Running like clockwork PT 1
Inside of a brightly lit warehouse on the more rough end of the city a black skyline slowed down and drove into a warehouse parking on a open space guarded by two hyenas. Y/N swings the right door open and gets out holding the red diamond while a cocky grin was plastered onto his face behind the mask.
Y/N: Honey I'm hooooome!
Thug: Bout time you got back. How did it go?
Y/N: Got a bit messy with sly and the cops but I managed to slip away with the diamond so it ended well....for me at least.
????: About time mercenary I was beginning to doubt your credentials.
Y/N is approached by a skunk with a french accent, white hair with a large bushy tail, green clothes and a think white moustache.
Y/N: Come on paradox was their really any doubt I'd get it done?
Paradox: Would you like to hear my honest opinion?
Y/N: (Smirks) Awww come ooooon! Don't tell me you were about to wave the white flag already!
Some of the thugs laugh but are quickly silenced by a glare from paradox.
Y/N: Anyway here's the gem you need for whatever reason!
Y/N throws the gem to paradox.
Y/N: Now about my payment for a job well done.
Paradox: (Sigh) Sacre bleu. Alright (Looks at a thug) Get this animal his reward.
Following orders two of his minions gave Y/N a briefcase which was full of cold hard cash Y/N's favourite form of payment.
Y/N: Ahhhh there's nothing else that makes my night more than a case full of cash. Pleasure doing business paradox hope we can do this shindig again sometime.
Paradox: Yes, yes ditto ditto now please get out of my sight.
Y/N rolls his eyes and walks away until paradox calls out to him.
Paradox: Oh before you leave L/N thier is one more thing I must say.
Y/N: And that is?
Paradox: The owl called me earlier.
Y/N stopped in his tracks and looked back to paradox with a nervous sweat.
Y/N: He did?...... W-what did he say?
Paradox: He wanted to speak with you back at his lair asked me to deliver the message. I'd best be going if I were you (Smirks) I wouldn't want to keep him waiting.
Y/N growled before getting into his car and driving off.
The scene cuts to inside a laboratory where a turtle was sitting on a wheelchair focusing on a computer screen.
????: How odd I wonder what could create such a spike in energy and why did appear so suddenly?
The creature was disturbed from thought when sly entered the lab.
????: Oh hey sly glad to see your back.....I hope the heist was a success?
Sly: (Sweatdrops) It could have gone better Bentley I'm not gonna lie.
Bentley: Oh. Did you run into Carmelita?
Sly: Yep and somebody else a certain Merc for hire.
Bentley: Let me guess.....Y/N?
Sly: (Sigh) Y/N. He got away and with the diamond too.
Bentley: I'm uhhh sorry to hear things didn't go so well. Can't believe Y/N got the better of you.
Sly: Eh you win some you lose some that's just the way it goes.
Bentley: That Y/N....he's a most curious individual.
Sly: How come bud? What makes him so special?
Bentley brings up a file showing what little information he had about Y/N.
Bentley: No matter how deep I searched or for how long I couldn't find anything about Y/N. I can't find where he lives, who he works for or even what he looks like. His vehicles license plate came up cold too. Turns out he's using multiple different plates to hide his car stopping me from tracing him.
Sly: He's good at covering up his tracks that's for sure.
Bentley: He's a complete enigma a ghost in the system I can't even find what type of animal he is.
Sly: Keep on looking Bentley you'll find something about him eventually.
Bentley: You know I will but right now my focus is on something else.
Bentley looks at a map showing a large energy signature coming from deep within a cave system.
Bentley: A few hours ago I picked up a large spike of energy coming from the nearby caves in the national park. I've never recorded anything like it it's readings are off the charts.
Sly: You think we should check what it is and what's going on?
Bentley: We don't need to but I highly recommend doing so? If we don't get this unknown object Carmelita could reach it first or maybe Y/N or maybe .....HIM.
Sly narrows his eyes and balls up his fists as horrible memories of his past resurfaced.
Sly: Yeah....your right I'll tell Murray to get ready to roll.
Sly walks off leaving Bentley who sighed.
Bentley: I just had to open up that old wound didn't I?
The story cuts to a large mountain with thunder and lightning erupting from around the peak. On the left side of the mountain stood a large hanger with a large blimp parked on the runway. It's owner guided Y/N who followed close behind messing with his thumbs.
????: Here you are runt the boss is waiting inside so hop to it.
Y/N: Alright don't rush me you mutt!
Y/N pushes past the large buff bulldog and walks into the dark hideout.
????:........Mask wearing freak.
Inside of the lair was pitch black the only lights were a set of red neon bulbs that led Y/N down a large hallway leading into a dark open room where a metal owl layed. Y/N grew ever nervous as he approached the robot hiding signs of fear behind his mask. Those feelings of fear only grew when the owls eyes lit up a deep orange and looked down towards the small human like an anthill next to a mountain.
Y/N: H-heyyyyy boss fancy seeing you so soooon! Great to see you again and is that a new coat of metal paint? Really brings out the murder in your eyes hehehe.
????: Silence.
Y/N goes stiff and immediately shuts up.
Y/N: Sorry......clockwerk sir. W-what is your command?
Clockwerk: I have detected an unknown artifact of immense power.......a power that I wish to add to my own. You and the rest of your accomplices will find this object and bring it to me.
Y/N: Yes sir.
Clockwerk: Remain vigilant however I have no doubt that sly cooper will also make a gamble for the artifact. Make sure he leaves empty handed dead or alive.
Y/N: Don't worry sir I won't disappoint you.
Clockwerk: See to it that you won't...... however.....if you do-
Clockwerk grabs Y/N with his right foot and uses his feet to remove Y/N's mask.
Clockwerk: I will bring you and your wretched kind to it's long overdue extinction.
The lights flicker off and then back on and clockwerk had disappeared. Y/N grabbed his mask putting it back on as he suffered a panic attack. His life flashed before his eyes seeing death through clockwerks emotionless gaze.
Y/N: (Breaths heavily)....... Fucking hell.
The bulldog from before walks up behind Y/N.
Y/N: You heard the boss muggshot get your ship ready you and me are going exploring.
Muggshot: Aight I'll start her up and warn the others.
Muggshot returns to his ship followed by a shaky Y/N who stumbled back onto his feet as clockwerk watched him depart from the shadows. His eyes slowly faded into the darkness that consumed the room.
The area morphs into a large deep cave that went on for what seemed like miles. In the midst of this endless labyrinth was sly with his crew which consisted of his friend Bentley and a large hippo by the name Murray.
Murray: Bentley how long do we need to keep walking? I'm getting hungry!
Bentley: Not much further now we're a few minutes away from reaching the source.
Sly: Surprised we haven't run into trouble yet then again I shouldn't jinx us.
The gang approaches a corridor into another maze.
Sly: We should keep our guard up who knows just what or who we could run into-
Sly bumps into someone that came out from the corner and that someone was Carmelita fox.
Carmelita: Sly cooper!
Bentley: Carmelita fox?!
Sly: (Squeaks) Uh oh.
Carmelita: What are you doing here ringtail?
Sly: (Laughs nervously) Nothing! Just uhuuuu having a.....late night walk in the cave!
Murray: But it's not even dinner time yet.
Sly: Murray you...are not helping right now.
Murray: Sorry.
Sly: But here's a better question why are YOU here?
Carmelita: Police scanners picked the location of a ship belonging to muggshot and I was sent to follow them.
Bentley: By the sounds of it he's here for the same thing we are.
Carmelita: What? He's here for what?
Sly: Long story short we're after some strong powerful object that clockwerk might want so we here to get it before he does.
Carmelita: Hmmm I see. As much as I would like to put you all in cuffs dealing with clockwerk and his minions is more important.
Sly: So is this another truce?
Carmelita: (Groans) Yes but don't think it will last.
Murray: Phew.
Sly: I hear ya bud.
Carmelita: Now let's get going I won't let these criminals get away not this time.
Carmelita takes charge while sly and his friends look at one another.
Bentley: That women scares me sometimes.
Sly: Same.
Murray: Uhuh.
The four tread carefully through the maze of caverns and echoes until they come across a room with glowing moss that lit the room. Further up ahead was a pedestal which held a small object which was emitting an immense amount of power.
Bentley: That's it up ahead! That's what we've been looking for.
Sly: Lets see if it was all worth the trip.
They approach the pedestal and look at the gem in wonder. Laying on the stone humming a distorted noise was a weird purple ruby with dark purple lines on all of its size. The area around the ruby seemed to distort perhaps moulded by the ruby's strange energy.
Murray: Woah...that looks so cool.
Sly: (Whistle) That's one pretty gem.
Carmelita: (Turns to Bentley) Have you seen anything like this before?
Bentley: No....I-i haven't this gem is emitting more energy then anything that I have ever researched.
Sly: I'm sure you can learn more later Bentley let's take it and get outta here before trouble shows up.
Carmelita: Do you really think I'll let you take it cooper? No that's coming with me back to the station to be put under strict surveillance.
????: Uhhhh actually-
A voice rings out from the cavern entrance spooking sly and the others. They turn around only to be met by Y/N holding a revolver and by muggshot with multiple other animals.
Y/N: I think that little gem is going to be coming with us......As will you'll be.
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