Infinite possibilities
????: So you are who the ruby chose after me?
He said as the masked animal floated down towards Y/N his crimson eye never leaving his gaze.
Y/N was a bit creeped out by the guy looking side to side sweating awkwardly.
Y/N: Uhhhhhh yes I....suppose?
The jackal observed the human before scoffing.
????: You don't seem like much.
Y/N: Well pal you ain't nothing to gawk at ya self. Do you really think I'd be intimidated by some creepy edgelord like you?
????: If you haven't forgot you too also wear a mask.
Y/N: Yeah but I had a good reason bub. Now insults aside mind explaining to me just who the hell are you?
The jackal creates two small cubes in the palm of his hands.
????: I am the past user of the powerful phantom ruby. I was once a weak insignificant fool who cast aside his weakness when I placed the mask on my face. I am tallest of mountains, the roughest of waves, the toughest of terrors, the darkest of days!
Y/N:.............Yup total edgelord.
Infinite growls turning away from Y/N.
Infinite: Tch you and your pitiful sense of humour.
Y/N: I'm sorry it's true the whole getup and evil speech I mean come on. Also if you really did use the phantom ruby before I did what happened that caused you to lose it?
Infinite: I lost.
Y/N: To who?
Infinite: The blue rat and one of his friends.
Y/N: To sonic? Wooooow must be embarrassing for an "All mighty" force of nature like you to loose to a blue naked hedgehog.
Y/N: (Ooooh looks like I touched a nerve) So why am I in this freaky world anyway? Did you bring me here for a little meet and greet?
Infinite: It was the ruby believe it or not. For some unknown reason it decided to bring me to you. Perhaps it is a way of insulting me after it consumed me encasing me inside of it.
Y/N: Say what now?
Infinite: Listen boy I have been monitoring you watching you from your very eyes the moment you took the ruby.
Y/N: (Yeah that's not fucking creepy)
Infinite: It is very clear to me that you wish to usurp the one that has you on a tight lease.....the owl clockwerk.
Y/N: Damn right I do he's been terrorising my family for years! He killed my brother for crying out loud and then forced me to work for him.
Infinite: I took know what it's like to be used by someone......used as an experiment and then left to rot. I wish nothing more then to rip apart eggman with my bare hands and I shall and are going to help.
Y/N: Aaaaaand how am I going to do that?
Infinite: I will guide you from within the ruby teach you how to master it's power. But if you wish to defeat your master we must find more forms of power any sort of new forms of ancient artifacts.
Infinite laughs and shows Y/N an image of the seven chaos emeralds.
Infinite: And I know just where to start.
The world turns into a spiral sending Y/N back to the regular world laying on his bed looking at the ceiling.
Y/N:.........Well that just happened.
The next morning Carmelita and tails were still in position watching over the house. They still had no sight of Y/N after last night but not once had he left his home.
Carmelita: Come on anytime now.
She then gets called by the commander through her radio.
Commander: Miss fox report.
Carmelita: Still no sign of him having left the property.
Commander: but he IS in there?
Carmelita: Yes he's probably fast asleep.
Commander: Hmmmmm.....miss fox I want you and miss prower to return to base. I've just gave the order for an elite G.U.N unit to approach and apprehend him.
Carmelita: What but sir!?
Commander: I know what I said miss fox but we can't afford to wait around and allow clockwerk the time to finish his plans. We can just interrogate Y/N back at the base.
Tails: But that's horrible he's only-
Commander: That is a direct order. Hard times call for hard choices.
Carmelita and tails share a worried look before falling back.
Tails: What if know...kill-
Carmelita: DON'T......Don't say that the soldiers are professionals they know what thier doing.
Tails: I hope so Carmelita I really do.
Back inside the Y/N household Y/N had woken up from his slumber and had already gotten ready to leave. But first infinite gave him the idea to search through his deceased family's belongings seeing if thier was anything worth taking. Y/N was hesitant however as he searched his parents dusty bedroom.
Y/N: This feels wrong.
Infinite: So?
Y/N: So we shouldn't be doing this. How do you think my parents would feel if they caught me looking through thier shit trying to take something that'll make me tougher?
Infinite: They won't be complaining any time soon will they? Thier dead long gone no chance of coming back. What harm is it taking a few things?
Y/N sighs and moves on to his uncle Cletus's room. Just like the other rooms Y/N found nothing.... except for a letter addressed to him in his uncles handwriting.
Y/N: A letter? For me?
Infinite: Read it.
Y/N: No need to be bossy.
Y/N opened the letter and a key fell out he looked at the rusty key before carefully reading the letter.
To my dear boy Y/N
If ya reading this then that means I'm long gone and dead and old age has caught up to me.
I lived a very dangerous life one me and your maa have agreed to never speak to you about. Buuuuut knowing you you've probably committed a few crimes by now.
To make sure you don't pass before your time I've left a VERY special little gift but ya gotta open my coffin first.....yeah your parents really didn't want ya to know what monster I really was.
Make sure to take good care of it and don't worry it won't be hard to find you'll see it alright.
Go fuck em up kid
From your sweet dear uncle Cletus.
Picking up the key Y/N looked at it with curiosity and confusion.
Y/N: My uncle has something my mom and dad didn't want me finding? What is it did they bury?
Infinite: I say it's time to find out.
Approaching sirens in the distance get infinite's attention.
Infinite: But we must be quick.
Y/N: Agreed.
Y/N rushed to the graveyard and starts to dig up his uncles grave.
The camera pans to a large swat van with the G.U.N logo speeding through the forest. The captain of the squad was armoured up along with his men checking thier weapons loading thier mags.
Captain: Alright men you all know our target! The commander has instructed us to place him under military custody and to be bought back to H.Q for interrogation. I want you all on high alert Y/N has the phantom ruby under his control making him a highly dangerous target. If he attacks you have authorization to use lethal force but try to refer from doing so. Am I fully understood?
Soldiers:SIR YES SIR!
Captain: Now (Cocks gun) lets go get him.
As the van approached alongside a chopper who followed from the air Y/N pushed away one last piece of dirt blocking him from reaching his target. His uncles coffin remained shut thanks to a lock and chain wrapped around the coffin. Y/N looked up above seeing the approaching chopper before turning back to the coffin.
Y/N: Alright uncle whatever this is-
With a quick twist of the key Y/N removes the chain and throws aside the padlock.
Y/N: It had better be worth it.
Y/N opened the coffin door where inside layed the decaying remains of his uncle. His hands were closed together but laying beneath his rotting fingers was a small jar which contained a red pulsating goo.
Infinite: What on earth?
Y/N snatched the object from his dead uncle and looked at it's contents holding it up in the early morning sun.
Y/N: What are you?
And as the G.U.N forces were minutes away from his house without a warning the lid to the container fell off. The red liquid then latched on to Y/N wrapping itself around him covering his entire body.
If Y/N could scream he would but whatever this was covered his mouth his vision because a blur before his entire field of view faded into a pitch black void.
Hordes of G.U.N soldiers spilled from the back and side of the swat van and surrounded the house covering all sides.
Following commands the pilot of the chopper turns the infrared on his vehicles cameras spotting a person heat signature inside the house.
Pilot: We have a confirmed visual on the target he's approaching the front entrance.
Seconds pass and the front door swings open footsteps are heard coming from the house which had it's light turn on.
Captain: Get ready men!
They aim thier guns at the door as the footsteps get closer-
And closer-
And closer-
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