One big family
Outside of a large prison two guards stood by the entrance armed with assault rifles. Many of the inmates were having thier yard time sitting on benches, using the weights and secretly giving one another illegal commodities such as alcohol or drugs.
The world became distorted as Y/N teleported infront of the guards along with surge, kit and starline.
Guard: WHAT THE-
Volts of electricity spread through the guard frying thier brains. Surge laughed seeing the now limp guards proud of her handiwork.
Surge: Hah chumps!
Y/N: Ahhhh prison the one place no one wants to be especially me.
Dr starline: And yet here we are and for what reason exactly?
The villains walk through the gate and are met with a battalion of armed guards in body armour.
Y/N clicks his fingers summoning his clones who attack the guards cutting them down.
Y/N: If we want any chance of offing the heroes and the villains we gotta up our numbers. And I know a good freind of mine in this here prison who would just love to cause a riot.
They then wander into the prison where a riot had broken out the clones assisted by tearing down prison doors freeing the inmates.
Infinite: Speaking of riots.
Carnage: This reminds me of good old riot! I wonder what he's up to nowadays.....
Kit: But can we trust this guy?
Y/N: Believe me you can I know this guy all too well me and him are quite alike.
Y/N wanders through the prison coming to a stop at a maximum security cell.
Y/N: This is the cell. Maximum security hah of course you'd wind up here old freind.
Taking a key card from a dead guard Y/N swipes left on the slot unlocking the door.
Y/N: Open sesame.
The door opens and Y/N is met with a green hedgehog wearing a black coat and a pair of red sunglasses on his head.
"Scourge the hedgehog the blue blur but more kickass"
Scourge: Holy shit Y/N!
Y/N: Scourge!
Scourge: Hahaha you son of a bitch!
Y/N: Weren't expecting me to bust your sorry ass out did ya?
Scourge: Damn right I wasn't. I thought you forgot about little old me!
Y/N: My favourite partner in crime? How could I?
Scourge laughs and then focuses on the others.
Scourge: So who's the broad the midget and the wish dot com Donald duck?
Dr starline: Wish dot com what!?
Surge laughs but is silenced by a glare from starline.
Y/N: My new team. You see Scourge I'm making myself a crew to cause pure hell wherever we go. Hopefully in time we'll be able to ice the hero's too! Figured you'd be the perfect addition because I know you just love to wreck shit.
Scourge: Ohhhh so you want me to tag along for the ride? (Smirks) Hehe alright then beats the hell outta prison. Gotta call my ex though see if she wants to tag along.
Y/N: Oh shit you and fiona ain't a thing no more?
Scourge: Yeah we kinda had a bit of a falling out before I got locked up. She wanted to do one thing while I wanted to do the other.
Y/N: Damn that's a shame.
Scourge: She'll probably give me another chance that or she'll tag along for the hell of it.
Y/N: Knowing her probably.
Scourge: Now let's get out of here I'm dying for some fresh air.
Dr starline: Yes let's leave before we become prisoners ourself.
And so the villains left the way they came leaving behind a trail of destruction as the clones finish off the last few guards.
Y/N: Now for teammate number two!
We now find ourselves in the dark corners of space and floating around in the endless void was a small observation facility owned by Mr fivehead himself Dr nefarious.
Nefarious was not present however and was instead monitored by a man who appeared to be made of metal but had a human apperance.
"Blitzwing the multipersonality cyborg"
(Author: And is one of my most favourite characters in all of transformers)
Blitzwing was actually once a human who was raised on a foreign planet and had joined nefarious's army. But one day he suffered a horrible accident involving a live cannon shell. Nefarious ended up fixing Blitzwing turning him into a cyborg which also ended up giving him two other personalities one being more prone to anger and the other being crazy and deranged.
In recent years Blitzwing has grown tired of serving nefarious who has just left him to monitor his station for the past 4 years and is now considering his loyalty.
Blitzwing: (Sigh) Another mindless day of looking through the glass towards the dark void of space. I am getting sick of this why did nefarious even bother saving me if he was just going to leave me here?
His personality switches to his angry one.
Express my feelings in song and dance!
While Blitzwing was busy dancing metal sonic snuck onto the facility. Metal walked past the deactivated robots and two vehicles one being a tank the other a jet. Blitzwing was oblivious to metal sonic's until the moment he pounded his fist on the metal door.
Blitzwing: Oooooooh a visitor! Did I order for some space pizza!? (Changes personality) interesting I wasn't expecting any company.
Blitzwing readies his two shoulder cannons before opening the door letting metal sonic inside.
Blitzwing: Oh its only one of eggmans subordinates.
Metal sonic: If my assumption is correct you must be Blitzwing.
Blitzwing: (Changes personality) Duh of course I am I'm the only person here idiot! (Changes personality) indeed I am. What is it that you want? Has your master ordered you to find me?
Metal sonic: I am no longer serving eggman I am now assisting the human called Y/N L/N.
Blitzwing: A human?
Metal sonic: Yes he's a native to the planet called earth and is in control of the phantom ruby and its powers of illusion.
Blitzwing: (Changes personality) You must be malfunctioning all human life died off over a thousand years ago. Do you know how crazy you sound? (Changes personality) And coming from me that says something.
Metal sonic: It is the truth. Something within his blood granted his family immunity from the virus.
Blitzwing: (Changes personality) Curious. So if this Y/N sent you what does he want with me?
Metal sonic: He is offering you to join his group and bring down those who stand against us. He knows of your distaste of dr nefarious and wishes for you to leave his faction.
Blitzwing: So he thinks my intellect is better off with him? I suppose it is time to find where my loyalty stands and its not with a fool who's cast me aside for 4 years. But say if I accepted this offer what do I get in return?
Metal sonic: Nefarious's head on a platter and total control of his army.
Blitzwing scratches his chin considering the proposal.
Blitzwing: Hmmm that's very tempting with that army I could- (Changes personality) Blow nefarious and those lombax to kingdom come!
Metal sonic: Of course you can refuse and stay here and slowly rot away alone.
Blitzwing: (Changes personality) very well I will hear this Y/N out and I doubt nefarious will even realise I'm gone.
Metal sonic: Excellent (Uses radio) Y/N I have convinced Blitzwing to assist us.
Y/N: Great job metal I've already gathered the last few people to join our little family. Head on back to earth and then we'll hash out a plan.
Metal sonic: Copy. (To Blitzwing) Let us leave this place.
Blitzwing: Give me just a minute will you? Thiers something I have to try.
Blitzwing approaches the tank and the jet.
Blitzwing: Recently I self-installed a T-cog into my body which should allow me to scan and take a form of a vehicle. Seeing that earth is quite a distance I shall choose the fighter jet.
Blitzwing: (Changes personality) No we'll need the firepower to destroy our enemies so I'm choosing the tank!
Blitzwing: (Changes) No I'm picking the fighter jet. (Changes personality) No the tank!
Oooooh why not scan both!?
After a bit of self bickering Blitzwing scans both the jet and the tank and then transforms into the fighter flying out of the facility followed by metal. He then quickly circles back round and fires two missiles at the station blowing it up reducing it to slag.
Blitzwing: Consider that as my formal complaint good doctor.
The two then fly off into space heading back towards earth.
Inside of a large warehouse Y/N is seen standing with loona and stood infront of three other people. They were the last few people Y/N had convinced to betray thier leader and faction he had quite the silver tounge you see?
The first was a reptile wearing a red scarf black trousers and grey and white shirt.
"Spinner former thug of clockwerk"
The second was a red fox wearing all back with a large yellow bow on the back of her head.
"Fiona fox scourge's former lover"
(Damn she's fine I'm not gonna lie)
The last person was a pink cat with purple stripes on her body with a whip in her left hand.
"Constable neyla cop turned rouge"
Y/N: Alright ya'll welcome to the crew. You ready to tear shit up?
Spinner: As long as I get to screw clockwerk over. That prick kept me as some bodyguard to a nightclub I should be out there kicking ass god dammit.
Neyla: When are the others getting here?
Y/N: They should be here any second now....
On que Blitzwing, metal sonic, starline, scourge, kit and surge walk in scourge tried to play cool with fiona but she wasn't having any of it and turned away from him.
Scourge: Yeah was expecting her to do that.
Y/N: Alright evreyone gather round and listen well. I'm sure you all know why your here and what we're trying to do. For god knows how long our bosses have looked down on us while we get our asses whooped by the heroes. When that happens guess who gets the blame? Us! The little guys not the leaders. We fight for people like eggman, clockwerk and nefarious but when things go wrong they take it out on US! Well I think we've all had it up to here with them!
Y/N arm transforms into a claw.
Y/N: The rules have just changed soon we will be the ones running the show not them! Here's what we're gonna do we're gonna amp up our strength gain more power and then KILL the heroes and KILL the villains.! Nothing will stand in our way we shall hide our intentions and then when the time is right we will tear them to shreds. This world will belong to us....the galaxy will belong to us! IT IS OUR TIME NOW!
Cheers and applause rang out Y/N smiled in glee he now had leadership over evreyone present. Carnage was more then happy for Y/N even infinite was impressed.
Carnage: Oh cletus if only you could see your little boy now!
Y/N: (Just you wait clockwerk just you wait)
Loona: So what we gonna do first?
Y/N: First we're gonna head on home and get some sleep and then after that we're gonna focus on getting the chaos emeralds. Come on Loonie let's bounce.
Loona: Please do not call me loonie please!
It was now nighttime as Y/N parked his supra outside his house. Loona whistled when she saw the other cars and even when she saw the house.
Y/N: Home sweet home.
Loona: Wow your doing really well for yourself.
Y/N: House has been in the family for generations.....I stole the cars though.
They exit the car and head inside.
Y/N: Take any room you want food and beers in the fridge.
Loona: Okay and uhhhh Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah?
Loona hugs Y/N catching him off guard.
Loona: Thanks for getting me out that cage I really owe you one.
Y/N: (Smiles) Don't mention loona.
Loona steps back and heads into a bedroom.
Loona: Night.
Y/N: Rest well we've got a busy week ahead of us.
Loona closes the door and Y/N looks at a locked door leading to a basement.
Y/N: Just got one more thing to do.
Y/N walks over to the door and puts a code in the padlock.
Y/N: Okay I remember the code was let's see here....1....9.....8....7.
Infinite: Y/N what are you-
Y/N: Not now infinite.
The padlock falls off unlocking the door.
Carnage: Wonder what we got here.
Y/N walks down the basement his footsteps echoed with each stride. At the end of the staircase was another door labeled "workshop". Y/N opens the door and heads inside and approaches a slumped figure hidden in shadows.
Infinite: (Mortified) What.....the.....actual-
Y/N: Hey sorry I haven't come to see you recently hehe I've had my hands full. You look well being in your current state and all.
A eye looks at Y/N from the shadow.
Y/N: Now let's both be frank we ain't gonna get you out of that thing so if we want you back on your feet we gotta improvise aaaaand I have just the thing....carnage do you mind helping out here bud?
Carnage: No sir allow me.
Two small tendrils pierce the figures legs healing the bones. The figure laughed and slowly stood up the sounds of metal and snapping bones rang out throughout the basement.
Y/N: Welcome home.............
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