over her skin. "It will come to an end if we tell the police about this, sweetheart. And if he does follow us up to my house, this will be the opportunity."
Her sorrowful eyes fixed on mine, maybe understanding that it will keep going like that, her son will constantly have to live moments like this one if she does not expose him.
"I love you both with all my heart," I tell her, without a single hint of dishonesty. "And you know that if the cops are brought into this, he will pay for what he did, and you both will be left alone because he will not ever be able to hurt any of you, but we both know he won't change or stop if the cops do not take care of him," I explain her for the second time, feeling like this is even more important now. Sookyung will not go back to his house, he will follow us for sure, so I need her to be ready. "I'm not forcing you, and you know it, I'm only doing this for you both because I want this to be over so that you can be happy, but you need to be aware of the fact that if he follows us and that I call the cops, I will have to tell them all the truth, and the investigation will start. Hm?" I speak in a low voice to make her feel as calm as possible, and to my greatest surprise, her breathing is slowing down, her tears are lessening
"Alright," she holds my hand, tightly, and some indescribable alleviation fills me up. "I'll talk. I'm tired of this..."
"I'm proud of you, sweetheart," I move forward to leave a kiss on her forehead. "It will be over way sooner now that you made this decision. Now, we're going back home, but if he is following us, I'll stop somewhere away from our house, and you'll have to call the police while I'm driving, alright? I'll tell you what to say."
"Yeah..." she nods and takes care of putting Jun on his seat, so I go back in the front to start the car, hoping for Sookyung to follow us.
I put my seatbelt on and wait for y/n to come, making sure Jun is safe and alright. She gives him some comforting words so that he does not worry about her anymore, and she gets on the passenger seat next to me. I stay quiet while she is getting ready, then, I turn the ignition on, leave the parking spot, and I drive us away from this place.
"What if he bumps into us to cause an accident...?" she fears the worst, so I take my hand off the gear stick and place it over both of hers that she keeps moving. "He won't," I keep my eyes on the road but peek in the rearview mirror to check if I can discern his car or license plate behind us. "He's there. I recognize his car..." she confirms, but I still try to make out the plate in case she might mistake it for him because of some anxiousness.
This is indeed Sookyung.
"What am I going to have to say to the police? I never did this, and it scares me," she allows her emotions to overwhelm her, put her in a state of abject fear. "You don't have to be scared. You just have to give them information. So you'll have to first explain the situation, tell them where we are, that your abusive ex-partner is following you while you're heading home with me and your child. I'm going to turn the GPS on," I do it so that we can locate ourselves. "You'll tell them the streets we are in, then your name, his, and Jun's age. The location, his license plate, and what is happening are the most important, then after that, you'll only have the answer their questions. Okay?" I peek at her to get her answer, and she nods, but he body shakes.
I need to stay calm for her, but she is going through so much terror that I have no idea how to relax her anymore.
"You can already dial the number," I tell her to do now that the GPS is working, always taking some glance at Sookyung to stay alert. She takes her phone out and calls one one two, and I intertwine our fingers, hoping for this to bring her some sort of reassurance.
"Hello?" someone picks up the call, my heart slightly beating harder as I cannot tell whether Sookyung will try something dangerous or not. "Yes, we need some help because my ex-boyfriend is following us while we're driving home, but he's...he's an abusive person, and I'm scared he might hurt us," he has a hard time calling him what he truly is, and unfortunately, we get stopped by a red light, so I take this short moment to check up on Jun.
My heart breaks when I catch sight of him sobbing but quietly. "Hey, what's wrong, honey?" I let go of y/n's hand to be able to comfort him as well, and I rub my fingers over his calf. He does not answer but looks down and wipes his tears with his sleeve. "There's no need to be scared, honey. Mommy is alright, and I'm here for you."
This situation is so stressful. No matter how much I hate to face it, I am used to this, so this helps me to know how to handle it.
I soothe him with some caresses on the leg but have to go back on the road, and I listen to what y/n is telling them. "My son will be four years old in December, and Sookyung is his biological father," she gives clear explanations and information as I told her to, not even stuttering. I am so proud of her. "I'm twenty, and Sookyung is thirty-one."
While she is talking on the phone to stay in contact, I make sure he is still behind us, and I turn to enter another street. Not willing to go any further, I slow down and decide to stop here. This is better to not lead him to our house and get him to know where we live, I do not want him to know about it.
"Stay here and stay on the phone with the police, alright?" I tell her and unbuckle my seatbelt, but she frowns. "What? No. Stay with us—"
"He will understand if no one goes out," I take a peek at Jun. "Take care of him, he's worried."
"The police will be here in a few minutes, Jungkook. Don't—"
"It's okay," I skim my hand over her cheek. "I was an officer, I know what to do," I tell her what could help her remain calm, and I get out of the car. "Lock the doors and do not look at us," I close the door so that she cannot hold me back, and I step towards Sookyung's car, then once I have him within sight. I do not allow him to get closer.
"What are you trying to do exactly?" I stand before him, and as expected from him, he tries to approach my car, but I push him back and prevent him from doing so. "I'm gonna fucking beat the shit out of you if try to keep me away from her again. Who the fuck do you think you are?" he attempts to throw his hand into my chest, but I catch it before it could touch me. "You're sick. I won't ever let you—" he propels me backwards, but to not let him have the upper hand, I grab his arm, hit him in the throat, and push him face first to the ground. I hold his wrists behind his back and keep him still. "You fucking ruined her, you son of a bitch, so I'm gonna make sure you end your life in jail and never see the outside again."
He fights against my strength to get away but only fails, and he scoffs. "You think you're gonna win? You think I haven't played with her fucking mind enough all these years? She became dependent on me, Jungkook...It'd be so naive of you to believe she'll ever forget—"
"Shut the fuck up, asshole," I twist his arm to make him feel some pain, and he struggles to hide what this causes, he only shows his real face, the real piece of shit he is now that I am the one facing him. "You won't win, you dumbfuck. You won't ever be able to prove that I'm the father. There is no proof that I got her pregnant when she was still a sweet and soft little girl," he gets the most horrible words out of his mouth to provoke me, believing I will lose control and harm him. "She liked it, she gave me her consent, can't you understand that? So many things will go against her claims if she tries to accuse me of anything," he never shuts his mouth, my mind obliging me to swallow the pill and get the fact that hurting him will drift me away from y/n and not help me to solve the problem. "Why do you think she still loves me after all those years? Uh?" he smirks.
I will not succumb and give him what he is asking for. The police are on the way, I need to turn my brain off and not listen to his words, despite the strong desire to harm him until he begs me to kill him.
"Think about it, so many bitches lie about their age to get fucked by older guys, so you can try whatever the fuck you want, I'll get away with everything I've done," he states, not even realizing how much of a clown he is. "If only you knew how much I miss perceiving all the fear into her eyes...all the weakness in her body whenever I'd remind her who's in control..." he chuckles, and I clench my jaw and push his arms even higher on his back. I hear him groan, and he wriggles around but only looks stupid. "You motherfucker!" he yells, losing his composure, and I finally feel some satisfaction run through my throbbing veins.
"Am I hurting you? Hm?" I keep his arms at the same level so that the pain in his limbs intensifies and becomes nearly unbearable. "Go fuck yourself," he does not find a way to free himself, losing against me. "I hope that every time you fuck her, I'll be the only one she has on her mind. She'll never be able to fuck without thinking about me, Jungkook, you can give up," he continues, not feeling any shame at all, my heart pounding me in the chest as the wrath is taking over me.
The police finally reach us, the siren resounding through the streets, I keep my hold as tight as possible on his wrists so that he does not try to escape.
"Wow. You're so smart, Jungkook," he takes this situation lightly as if he was convinced that nothing is going to happen to him. I do not have much faith in justice after working as an officer, but I know for sure he will be proven guilty of so many charges that he will stay in jail for a very long time.
I peek up at the officers to know what they are doing, but once they get out of the car and that their faces are revealed, I fall upon familiar features.
One of them used to be my co-worker. Yangcho.
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